Set corzi Thomastik Spirocore pentru vioara, 4 4, tensiune medie. Coarda E matisata cu aluminiu, A, D si G matisate cu crom.
Coarda E Thomastik-Infeld Spirocore vioara, matisata cu aluminiu, 4 4, tensiune medie, capat cu bila. Ragini Shankar: 39;Spirocore by Thomastik-Infeld give my violin a very rich sound. The resonance of these strings is brilliant and their thickness is ideal for my fingers to glide easily, making them an absolute pleasure to play. 39;
Coarda A Thomastik-Infeld Spirocore vioara, matisata cu crom, 4 4, tensiune medie. Ragini Shankar: 39;Spirocore by Thomastik-Infeld give my violin a very rich sound. The resonance of these strings is brilliant and their thickness is ideal for my fingers to glide easily, making them an absolute pleasure to play. 39;
Coarda D Thomastik-Infeld Spirocore vioara, matisata cu crom, 4 4, tensiune medie. Ragini Shankar: 39;Spirocore by Thomastik-Infeld give my violin a very rich sound. The resonance of these strings is brilliant and their thickness is ideal for my fingers to glide easily, making them an absolute pleasure to play. 39;
Coarda G Thomastik-Infeld Spirocore vioara, matisata cu crom, 4 4, tensiune medie. Ragini Shankar: 39;Spirocore by Thomastik-Infeld give my violin a very rich sound. The resonance of these strings is brilliant and their thickness is ideal for my fingers to glide easily, making them an absolute pleasure to play. 39;