THE NEW CANTON GLE 417.2 ON-WALL SPEAKERS On the outside, the speakers stand out with their matte, integrated and slender baffle. The GLE series is technically impressive with its driver system and aluminum cone membranes, surrounds with wave technology and an aluminium tweeter system. These stand-out features have made the GLE series into one of the best-selling speaker ranges in Europe. GLE Series The attractive GLE Series is one of the best-selling loudspeaker series in Europe. On the outside the loudspeakers impress with their appealing bi-color design in five trendy deco variations, acoustically-neutral fabric covers, and the slender baffle. This is made possible among others by the new cross-over frequency, which is designed to operate in harmony with the rear-facing bass reflex vent. High performance woofers and agile midrange speakers with aluminum membranes ensure maximum range, high sound pressure and the well-balanced sound that is the hallmark of the GLE Series. The high-precision aluminium-manganese tweeter system is embedded in the transmission front plates.
Canton Chrono 519 DC este noua gama Chrono a producatorului german, o boxa de podea pe 3 cai cu bass reflex pozitionat in partea de jos pentru o integrare usoara in camera.
Cel mai recent Canton Smart GLE 3 incorporeaza cele mai bune gene muzicale si tehnici ale celor mai bine vandute boxe Canton: seria GLE. Completate de cele mai recente caracteristici si tehnologie de ultima ora ale boxelor Canton inteligente actuale, Smart GLE 3 devin boxe compacte uimitoare, cu o imagine audio impresionanta. 350 de wati de putere de la amplificatoarele de clasa D declanseaza fiecare sasiu din aluminiu de 180 mm, care este montat in bile cu pierderi reduse, si tweeterele din aluminiu-mang
Atelier 300 The Atelier 300 is less than ten centimeters flat, which makes it absolutely inconspicuous when hanging on a wall in the living room. Alternatively, it is possible to integrate the Atelier 300 with the supplied installation kit in a wall: this makes it stand out only two centimeters from the wall. Despite its discreet appearance, the wall speaker offers a powerful sound image. The high-quality two-way system with 128 mm speaker chassis and 25 mm tweeter.
Boxe de raft sau stand pereche Canton Chrono SL 536.2 Noua serie Chrono prezinta cadrul din titan de inalta calitate din seria Vento in midrange si bass. Basul difuzoarelor independente Chrono 90 si Chrono 80 utilizeaza o noua membrana conica dubla cu suprafata continua. Constructia bazei plate cu deschidere bass reflex orientata spre spate face ca totul sa arate unic si inovator rezultand astfel, un produs ce ofera performanta, calitate si valoare de neegalat.
Discreet appearance - impressive sound The Atelier 700 is less than ten centimeters thin, which makes it absolutely inconspicuous hanging on a wall in the living room. Alternatively, it is possible to integrate the Atelier 700 into a wall using the supplied installation kit: this makes it stand out from the wall by just two centimeters. Despite their discreet appearance, the wall speakers offer a powerful sound image. The high-quality two-way system with 174 mm speaker chassis and 25 mm tweeter is suppo
Minimal dimensions - great sound! We build our Atelier 500 very narrow and flat, which makes it visually particularly discreet to integrate into any living environment. It is flexible to use: You can hang your Atelier 500 on a wall with the integrated brackets or alternatively, install it in a wall with the included installation kit. This makes the InWall speakers stand out just two centimeters from the wall surface. Despite their discreet appearance, the Atelier 500 offer a powerful sound image. The hi
Subwoofer activ Canton Sub 1500 R Suntem incantati ca ati ales subwoofer-ul Canton Sub 1500 R. Produsele noastre au componente de calitate cu multi ani de experienta in dezvoltare si productia meticuloasa a tehnologiei Canton. Pentru a beneficia de cele mai bune rezultate ale subwoofer-ului dumeavostra trebuie sa respectati cateva puncte, conform detaliilor din instructiunile de operare. Speram ca va place sa ascultati muzica la un nivel de inalta calitate!
Boxa de podea pe 3 cai cu Bass reflex. O boxa cu calitati acustice impresionante ce combina tweetere din aluminiu-mangan si difuzoare mid-bass cu membrana din aluminiu.
Ultimul nostru membru al familiei Smart in continua crestere se numeste Smart GLE 9 si se incadreaza perfect in portofoliul inteligent al Cantonului. Dulapul atractiv are un design elegant, restrans: fronturile lacuite si dulapurile cu folie alba sau neagra ofera Smart GLE 9 un exterior de inalta calitate. si ca intotdeauna cu Canton, aceste difuzoare cu pret atractiv sunt, de asemenea, realizate superb. Asezati difuzoarele de podea in camera dvs. de zi, conectati-le la o priza de perete si alimentati-le
THE CANTON GLE 406 On the outside, the speakers stand out with their matte, integrated and slender baffle. The GLE series is technically impressive. These stand-out features have made the GLE series into one of the best-selling speaker ranges in Europe. GLE Series The attractive GLE Series is one of the best-selling loudspeaker series in Europe. On the outside the loudspeakers impress with their appealing bi-color design in five trendy deco variations, acoustically-neutral fabric covers, and the sl
Noua boxa portabila Canton MusicBox XS ofera un sunet de inalta calitate. Boxa imbina tehnologia de moderna cu un design elegant, carcasa fiind realizata din aluminiu. Aceste boxe portabile Bluetooth asigura un sunet placut, tipic Canton. Avand incorporata tehnologia Bluetooth 4.0 ( codec apt-X ), permite conexiunea rapida a unui smartphone sau tableta, raza de actiune fiind de cca. 10 m. Prin NFC (Near Field Communication), conectarea se poate face prin simpla atingere a celor doua device-uri. Pe boxa
Boxe pereche de tavan perete Canton Vento AR-800 Boxele de tavan perete Vento AR-800, au un design elegant cu suprafete imaculat lacuite si finisaj lucios. Boxele impresioneaza prin dimensiunile compacte, proportiile armonioase si panourile laterale curbate. Acest lucru face ca modelul nostru Vento AR-800 sa fie o piesa unica in orice living. Acestea impresioneaza de asemenea si prin caracteristicile lor excelente de sunet si sunt ideale pentru toate genurile muzicale datorita echilibrului lor. AR-800
Caracteristica externa a celei mai recente serii GLE.2 este noul sistem de tweeter din aluminiu-mangan, care este integrat in deflectorul puternic lacuit mat, de 0,9 . Combinatia dintre ghidul de unda sofisticat, noul material cu membrana si reteaua de crossover adecvata ofera acum un reproducere de la 20 la 40.000 Hz, facandu-l cel mai bun GLE din toate timpurile (GLE 496.2). Punctul culminant optic este designul bicolor in negru-Macassar. Toate acestea fac din seria noastra GLE una dintre cele mai van
Power Sub 10 este un subwoofer activ superb echipat, care poate fi utilizat universal cu o gama larga de boxe. Se armonizeaza in mod ideal cu toate boxele HiFi de la Canton si accepta, de asemenea, boxele existente ale altor marci cu bas puternic si precis. Cu o putere de varf de 330 de wati, modulul activ puternic ofera intotdeauna suficienta energie pentru duo-ul wooferului, care este echipat cu un sasiu de foc frontal de 257 mm si un con pasiv de aceeasi dimensiune. Exclusiv pentru aceasta gama este me
Cleverly solved The Atelier 1150 is perfectly equipped as a center speaker and can be mounted on a wall with the integrated brackets. A solid connection terminal on the back ensures a contact-safe connection of the speaker cable. Due to the integrated installation of the insulated terminal, mounting close to the wall is possible. A mounting kit for the InWall installation we supply immediately, so that you can start immediately after the purchase in your home. An ideal playing partner for the Atelier 11