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Astronomia si Biblia

Astronomia si Biblia

In ce constelatie locuieste Dumnezeu? Are Astrologia vreun sambure de adevar? Ce reprezinta ,,Evanghelia Deznadejdii ? Acest volum original reuneste o colectie de 12 predici biblice, raportate la fenomenele fizice si astronomice observate in Univers.

Cadrane solare din Transilvania

Cadrane solare din Transilvania

Primul catalog fotografic color al ceasurilor solare din spatiul transilvan. Peste 100 de exemplare identificate la nivel de adresa si coordonate GPS.

Sundials from Cluj County, Romania

Sundials from Cluj County, Romania

A guidebook to the old customs of measuring time in the heartland of Transylvania, Romania. From very long ago until a not-so-distant past, humans assessed time subjectively, by the length of their own shadows or the position of the sun relative to the buildings or objects around them.
