Instrumente cu coarde - Vioarã - Corzi vioara - Thomastik-Infeld - Alphayue

Set corzi Alphayue vioara

Set corzi Alphayue vioara

Set corzi Thomastik-Infeld Alphayue pentru vioara, miez sintetic. Setul Alphayue contine: E carbon, A si D miez sintetic matisat cu aluminiu, G miez sintetic matisat cu argint. Paulo Chicoria: 39;I use strings Thomastik Alpha Yue, and have recommended to my students, they combine price with good quality, playability and instant response, and intense projection. Thank you Thomastik Infeld! 39;

Coarda E Alphayue vioara

Coarda E Alphayue vioara

Coarda E Thomastik-Infeld Alphayue vioara, carbon. Paulo Chicoria: 39;I use strings Thomastik Alpha Yue, and have recommended to my students, they combine price with good quality, playability and instant response, and intense projection. Thank you Thomastik Infeld! 39;

Coarda D Alhayue vioara

Coarda D Alhayue vioara

Coarda D Thomastik-Infeld Alphayue vioara, aluminiu, tensiune medie. Paulo Chicoria: 39;I use strings Thomastik Alpha Yue, and have recommended to my students, they combine price with good quality, playability and instant response, and intense projection. Thank you Thomastik Infeld! 39;

Coarda G Alphayue vioara

Coarda G Alphayue vioara

Coarda G Thomastik-Infeld Alphayue vioara, miez sintetic matisat cu argint, tensiune medie. Paulo Chicoria: 39;I use strings Thomastik Alpha Yue, and have recommended to my students, they combine price with good quality, playability and instant response, and intense projection. Thank you Thomastik Infeld! 39;
