M-5000 Cu mai bine de 130 de ani de experienta, Yamaha a crescut devenind cea mai mare companie de sunet din lume. Modelul M-5000 intruchipeaza acest spirit cu un mestesug stravechi, o inovatie de varf ce serveste drept simbol al redarii audio de mare calitate. 200 W + 200 W (4 ohm, 20 Hz-20 kHz, 0.07% THD, transmisie cu 2-ch) 100 W + 100 W (8 ohm, 20 Hz-20 kHz, 0.07% THD, transmisie cu 2-ch) Design meticulos, transmisie de semnal echilibrata Cu structura amplificatorului de putere echilibrata si vari
Kaluga se bazeaza pe cea mai cautata tehnologie de clasa D din lume: Ncore 39;. Distorsiunea redusa fara precedent, zgomotul si impedanta de iesire se combina in ceea ce utilizatorii entuziasti descriu in unanimitate nicio semnatura sonora deloc . Doar muzica, muzica pura. De exemplu, cele doua caracteristici presupus de neatins ale amplificatoarelor de clasa A sunt liniaritatea si impedanta de iesire, la frecvente inalte. In graficele de mai jos sunt reprezentate impedanta de iesire in functie de frecve
Naim know-how Under the guidance of our Technical Director, our engineers have developed specific circuits, combined with our acclaimed and high-performing DR technology, guaranteeing the stable and fluid power supply so essential for superior performance. The best audiophile components, such as the NA009 transistors from the Statement system, a new current source as well as polystyrene capacitors for low dielectric absorption have been chosen to heighten the quality of the NAP 350. Perfect integration
Prezentare generala Amplificator MOON by Simaudio 761 Amplificator boxe MOON 761 MOON lanseaza cu satisfactie noua sa colectie de produse high-end, NORTH . Aceasta gama de referinta reprezinta punctul culminant al multor ani de cercetare si dezvoltare in domeniile audio, electronica, materiale si procese de fabricatie. Designul sau estetic uluitor este depasit doar de imbunatatirile aduse performantelor, minutios slefuite de echipa pasionata de ingineri si tehnicieni, dedicati sa ofere o experienta m
Origins The idea for an entirely new kind of amplifier was first conceived by our engineers over a decade ago and development began in earnest in 2011. The objective was to set a new reference standard in high-end audio and music reproduction. The result is Statement. Three years of relentless questioning, iterative design and a point blank refusal to accept no as an answer. Performance First Engineering Product engineers often begin with what exists already. They might ask how something can work bett
Origins The idea for an entirely new kind of amplifier was first conceived by our engineers over a decade ago and development began in earnest in 2011. The objective was to set a new reference standard in high-end audio and music reproduction. The result is Statement. Three years of relentless questioning, iterative design and a point blank refusal to accept no as an answer. Performance First Engineering Product engineers often begin with what exists already. They might ask how something can work bett
MXA-8400 O noua referinta in amplificatoarele multicanal MXA-8400 este cel mai puternic produs Lyngdorf Audio din toate timpurile, oferind 8 x 400 de wati de putere ultra-lineara si stabila. Acesta incorporeaza tehnologia Purifi EIGENTAKT cu inovatoarea EIGENTAKT ErrorCorrection (EEC), sursa de alimentare PowerPerfect de la Lyngdorf Audio, foarte eficienta si avansata, etaje de intrare analogice precise si cu zgomot ultra-redus si un PCB principal cu 4 straturi optimizat pentru cea mai buna puritate