Scrie un nou capitol din istoria Gotham City cu noi figurine de 30 de cm super-eroi si super-raufacatori. Poti aseza fiecare dintre figurine in diferite pozitii, iar fiecare din figurine are 11 puncte de articulatie, astfel ca scenele pe care le proiectezi sa fie si mai realiste! Ajuta-l pe Batman si creeaza un super-duet cu Robin. Cei doi impreuna il vor invinge cu siguranta pe Joker! Aseaza-i in pozitiile vii dinamice ale duelurilor. Extinde-ti colectia cu figurine uimitoare Batman in Armura. Apara G
Colectioneaza figurina Aventurile lui Batman de 30 cm, cu 16 accesorii pentru armura si 17 zone articulate, ideale pentru a crea ipostaze dinamice!Pregateste-l pe Batman pentru orice misiune cu ajutorul celor 16 piese de armura interschimbabile, inclusiv bumerangul emblematic al lui Batman, carligul sau si multe altele. Ai moduri nelimitate in care poti personaliza infatisarea Batman-ului tau!Stilul inspirat din benzile desenate, detaliile incredibile si forma atent lucrata il aduc pe Batman la viata!Într
Scrie un nou capitol din istoria Gotham City cu noi figurine de 30 de cm super-eroi si super-raufacatori. Poti aseza fiecare dintre figurine in cateva pozitii, iar fiecare din figurine are chiar 11 puncte de articulatie, astfel ca scenele pe care le proiectezi sa fie si mai realiste! Ofera sprijin lui Batman si creeaza un super-duet cu Robin. Cei doi impreuna vor invinge cu siguranta pe Joker! Aseaza-i in pozitiile vii dinamice ale duelurilor. Extinde-ti colectia cu figurine uimitoare de Batman in Armura.
Atunci cand nanotoxinele lui Joker ajung in sangele lui Bruce Wayne iar mintea lui Batman este deformata de gandurile ucigase ale clovnului criminal, o hibrida creatura sinistra iese la iveala: Batman Who Laughs. Un Batman infectat, ce pare nascut dintr-un cosmar. Un Batman de nerecunoscut, hotarat sa aduca doar violenta, haos si Intuneric in intregul Univers. Figurina superarticulata (22 de puncte de articulatie) si superpozabila de 18cm inaltime, cu accesorii batarang si stander. Reprezentare a pers
They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but they also say evil is as evil does. A master manipulator, the Penguin is usually surrounded by violent henchmen who do his bidding without question. But when it comes down to a face-to-face, expect him to unleash a deadly barrage from a variety of umbrella weapons and other ingenious devices-often taking the form of fowl. And when all else fails, the Penguin will fight as dirty as they come, hand to hand combat doesn't ruffle his feathers at all.
They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but they also say evil is as evil does. A master manipulator, the Penguin is usually surrounded by violent henchmen who do his bidding without question. But when it comes down to a face-to-face, expect him to unleash a deadly barrage from a variety of umbrella weapons and other ingenious devices-often taking the form of fowl. And when all else fails, the Penguin will fight as dirty as they come, hand to hand combat doesn't ruffle his feathers at all. Pr
BATMAN faces off against two foes: the schizophrenic, horribly-scarred former District Attorney HARVEY DENT aka TWO-FACE, and THE RIDDLER;, a disgruntled ex-WAYNE ENTERPRISES™ inventor seeking revenge against his former employer by unleashing his brain-sucking weapon on GOTHAM CITY'S residents. As the CAPED CRUSADER also deals with tortured memories of his parents' murder, he has a new romance with psychologist CHASE MERIDIAN. Includes 1 of 4 pieces that when combined with the rest of the Batman Foreve
BATMAN faces off against two foes: the schizophrenic, horribly-scarred former District Attorney HARVEY DENT, aka TWO-FACE, and THE RIDDLER, a disgruntled ex-WAYNE ENTERPRISES; inventor seeking revenge against his former employer by unleashing his brain-sucking weapon on GOTHAM CITY'S residents. As the CAPED CRUSADER also deals with tortured memories of his parents' murder, he has a new romance with psychologist CHASE MERIDIAN. Includes 1 of 4 pieces that when combined with the rest of the Batman Foreve
BATMAN faces off against two foes: the schizophrenic, horribly-scarred former District Attorney HARVEY DENT aka TWO-FACE and THE RIDDLER a disgruntled ex-WAYNE ENTERPRISES inventor seeking revenge against his former employer by unleashing his brain-sucking weapon on GOTHAM CITY'S residents. As the CAPED CRUSADER also deals with tortured memories of his parents' murder, he has a new romance with psychologist CHASE MERIDIAN. Includes 1 of 4 pieces that when combined with the rest of the Batman Forever Bu
Nascut cu abilitati impresionante, Scott Summers/Cyclops este primul mutant cu care facem cunostinta in cadrul X-Men. Devenit unul dintre liderii echipei, Cyclops emite fascicole puternice de energie din ochii sai si poate controla razele doar cu ajutorul unor ochelari speciali, pe care trebuie sa ii poarte in permanenta. Figurina articulata de 10cm inaltime, reprezentare a personajului Cyclops. Ambalaj realizat in stil retro. Face parte din seria Marvel Legends – Retro Collection (The Uncanny X-Men).
Bring the excitement and wonder of the Marvel Universe to your collection with Hasbro Marvel Legends Marvel's Dracula figure! This collectible 6-inch scale Marvel figure is detailed to look like the character from Blade, Dracula, and other Marvel comics. Marvel's Dracula Marvel Legends figure is fully articulated with premium design and poseable head, arms, and legs. Marvel action figure set comes with 4 accessories and 2 Blackheart Build-A-Figure pieces. Look for Moon Knight, Bloodstorm, Marvel's Lilith,
„Controlul asupra Sling Ring este esential in artele mistice. El ne permite sa calatorim prin Multivers. Tot ceea ce trebuie sa faci este sa te concentrezi. Vezi destinatia in mintea ta. Imagineaza-ti orice detaliu. Cu cat viziunea este mai clara, cu atat calatoria va fi mai usoara.” Master Mordo, vrajitorul vanator de vrajitori, pe urmele prazii supreme: Dr. Strange! Figurina superarticulata si superdetaliata de 15cm inaltime, cu multiple accesorii personalizate, reprezentare a personajului Master Mor
Takuya Yamashiro a obtinut puteri si abilitati de paianjen dupa ce a fost in contact cu misterioasa nava extraterestra Marveller. A devenit la randul sau un Spider-Man, un nou supererou ce incearca sa apere acum lumea de pericolele reprezentate de catre Profesorul Monster si Armata Crucii de Fier (Iron Cross Army). „Sunt emisarul Iadului! Si voi lupta impotriva acestor mare pericol pentru soarta lumii. Si a tuturor paianjenilor!” declara (noul) Spider-Man! Figurina superarticulata si superdetaliata de
With a sleek new costume and honed capabilities, the new Ant-Man from the future carries on the heroic legacy of Hank Pym, Scott Lang, and Eric O'Grady.This collectible 6-inch -scale Marvel Legends action figure is detailed to look like the Future Ant-Man character from Marvel Comics, featuring premium detail and multiple points of articulation.?
Bring the excitement and wonder of the Marvel Universe to your collection with Spider-Man, Morbius, and other action figures from the Hasbro Marvel Legends Series! (Additional products each sold separately. Subject to availability.) This collectible 6-inch -scale Marvel Legends action figure set is detailed to look like six-armed Spider-Man and Morbius characters in Marvel's The Amazing Spider-Man comics. Fully articulated figures feature premium design and poseable head, arms, and legs. Figure set comes