
Avengers Marvel Legends FIgurina articulata Hawkeye with Sky-Cycle 15 cm

Avengers Marvel Legends FIgurina articulata Hawkeye with Sky-Cycle 15 cm

Bring the excitement and wonder of the Marvel Universe to your collection with Hawkeye and other action figures from the Hasbro Marvel Legends Series! (Additional products each sold separately. Subject to availability.) Ex-circus performer Clint Barton renounced a life of crime to join the Avengers as Hawkeye. Using his archery skills atop his Sky-Cycle he leads the fight against the foes no single hero could withstand. This collectible 6-inch -scale Marvel Legends Avengers 60th Anniversary action figure

Marvel Legends Set 2 figurine articulate Happy Hogan  Iron Man XXI (Iron Man 3) 15 cm

Marvel Legends Set 2 figurine articulate Happy Hogan Iron Man XXI (Iron Man 3) 15 cm

Harold „Happy” Hogan, fosta vedeta a boxului, acum sofer, bodyguard, om de incredere al lui Tony Stark si cel care ofera alibiuri atunci cand miliardarul se afla in diverse misiuni secrete in calitate de supererou. Sa aiba oare Happy Hogan o contributie si la experimentarea faimosului echipament de lupta al lui Iron Man, cel cu numarul XXI? Purtand numele de cod Midas, Mark 21 este un costum proiectat pentru a fi folosit la mare altitudine, confectionat dintr-un aliaj de titan si imbogatit cu aur. Set

G.I. Joe Classified Series 2023 Figurina articulata Tomax Paoli 15 cm

G.I. Joe Classified Series 2023 Figurina articulata Tomax Paoli 15 cm

Cariera criminala si intreaga viata a lui Tomax Paoli este foarte strans legata de cea a fratelui sau, Xamot. Cei doi corsicani au fost deprinsi de foarte tineri cu afacerile criminale ale mafiei locale, apoi si-au desavarsit educatia de luptatori in timpul stagiului efectuat in Legiunea Straina franceza. Prea valorosi pentru a fi trimisi in actiuni ucigase, fratii Paoli se dovedesc lideri eficienti ai Crimson Guard, organizatia Cobrei care infiltreaza inaltele cercuri financiare si politice mondiale.

G.I. Joe Classified Series Figurina Akiko 15 cm

G.I. Joe Classified Series Figurina Akiko 15 cm

Figurina Akiko articulata, cu accesorii, din seria Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins. Inaltimea figurinei este de 15 cm.

Spider-Man Comics Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Tombstone 15 cm

Spider-Man Comics Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Tombstone 15 cm

Bring the excitement and wonder of the Marvel Universe to your collection with Hasbro Marvel Legends Tombstone figure! This collectible figure is detailed to look like the character from Marvel's Spider-Man comics. 6-inch scale Marvel figures are fully articulated with poseable head, arms, and legs. Marvel action figure set comes with 4 accessories, including alternate hands, alternate head, and crowbar weapon accessory. Hasbro Marvel action figures' 6 inch scale make them great for posing and displaying

Spider-Man Comics Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Hallows' Eve 15 cm

Spider-Man Comics Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Hallows' Eve 15 cm

Bring the excitement and wonder of the Marvel Universe to your collection with Hasbro Marvel Legends Hallows' Eve figure! This collectible figure is detailed to look like the character from Marvel's Spider-Man and Hallows' Eve comics. 6-inch scale Marvel figures are fully articulated with poseable head, arms, and legs. Marvel action figure set comes with 7 accessories, including 2 sets of alternate hands, wearable bag, and 2 Halloween masks. Hasbro Marvel action figures' 6 inch scale make them great for p

What If...? Marvel Legends Figurina articulata  Killmonger 15 cm

What If...? Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Killmonger 15 cm

In alternate universe, Tony Stark is saved from the attack that would make him Iron Man…by none other than Erik Stevens, aka Killmonger. This Killmonger action figure is inspired by the character’s appearance in Marvel Studios’ What If…?, series on Disney Plus, and makes a great addition to any Marvel action figure collection Includes spear and alternate hands.

What If...? Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Marvel's Goliath (BAF: Hydra Stomper) 15 cm

What If...? Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Marvel's Goliath (BAF: Hydra Stomper) 15 cm

In this universe, an alien threat forces Bill Foster to put aside his differences with former partner Hank Pym to join S.H.I.E.L.D.'s newest team of heroes. Bring the excitement and wonder of the Marvel Universe to your collection with action figures from the Hasbro Marvel Legends Series! (Additional products each sold separately. Subject to availability.)?This collectible 6-inch -scale Marvel Legends action figure is detailed to look like the Marvel's Goliath character from Marvel Studios' What If...?, f

Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Sersi (Eternals, Gilgamesh BAF) 15 cm

Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Sersi (Eternals, Gilgamesh BAF) 15 cm

Orice tip de materie poate fi modelata si controlata prin abilitatile pe care le detine. De-a lungul mileniilor de viata, a asistat si s-a implicat in multe evenimente majore prin care a trecut omenirea. Fire empatica, a inceput sa ii iubeasca pe oameni si sa dezvolte o afinitate pentru tot ceea ce reprezinta umanitatea. Cu astfel de insusiri, Sersi, ajunsa la rangul de Prime Eternal si conducatoare a rasei extraterestre pe care o reprezinta, se dovedeste a fi una dintre cele mai importante luptatoare ale

Marvel Legends Retro Figurina articulata Human Torch (Fantastic Four) 15 cm

Marvel Legends Retro Figurina articulata Human Torch (Fantastic Four) 15 cm

O misiune stiintifica desfasurata in spatiul cosmic are urmari neasteptate. Expusi la radiatii de origini necunoscute, cei patru membri ai echipajului se transforma in.... Cei Patru Fantastici (Fantastic Four)! Printre ei, Johnny Storm, fratele mai mic al lui Sue, devine... Torta Umana (Human Torch), capabil sa zboare cu ajutorul flacarilor pe care le genereaza. Figurina articulata de 15cm inaltime, cu multiple accesorii personalizate, reprezentare a personajului Human Torch. Ambalaj realizat in stil r

Marvel Legends Shang-Chi and The Legends of The Ten Rings Figurina articulata Wenwu (Marvel's Mr. Hyde BAF) 15 cm

Marvel Legends Shang-Chi and The Legends of The Ten Rings Figurina articulata Wenwu (Marvel's Mr. Hyde BAF) 15 cm

„Am avut multe nume de-a lungul vietii: Regele Razboinic, Maestrul Khan, Cel mai periculos om de pe Pamant. Ani de zile, am crezut ca asta era ceea ce trebuia sa fiu....” Descoperind inelele cu puteri magice si fondand organizatia The Ten Rings, Xu Wenwu a ajuns un razboinic faimos si o figura emblematica. Dar el pandeste in continuare din umbra....iar misterul legendei ramane (inca) nedezlegat. Figurina superarticulata si superdetaliata de 15cm inaltime, cu multiple accesorii personalizate, reprezenta

Marvel Legends Set 2 figurine articulate Red Guardian  Melina (Black WIdow) 15 cm

Marvel Legends Set 2 figurine articulate Red Guardian Melina (Black WIdow) 15 cm

Misiuni secrete, actiuni sub acoperire, minciuna, infiltrare, spionaj, asasinate. Aceasta este lumea agentilor secreti, o lume in care loialitatea conteaza doar pana la un punct. Intalnim adesea dezertari, defectari si schimbarea taberelor. Red Guardian – un „Captain America” al rusilor - si Melina Vostokoff/ Iron Maiden – cea care a activat mult timp in umbra lui Black Widow - nu fac exceptie. Acum insa, cei doi agenti trebuie sa decida de care parte a baricadei se afla. Set compus din 2 figurine sup

X-Men Editie aniversara 60 ani Marvel Legends Set 3 figurine articulate Storm, Marvel's Forge, Jubilee 15 cm

X-Men Editie aniversara 60 ani Marvel Legends Set 3 figurine articulate Storm, Marvel's Forge, Jubilee 15 cm

X-Men leader Storm rains down lighting with her weather-controlling powers to sort out who will take charge of the vast Shi'ar Empire. Jubilee pops gum and tries to keep her cool after she's whisked to the far reaches of outer space. Her mutant fireworks help bring light to a mystery surrounding Professor X. Forge's mutant ability of invention is put to the test during his first foray into space, where the "Maker" makes a skysled, cloak-fields, blasters, and then commandeers the Starjammer spaceship. This

Guardians of the Galaxy (Comics) Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Star-Lord 15 cm

Guardians of the Galaxy (Comics) Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Star-Lord 15 cm

To avenge the murder of his mother by aliens, Peter Quill became the legendary Star-Lord, roaming galaxies and finding his greater destiny in the starsThis collectible 6-inch-scale Marvel Legends Guardians of the Galaxy action figure is detailed to look like the classic Star-Lord character from Marvel Comics 1970s magazines Marvel Preview and Marvel Super Special, featuring premium detail and multiple points of articulation. It comes with 4 accessories, including alternate hands, a sword, and blaster acce

Guardians of the Galaxy Comics Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Yondu 15 cm

Guardians of the Galaxy Comics Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Yondu 15 cm

1000 years in the future, Centaurian Yondu Udonta bands together with the Guardians of the Galaxy using his bow and sound-responsive yaka arrows to defeat the invading Badoon empire.This collectible 6-inch-scale Marvel Legends Guardians of the Galaxy action figure is detailed to look like the classic Yondu character from Marvel comics starring the Guardians of the Galaxy, featuring premium detail and multiple points of articulation. It comes with 3 accessories, including bow, quiver, and yaka arrow.
