Boxe subwoofere - Boxe de podea

Boxe Taga Harmony TAV-607F

Boxe Taga Harmony TAV-607F

OUR MUSICAL JOURNEY! New Generation Audio-Video series The new generation Audio-Video series is not an evolution of its predecessors - it is a completely new approach to the design and sound of this line. Audio-Video has been a leader in its price group for years, in terms of fine design and sound offered in affordable prices. The style, materials and sound quality of the next Audio-Video generation further strengthen its position as a leader in this segment and far beyond. When designing the TAV-60

Boxe Wharfedale Dovedale with stand Walnut

Boxe Wharfedale Dovedale with stand Walnut

Boxe Wharfedale - Dovedale cu Stand Gilbert Briggs a fondat compania Wharfedale in 1932 cu un obiectiv clar de urmat - sa reproduca muzical in spatiul intim al unui camin impactul, fiorul si emotia performantei live intr-o expresie naturala, autentica. Din acel moment boxele Wharfedale au fost proiectate anume pentru a respecta cerintele clientilor sai. Sarbatorind 90 de ani de experienta in proiectarea celor mai reusite sisteme de boxe din lume, astazi inginerii Wharfedale continua traditia de a utiliz

Boxe Magnepan 1.7i

Boxe Magnepan 1.7i

1.7 a fost cel mai popular model. Noul 1.7i imbunatatit rescrie oferta Magnepans valoare performanta. Dupa o istorie de 12 ani, ajungand la un statut aproape emblematic, Magneplanar 1.6 a fost imbunatatit cu inginerie de valoare. Fara modificari costisitoare cu valoare sonora indoielnica. Magnepan se refera la idei mai bune care ofera imbunatatiri sonore verificabile si de mare valoare. Toti membrii unui eveniment de ascultare au ales 1.7 fata de 1.6 intr-un test de ascultare oarba. 1.7 este o abatere d

Boxe Q Acoustics 5040

Boxe Q Acoustics 5040

Prezentare generala Boxe Q Acoustics 5040 Boxe de podea Q Acoustics 5040 Noua serie de difuzoare stereo și home cinema 5000 de la Q Acoustics redefinește modul în care o boxa este perceputa atat sonic cat si vizual. Prezentând progrese autentice în designul driverului, introducerea profilului de vârf C3 Continuous Curved Cone în driverul mediu bas ridică seria 5000 dincolo de clasa sa. Seria moștenește, de asemenea, tehnologia inovatoare pentru incinta și driver din gama emblematică Concept a


Boxe wireless Canton Townus 8

Smart Townus 8 We are proud to present our brand new loudspeaker series Townus , with which we would like to appeal to all people for whom timeless design and high-quality appeal are important. In reference to the roots and the location of our company headquarters, in the middle of the Hessian Taunus, we have created the same sounding name Townus for the new loudspeaker models. The newly created Townus series captivates with its timeless, elegant design and its high-quality materials - ideal for urba



Our Townus series - timeless elegant We are proud to present our brand new loudspeaker series Townus , with which we would like to appeal to all people for whom timeless design and high-quality appeal are important. In reference to the roots and the location of our company headquarters, in the middle of the Hessian Taunus, we have created the same sounding name Townus for the new loudspeaker models. The newly created Townus series impresses with its timeless, elegant design and its high-quality mater
