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The Dynavoice Challenger Sub-8 is the perfect choice if you are looking for a powerful, heavy duty active subwoofer with a quick response time. It is designed to match the other speakers in the Challenger series, both in sound character, over all performance and colour. The Sub-8 can be used either in a 5.1 home cinema system or to fill out the low frequency tones in a stereo system. A tight and well tuned subwoofer makes all the difference in a sound system. Wether you are building an advanced home cin
Dynavoice Challenger CSB-V15 este cel mai bun real pentru subwoofer activ, care face parte din cele mai bine vandute si populare serii Challenger. Constructia are un scop - de a muta aerul si ar trebui sa tineti atat palaria, cat si interiorul cand baza incepe sa se joace. Este creat pentru a se juca departe de majoritatea lucrurilor din gama de preturi - ceea ce face si el! Un element marit de 15 cu un con de aluminiu si o etapa de iesire de clasa A B a unui RMS complet de 300 de wati sunt cateva di
Boxe de podea pereche Dynavoice Classic CL-26 Boxa de podea Dynavoice Classic CL-26 detine un design atragator si este dotata cu: 2 x woofer de 6.5 in, 1 x woofer midrange de 5 in, 1 x tweeter cupola. Toate aceste dotari asociate creaza un sunet detaliat si perfect echilibrat. Toate modelele din seria Classic pot functiona la volume ridicate, deoarece prezinta in dotare o acoperire speciala aflata pe conurile din hartie, care impiedica o eventuala ruptura. Cosurile din aluminiu turnat si acoperirea sp
Boxe de podea pereche Dynavoice Classic CL-28 Boxa de podea Dynavoice Classic CL-28 este cel mai mare model de podea din seria Classic si este prevazut cu: 2 x woofer de 8 in, 1 x woofer midrange de 5 in, 1 x tweeter cupola. Dynavoice Classic CL-28 reprezinta o adevarata incantare atat pentru ochi cat si pentru urechi, avand un design curat si un sunet foarte detaliat. Toate modelele din seria Classic pot functiona la volume ridicate, deoarece prezinta in dotare o acoperire speciala aflata pe conurile
Our Townus Serie - timeless elegant Our brand-new Townus speaker series: created for the urban lifestyle - from the heart of the Taunus. We are proud to present the Townus , with which we would like to appeal to all people for whom timeless design and high-quality appeal are important. In reference to the roots and the location of our company headquarters, in the middle of the Hessian Taunus, we have created the same sounding name Townus for the new loudspeaker models. The newly created Townus series
Activ si fara fir Pentru muzica si film Am adaugat un alt model in portofoliul GLE inteligent: Centrul Smart GLE 5. Boxa centrala activa se potriveste perfect cu boxele noastre Smart GLE 9 si boxele compacte Smart GLE 3 si poate fi combinata si cu toate celelalte modele din mare familie inteligenta si folosit ca centru al unui sistem puternic de home theater. Cu 350 de wati de putere de la amplificatorul de clasa D integrat, centrul Smart GLE 5 este potrivit pentru a tine pasul dinamic cu difuzoarele
Caracteristica externa a celei mai recente serii GLE.2 este noul sistem de tweeter din aluminiu-mangan, care este integrat in deflectorul puternic lacuit mat, de 0,9 . Combinatia dintre ghidul de unda sofisticat, noul material cu membrana si reteaua de crossover adecvata ofera acum un reproducere de la 20 la 40.000 Hz, facandu-l cel mai bun GLE din toate timpurile (GLE 496.2). Punctul culminant optic este designul bicolor in negru-Macassar. Toate acestea fac din seria noastra GLE una dintre cele mai van
Tip de difuzor si tehnica AR-500 este un difuzor compact cu 2 cai care este Dolby Atmos Enabled . Poate fi amplasat deasupra unui difuzor existent frontal sau spate sau compact al sistemului dvs. Home Cinema sau ca difuzor OnWall cu suport integrat de perete. Datorita unei constructii speciale permite o dimensiune a sunetului verticala. Rezultatul este un sunet 3D real. Ascultati avioanele care zboara peste voi, fosnind frunze deasupra capului sau piele de ploaie pe umeri. In plus fata de difuzorul de
Atelier 300 The Atelier 300 is less than ten centimeters flat, which makes it absolutely inconspicuous when hanging on a wall in the living room. Alternatively, it is possible to integrate the Atelier 300 with the supplied installation kit in a wall: this makes it stand out only two centimeters from the wall. Despite its discreet appearance, the wall speaker offers a powerful sound image. The high-quality two-way system with 128 mm speaker chassis and 25 mm tweeter.
Our Townus series - timeless elegant For music and movies Our brand-new Townus speaker series: created for the urban lifestyle - from the heart of the Taunus. We are proud to present the Townus , with which we would like to appeal to all people for whom timeless design and high-quality appeal are important. In reference to the roots and the location of our company headquarters, in the middle of the Hessian Taunus, we have created the same sounding name Townus for the new loudspeaker models. The newly
Specialist for the mids Our largest wall-mounted speaker from the Atelier family is just ten centimeters deep. The center Atelier 1150 can be operated inconspicuously on or in the wall due to its flat housing and convinces from there with its balanced sound image. It is the ideal complement to our flagship Atelier 1100 and predestined for horizontal mounting. The InWall OnWall speaker delivers pure dynamics through its two 174 mm woofer drivers with aluminum cones. Powerful magnetic drives in combinat
Difuzoarele frontale si spate Difuzoarele noastre frontale sunt in forma de coloane sau sateliti compacti, transforma camera intr-o scena si garanteaza o gama larga de sunet. Difuzoarele spate in format satelit dau adancimea spatiului sonor si asigura efecte sonore impresionante. Difuzor central mare Difuzoarele centrale sunt stelele oricarui sistem home cinema. Acestea transmit pana la 70% din informatia despre film si muzica, iar caracteristicile lor de dispersie larga ofera o experienta optima de
Speakertype AR-400 este un difuzor compact cu 2 cai care este Dolby Atmos Enabled . Poate fi amplasat deasupra unui difuzor existent, frontal sau spate, compact sau al sistemului Home Cinema sau ca difuzor OnWall cu suport integrat de perete. Huse frontale de inalta calitate Husele robuste si neutre din punct de vedere acustic ascund tehnologia de la vedere si se potrivesc perfect peste deflector . Versiunea neagra a AR-400 are un gratar din tesatura neagra, iar versiunea alba, un gratar din
Attractive design The compact AR 4 are designed to be restrainedly elegant, making them available as universal attachment loudspeakers for shelf and floor loudspeakers. Thanks to the cleverly matched housing dimensions, the attractive Dolby Atmos loudspeakers are ideal for a wide variety of loudspeaker series. The closed housings are stable and available in high-quality lacquer version in black and white. Removable fabric covers in the corresponding colors stick magnetically on the baffles and give the
Classic: its appearance It is the bedrock and the oldest series in the house of Canton: our Ergo is the epitome of a classic hi-fi speaker with noble ingredients and classy appearance. It has never changed its character over the years and yet the Canton Ergo is at the cutting edge of technology. It is constantly being optimized by our developers and continually equipped with the latest technologies. Thus, the timelessly elegant construction scores with the best technical ingredients, its unmistakable de