Amplificator integrat PrimaLuna EVO 300 Hybrid

Amplificator integrat PrimaLuna EVO 300 Hybrid

Since 2003 PrimaLuna has been building pure valve amplifiers with a clear mission: delivering high-performance valve-based audio components at affordable prices, resolving the reliability issues that had often dissuaded people from investing in the sonic beauty of valves. Our current, much-acclaimed EvoLution range spans 12 valve amplifiers integrated amps, preamps and power amps across four price tiers as well as a valve-based DAC. Now in 2021, a new amplifier joins the range and for the first time in PrimaLuna 39;s history, it 39;s not a valve amp! Or at least, it 39;s not entirely a valve amp. The PrimaLuna EVO 300 Hybrid Integrated Amplifier results from a collaboration between PrimaLuna and Floyd Design the solid-state design arm of Durob, PrimaLuna 39;s parent company. PrimaLuna has designed the valve-based preamp stage. Floyd Design has created the solid-state power stage. The two have worked together to mould a hybrid amp of such synergistic quality, it really does deliver the best of both worlds. Combining valve and solid-state amplification in a single chassis to capture their inherent qualities the effusive fluidity of valves, the power and grip of solid-state is something audio electronics designers have attempted for decades, to varying degrees of success. The difficulty is in engineering these two different technological forms with their contrasting characteristics to meld to create a seamless sonic whole that genuinely delivers the best of both. Too often, hybrid amps turn out to be less than the sum of their parts a mismatch, both technically and sonically. In a hybrid system, the solid-state components may be considered the invaders. Thus, it is essential to choose solid-state components that behave similarly to a tube. MOSFETs, used in the power stages, share similar characteristics to valves, and Jan de Groot, the head of Floyd Design, has created amps with MOSFETs for 26 years. We combined one of our most successful PrimaLuna pre-stages with a quality MOSFET poweramplifier already designed by our Floyd Design department, matched it for the best sound quality possible and mounted it in one chassis! Et voilà! It s not like most other HYBRID Integrated Amplifiers on the market. You can SEE that, and you can HEAR that. And we didn t want to be like the other hybrids in the market. We just wanted to produce the BEST HYBRID possible, and we knew it would become a more expensive unit. After the final fine-tuning and listening tests, we can easily accept and justify that! Here, the respective expertise of PrimaLuna and Floyd Design, empowered by their close working relationship under common ownership, has enabled the creation of a hybrid amplifier that works in perfect concert from input to output. The result of this fusion of valve and solid-state excellence is an amp that delivers a tremendous dynamic range, deep and broad stereo imaging, smoothly expressive mid and high frequencies, taught and tuneful bass, and fast, punchy control. Next to what you already know as standard for all PrimaLuna products, we highlight the following for this new PrimaLuna Kid on the Block : A perfect coupling of valve and solid-state amplification. The preamp stage uses six hand-selected 12AU7 valves (2 x input, 4 x driver) not a vague nod to valves in the signal path, like most other hybrid amps, but a properly engineered valve stage. The dual-mono solid-state power section incorporates paired JFETs from Linear Systems and specially manufactured MOSFETs, delivering (over) 2 x 100W into 8 ohms. Hardwiring is used extensively throughout the circuit design. Where PCBs are required, these are of the highest quality 2.4mm thick with 105um gold-plated copper tracks. The valve preamp stage includes two power supplies with separate transformers; the solid-state power stage uses a dedicated 500VA transformer. All power supplies benefit from PrimaLuna 39;s 39;AC Offset Killer 39; circuit, ensuring that DC on the mains never causes the transformers to hum. It incorporates circuit components of the

Amplificator integrat PrimaLuna EVO 300 Tube

Amplificator integrat PrimaLuna EVO 300 Tube

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Amplificator integrat PrimaLuna EVO 400 Tube

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Amplificator integrat PrimaLuna EVO 200 Tube

PrimaLuna products please the senses long before you plug them in. All models feature handmade construction, and the heavy-gauge, fully vented steel chassis has a five-coat finish, each coat hand-rubbed and polished. Inside, you will find point-to-point wiring with only the best Swiss silver wires--a level of detail that is usually only available (and not always!) in the most expensive tube equipment. There are no cheap plastic remotes here. PrimaLuna uses heavy metal remotes that are substantial, yet st

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DAC PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube

DAC PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube

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