Instrumente cu coarde - Violoncel - Corzi violoncel - Pirastro - Evah Pirazzi Gold

Coarda A Evah Pirazzi Gold violoncel

Coarda A Evah Pirazzi Gold violoncel

Coarda A Evah Pirazzi Gold violoncel, otel cromat, tensiune medie, 4 4. Proprietati : noile corzi pentru violoncel Pirastro Evah Pirazzi Gold ofera un sunet clar, cald, amplu si precis. Au un raspuns rapid la impuls si sunt durabile. Pot fi utilizate si pentru violoncelele electrice. Frans Helmerson: 39;The new Evah Pirazzi Gold set brings out the best in my instrument - focus, warmth and a wonderfully rich palette of colours over the whole register and supported by a clear response! 39;

Coarda D Evah Pirazzi Gold violoncel

Coarda D Evah Pirazzi Gold violoncel

Coarda A Evah Pirazzi Gold violoncel, otel cromat, tensiune medie, 4 4. Proprietati : noile corzi pentru violoncel Pirastro Evah Pirazzi Gold ofera un sunet clar, cald, amplu si precis. Au un raspuns rapid la impuls si sunt durabile. Pot fi utilizate si pentru violoncelele electrice. Frans Helmerson: 39;The new Evah Pirazzi Gold set brings out the best in my instrument - focus, warmth and a wonderfully rich palette of colours over the whole register and supported by a clear response! 39;
