Adeziv anaerob universal pentru imbinari matrice pana la M20, vascozitate medie, rezistenta medie, eliberabila cu instrumente comune. Impiedica desfacerea suruburilor din cauza vibratiilor, etanseaza si umple astfel jocul previne coroziunea acestuia. Produsul este usor tixotrop, ceea ce previne scurgerea rapida a mediului din filet, asigurand astfel o acoperire optima intregul fir. 10,0 gr
LOCTITE 270 Cantitate 10ML Adeziv pentru asigurarea asamblarilor filetate - rezistenta mare. Blocare permanenta. Adecvat pentru toate ansamblele de metal filetate. LOCTITE 270 este un adeziv pt.asg.filete de rezist.mare pt.efic. fix. si etans.suruburilor, piulitelor si bolturilor pt.a prev.slabirea cauzata de vibratii. Blocheaza nu trebuie sa fie slabite. Eficient pe toate metalele, substr.pasive, precum otel inox., aluminiu si supraf.placate. Tolereaza usoare contamina
LOCTITE 603 is a high-strength retaining compound. Designed for the bonding of cylindrical fitting parts, especially for sintered bearings and also where consistently clean surfaces cannot be assured. The product cures when confined in the absence of air between close-fitting metal surfaces and prevents loosening and leakage due to shock and vibration. It has a high oil tolerance.
LOCTITE EA 3463 is a versatile, dual component, easy to use, steel-filled epoxy repair putty. It is applied like a putty and when cured it exhibits high compressive strength and good adhesion to most surfaces. This product stops leaks in pipes and tanks, fills oversized bolt holes, smoothes welds, and repairs non-structural defects in castings or holes in tanks. This product is typically used in applications with an operating temperature range of -30 C to +121 C.
LOCTITE 406 is an instant adhesive designed especially for the fast bonding of plastics and rubbers. This product offers exceptionally low viscosity. When combined with Loctite primers for cyanoacrylates, it can also be use on difficult-to-bond plastics.
LOCTITE HY 4070 is a 2-part, transparent, cloudy colorless to pale yellow cyanoacrylate acrylic hybrid gel adhesive that provides a fast fixture at room temperature in bond gaps up to 0.2 in (5 mm). It suits various substrates including most plastics, rubbers and metals. It is used where complete cure of excess adhesive as well as temperature and moisture resistance, is required.
It is typically used for the rebuilding of paintable interior exterior plastic body parts such as broken or missing lugs. The product is excellent for Smart Repair applications.
Product is used to clean windows, mirrors etc. Cleans without leaving streaks and removes oil, grease and polish residues as well as nicotin deposits, bug marks and bird droppings. Can be also used to clean plastic parts.