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Amplificator stereo Wiim Amp, Bluetooth, AirPlay 2, Spotify, Tidal, Chromecast, HDMI  Voice Control

Amplificator stereo Wiim Amp, Bluetooth, AirPlay 2, Spotify, Tidal, Chromecast, HDMI Voice Control

Micut, dar puternic Încapsulat într-o carcasă elegantă din aluminiu, amplificatorul compact WiiM oferă opțiuni versatile de amplasare. În interior, componentele premium și circuitele inovatoare asigură o amplificare robustă și clară ca cristalul. Un radiator special conceput asigură o performanță termică optimă. Nu vă lăsați păcăliți de designul său compact - acesta oferă 60 de wați pe canal la 8 ohmi și 120 de wați pe canal la 4 ohmi. Transformați-vă difuzoarele pasive, inclusiv difuzoarele de podea,

  • Pretul: 1 749.00 RON
Ruark Audio R810

Ruark Audio R810

Un instrument muzical pentru iubitorii de muzica Nu toate instrumentele sunt create la fel si cele mai bune sunt realizate de artizani care inteleg importanta materialelor si tehnicilor in crearea instrumentelor care sunt frumoase de cantat si auzit. Bucuria muzicii este una dintre cele mai mari placeri ale vietii si, la fel ca cele mai bune instrumente, Ruark R810 a fost proiectat si realizat pentru a oferi un sunet uimitor care va va conecta mai aproape de muzica pe care o iubiti. Apple AirPlay si Goo

  • Pretul: 18 499.00 RON
Ruark Audio R410

Ruark Audio R410

Streamingul cu design timeless Muzica este un limbaj universal care transcende granitele si conecteaza oameni din culturi si medii diferite. Intr-un sens bun, muzica are capacitatea de a ne face sa ne simtim fericiti sau tristi. Cei de la Ruark iubesc sunetul si cred cu pasiune ca cel mai bun sunet este vital atunci cand vine vorba de a aduce oamenii mai aproape de entuziasmul si emotia muzicii. Designul unic al lui R410 evoca asteptari inalte si cei de la Ruark au lucrat neobosit pentru a ne asigura ca

  • Pretul: 7 499.00 RON
Boxe Q Acoustics 5040

Boxe Q Acoustics 5040

Prezentare generala Boxe Q Acoustics 5040 Boxe de podea Q Acoustics 5040 Noua serie de difuzoare stereo și home cinema 5000 de la Q Acoustics redefinește modul în care o boxa este perceputa atat sonic cat si vizual. Prezentând progrese autentice în designul driverului, introducerea profilului de vârf C3 Continuous Curved Cone în driverul mediu bas ridică seria 5000 dincolo de clasa sa. Seria moștenește, de asemenea, tehnologia inovatoare pentru incinta și driver din gama emblematică Concept a

  • Pretul: 4 299.00 RON
Boxe Q Acoustics 5010

Boxe Q Acoustics 5010

Prezentare generala Boxe Q Acoustics 5010 Boxe de Raft Q Acoustics 5010 Noua serie de difuzoare stereo si home cinema 5000 de la Q Acoustics redefineste modul in care o boxa este perceputa atat sonic cat si vizual. Prezentand progrese autentice in designul driverului, introducerea profilului de varf C3 Continuous Curved Cone in driverul mediu bas ridica seria 5000 dincolo de clasa sa. Seria mosteneste, de asemenea, tehnologia inovatoare pentru incinta si driver din gama emblematica Concept a companiei

  • Pretul: 1 899.00 RON
Boxe Q Acoustics 5020

Boxe Q Acoustics 5020

Prezentare generala Boxe Q Acoustics 5020 Boxe de Raft Q Acoustics 5020 Noua serie de difuzoare stereo si home cinema 5000 de la Q Acoustics redefineste modul in care o boxa este perceputa atat sonic cat si vizual. Prezentand progrese autentice in designul driverului, introducerea profilului de varf C3 Continuous Curved Cone in driverul mediu bas ridica seria 5000 dincolo de clasa sa. Seria mosteneste, de asemenea, tehnologia inovatoare pentru incinta si driver din gama emblematica Concept a companiei

  • Pretul: 2 399.00 RON
Boxe Q Acoustics 5090

Boxe Q Acoustics 5090

Prezentare generala Boxe Q Acoustics 5090 Boxa de centru Q Acoustics 5090 Noua serie de difuzoare stereo si home cinema 5000 de la Q Acoustics redefineste modul in care o boxa este perceputa atat sonic cat si vizual. Prezentand progrese autentice in designul driverului, introducerea profilului de varf C3 Continuous Curved Cone in driverul mediu bas ridica seria 5000 dincolo de clasa sa. Seria mosteneste, de asemenea, tehnologia inovatoare pentru incinta si driver din gama emblematica Concept a compani

  • Pretul: 1 799.00 RON
MOON by Simaudio 891

MOON by Simaudio 891

Prezentare generala MOON by Simaudio 891 Streamer-Preamplificator MOON 891 MOON lanseaza cu satisfactie noua sa colectie de produse high-end, NORTH . Aceasta gama de referinta reprezinta punctul culminant al multor ani de cercetare si dezvoltare in domeniile audio, electronica, materiale si procese de fabricatie. Designul sau estetic uluitor este depasit doar de imbunatatirile aduse performantelor, minutios slefuite de echipa pasionata de ingineri si tehnicieni, dedicati sa ofere o experienta muzical

  • Pretul: 142 499.00 RON

Boxe wireless Canton Townus 8

Smart Townus 8 We are proud to present our brand new loudspeaker series Townus , with which we would like to appeal to all people for whom timeless design and high-quality appeal are important. In reference to the roots and the location of our company headquarters, in the middle of the Hessian Taunus, we have created the same sounding name Townus for the new loudspeaker models. The newly created Townus series captivates with its timeless, elegant design and its high-quality materials - ideal for urba

  • Pretul: 16 500.00 RON


Our Townus series - timeless elegant We are proud to present our brand new loudspeaker series Townus , with which we would like to appeal to all people for whom timeless design and high-quality appeal are important. In reference to the roots and the location of our company headquarters, in the middle of the Hessian Taunus, we have created the same sounding name Townus for the new loudspeaker models. The newly created Townus series impresses with its timeless, elegant design and its high-quality mater

  • Pretul: 14 000.00 RON
Boxe Wireless Canton Smart Vento 3

Boxe Wireless Canton Smart Vento 3

Smart Vento 3 S2 Our new Smart Vento 3 S2 is elegant, refined and yet visually restrained. With its modern design, this compact loudspeaker hits the nerve of the times: rounded cabinet edges, the radii refined in different ways, meet gently curved side panels and high-quality lacquered surfaces. Newly developed drivers with titanium graphite and aluminium oxide ceramic diaphragms ensure that even music lovers with the highest demands on sound quality can enjoy their favourite tracks without any ifs and

  • Pretul: 12 500.00 RON

Boxe Wireless Canton Townus 2

Smart Townus 2 We are proud to present our brand new loudspeaker series Townus , with which we would like to appeal to all people for whom timeless design and high-quality appeal are important. In reference to the roots and the location of our company headquarters, in the middle of the Hessian Taunus, we have created the same sounding name Townus for the new loudspeaker models. The newly created Townus series captivates with its timeless, elegant design and its high-quality materials - ideal for urba

  • Pretul: 7 500.00 RON

Boxe raft Canton Vento 20

The modern look of the new Vento We 39;ve redesigned the look and technology of our Vento premium speaker series. Thanks to the modern design, with discreetly curved side panels, rounded cabinet edges and high-quality surfaces with a perfect finish, the new Vento speakers have a very self-assured appearance. The harmoniously proportioned premium speakers offer a perfect balance between timeless elegance and powerful performance. This makes the Vento models universally usable - they are an enrichment for

  • Pretul: 5 990.00 RON

Boxe raft Canton Vento 30

The modern look of the new Vento We 39;ve redesigned the look and technology of our Vento premium speaker series. Thanks to the modern design, with discreetly curved side panels, rounded cabinet edges and high-quality surfaces with a perfect finish, the new Vento speakers have a very self-assured appearance. The harmoniously proportioned premium speakers offer a perfect balance between timeless elegance and powerful performance. This allows the Vento models to be used universally - they are an enrichmen

  • Pretul: 6 990.00 RON

Boxa centru Canton Vento 50

The modern look of the new Vento We 39;ve redesigned the look and technology of our Vento premium speaker series. Thanks to the modern design, with discreetly curved side panels, rounded cabinet edges and high-quality surfaces with a perfect finish, the new Vento speakers have a very self-assured appearance. The harmoniously proportioned premium speakers offer a perfect balance between timeless elegance and powerful performance. This allows the Vento models to be used universally - they are an enrichmen

  • Pretul: 5 498.00 RON