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DESIGN ANALOG PENTRU O ERA DIGITALA Avand in mana cunostintele de a proiecta electronice minim invazive fara a fi nevoie sa fie minimaliste, am decis ca preamplificatorul nostru ar trebui sa fie complet, foarte complet. Makua de baza este un preamplificator extrem de transparent si o matrice de rutare programabila. sasiul are spatiu amplu pentru a se potrivi accesoriilor optionale, DAC si Phono. Cele 6 butoane presetate sunt programabile prin RS232 sau Bluetooth pentru a accesa orice combinatie de canal
Amplificatorul integrat care sfideaza cu adevarat dimensiunea sa! Imaginati-va un design elegant, compact, care emana clasa. Imaginati-va un design de amplificator care ofera suficienta putere pentru a gestiona confortabil chiar si cele mai solicitante boxe. Imaginati-va un preamplificator complex, dar agil si usor de utilizat. Imaginati-va fiecare setare Phono EQ posibila disponibila din confortul scaunului dvs. de ascultare. Imaginati-va un DAC discret foarte apreciat, cu cele mai bune specificatii
Versiunea de sine statatoare a renumitului modul Phono are trei intrari nebalansate si o intrare balansata. Are o iesire balansata, precum si o iesire nebalansata. Lupe, cu sursa sa de alimentare dedicata, k si filtrul subsonic adaugat, ofera pasionatului cu discernamant cea mai precisa configuratie pentru a recrea magia vinilului asa cum a fost conceput. Afisajul cunoscutului sasiu half-size Lupe ofera dintr-o privire informatii despre setari. Ceea ce a fost conceput ca un simplu add-on RIAA pentru
TWA-10B allows to stream digital music content from smartphones, tablets, music libraries on computers or network storage, as well as from the best online streaming services and Internet radio. The TWA-10B can be quickly and easily connected to your existing audio system and transform it to a thrilling digital smart system! KEY FEATURES Wi-fi and Bluetooth to wirelessly stream music from smartphones, tablets, computers, online streaming services and internet radio. Support of many online str
DA-400 is a slim Digital to Analog Converter, which converts digital audio signal from any digital source to high class analog audio with clearer, richer and more powerful sound. The DA-400 can be quickly and easily connected to your existing audio system and transform it to a thrilling digital audio system! KEY FEATURES: Support of digital audio files up to 32bit 768kHz or up to DSD512 to play with music stored on computers, CD players, smartphones and other file storage devices. Support of
Electricitate curata pentru a imbunatati performanta sistemului dvs. audio-video. Reteaua electrica din casele sau locurile noastre de munca este expusa la diferite interferente, de exemplu interferente electromagnetice (EMI) generate de aparatele conectate la aceeasi retea (frigidere, aparate de aer conditionat, computere etc.). Aceste interferente nu sunt produse doar in interiorul casei sau biroului dumneavoastra, ci de catre toate aparatele din cladirea dumneavoastra sau chiar in afara acesteia si po
The taste of Cote d 39;Azur - redefined ! The name of the series was inspired by the French Riviera, which stretches over a hundred kilometers of coastline where the beautiful colored Mediterranean Sea closes in around amazing cliffs, sandy beaches and exquisite resorts. The AZURE emphasizes speakers sound character, which is like sea 39;s breeze powerful and gentle at the same time, and gives the joy of listening like watching azure color of the Mediterranean Sea. The design of the new AZURE v.
YOUR MUSICAL JOURNEY! New Generation Audio-Video series The new generation Audio-Video series is not an evolution of its predecessors - it is a completely new approach to the design and sound of this line. Audio-Video has been a leader in its price group for years, in terms of fine design and sound offered in affordable prices. The style, materials and sound quality of the next Audio-Video generation further strengthen its position as a leader in this segment and far beyond. TAV-807B is a flagship b
OUR MUSICAL JOURNEY! New Generation Audio-Video series The new generation Audio-Video series is not an evolution of its predecessors - it is a completely new approach to the design and sound of this line. Audio-Video has been a leader in its price group for years, in terms of fine design and sound offered in affordable prices. The style, materials and sound quality of the next Audio-Video generation further strengthen its position as a leader in this segment and far beyond. TAV-B is a bookshelf mode
YOUR MUSICAL AND MOVIE JOURNEY! New Generation Audio-Video series The new generation Audio-Video series is not an evolution of its predecessors - it is a completely new approach to the design and sound of this line. Audio-Video has been a leader in its price group for years, in terms of fine design and sound offered in affordable prices. The style, materials and sound quality of the next Audio-Video generation further strengthen its position as a leader in this segment and far beyond. When designing
A treia editie a TAV-606, unele dintre boxele Taga Harmny cele mai vandute, este acum introdusa intr-o versiune reproiectata, cu incinte revizuite si mai elegante, difuzoare si crossovere imbunatatite si performante de sunet mai bune, reglate fin. Adaugand valoare ridicata la raportul calitate pret, TAV-606 este un deal excelent atat pentru sistemele stereo hi-fi, cat si pentru sistemele home theater. Desi pretul boxelor este extrem de atractiv, nu a existat loc pentru compromisuri in timpul procesului
CABINET A subwoofer cabinet design and built-quality is one of the most critical elements influencing sound performance. We have developed TLIE (Taga Low Interference Enclosures) cabinets to increase stiffness and limit any unwanted resonances of the enclosure. The TLIE cabinets are built with high density and quality MDF boards and stand on solid feet which provide good isolation from the floor. The beveled edges not only look modern and eye-catching but also play a significant role in lowering unwa
CABINETS Subwoofer cabinet design and built-quality is one of the most critical elements influencing sound performance. We have developed TLIE (Taga Low Interference Enclosures) cabinets to increase stiffness and limit any unwanted resonances of the enclosure. The TLIE cabinets are built with high density and quality MDF boards and stand on solid feet which provide good isolation from the floor. The beveled top side edges not only look modern and eye-catching but also play a significant role in loweri
CABINETS TLIE - Taga Low Interference Enclosures are made of high-quality 12mm thick MDF. The rounded edges of cabinets are perfectly crafted not only to look wonderful and modern but mainly to lower any unwanted vibrations, diffractions or turbulences, which can affect the sound performance. Acoustical damping material used inside cabinets eliminates problem of internal standing waves and flat, oval bass-reflex port is uniquely designed to reduce distortions to minimum. HIGH-FREQUENCY DRIVER 1. Ma
Cele mai noi completari la seria TCW, care sunt codificate cu numarul 80, aparand la sfarsitul seriei, utilizeaza o structura de panouri in forma de fagure din fata, pentru a intari sasiul difuzorului si pentru a dispersa sunetul reflectat. Rama cu profil redus si grile montate magnetic mascheaza prezenta lor din camera. In prezent, asteptarile fata de boxele incastrabile sunt de avea o calitate muzicala cat mai buna sau o vizibililate cat mai scazuta. Cu noile modele TCW le aveti pe amandoua! Sunetul