Boxe podea Advance Acoustic KC800

Boxe podea Advance Acoustic KC800

Advance Paris, Creator of emotions Advance Paris is a story of passion, passion of this job of creator of emotions, shared with a team working so hard in the quest for perfection. Created by two music enthusiasts more than 20 years ago, Advance Paris - at that time Advance Acoustic - designed its first speakers based on three fundamental points: the cabinet, the speakers and the crossover. At this day, this initial orientation remains more than ever relevant. The cabinet Our high-end philosophy naturally guided us to the cabinet makers known for their seriousness and professionalism. Making cabinet is a much more difficult task than it seems. The structure of the housing must be homogeneous and completely rigid in order to eliminate the parasitical vibrations disrupting the music. That s why, Advance Paris requires all its cabinet makers subcontractors to use high quality materials, so the high density structural panels are no longer in chipboard, but in wood fibers associated with a synthetic binder. The advantages of these composite panels are their homogeneity in the three dimensions : the possibility of working them in large thicknesses, up to 30mm, their non-deformability (shape-retention) and lastly their acoustic performance superior to conventional OSB or PP panels. Thus, to increase rigidity and machining precision, all the cabinets of Advance Paris speakers are made of this composite material. In order to improve this rigidity and homogeneity, internal reinforcement as well as partitions prevent any formation of parasitical vibrations. The enclosure volume is carefully calculated as well as the dimensions of the port for each driver used. Finally, each enclosure is subject to an individual sealling control at the assemblies, both at the belt and the front and rear of the cabinet. Internal dampling The displacement of the membrane of the bass and midrange speakers spreads in front of and behind the speaker itself, in phase opposition . The use of a cabinet is intended to eliminate this acoustic short circuit. For this purpose, we are using damping materials specifically developed to effectively treat these stationary waves. Their usage patterns are precise, so for each model, our designers determine the positioning, density and volume of the acoustic foam used. The speakers The design of our speakers meets a very precise set of specifications, so our boomers and mediums are treated with paper membranes with serrated frame, both lighter and rigid for greater sound neutrality. The use of a reversed half-roll profile suspension makes it possible to optimize the linearity of the frequency response of the loudspeaker. Indeed with this type of structure, the profile of the membrane is not disturbed by the final presence of the external suspension. The improvement results in the absence of any phenomenon of accentuation of the energy at the level of the natural high cut of the loudspeaker. Thus, this configuration makes it possible to implement a filter with a low slope and a minimal phase shift. The moving coils made of pure copper are mounted on a kapton support. For greater gentleness and lack of aggressiveness, tweeters have either plastic membranes or impregnated fabrics. The moving coils are cooled in ferrofluid. The crossover If an extreme care has to be taken for the cabinet and the speakers manufacturing, the crossover will determine the final result. Advance Paris has developed a precise and rigorous filtering technique respecting the electrical and acoustic phase. The choice of the best components, air coils, polypropylene capacitors, precision ceramic resistors, non-radiating positioning of the components between them, judicious cutoff frequencies ensure a perfect sound transcription. KC800: the flagship speaker of the new KC line The KC800 is the flagship of the new KUBIK KC series. This is an 119cm high floorstanding speaker equipped with five speakers, three 17cm boomers combined with a 17cm medium and a 25mm dome tweeter. With a performance of 92dB for 1watt 1m, this spea

Subwoofer Advance Acoustic KUBIK SUB-200

Subwoofer Advance Acoustic KUBIK SUB-200

Subwooferul Advance Acoustic Kubik K-SUB 200 ofera linii moderne, sobre si armonioase, se potriveste oriunde. Combinat cu doua woofere de 25 cm, amplificatorul RMS de 200 wati restabileste frecventele joase cu o putere uimitoare. Controlul bass este complet si puternic. Ar putea fi integrat cu usurinta intr-un sistem performant Home Theater .

Boxa centru Advance Acoustic K CENTER

Boxa centru Advance Acoustic K CENTER

Neutru si echilibrat, difuzorul central Kubik S ofera designul perfect pentru a fi asortat cu celelalte boxe Kubik S. Controlul directivitatii sale si realismul detaliat al vocilor, combinat cu raspunsul sau cu frecventa larga, ii ofera acestuia posibilitatea de a fi perfect pentru o utilizare Home Cinema .

Boxe wireless Advance Acoustic AIR150 + receiver Bluetooth

Boxe wireless Advance Acoustic AIR150 + receiver Bluetooth

Mai mult decat difuzoarele wireless, AIR 150 este un adevarat sistem High Fidelity, care cere doar sa se exprime si aduce o reproducere de muzica mai reala. Functionam intr-un mediu in care muzica digitala, stocata pe dispozitive diverse si variate (produse de mana ca laptopuri, tablete, smartphone-uri si alti jucatori), va juca un rol din ce in ce mai important in viata noastra de zi cu zi. Din aceste motive, am dezvoltat boxele wireless Advance Acoustic AIR 150. Pe langa functionarea wireless, boxele

Boxe de raft Advance Acoustic K3SE

Boxe de raft Advance Acoustic K3SE

Boxele compacte Kubik K3SE sunt format boxe de raft. Dimensiunile sale mici ii permit sa se incadreze usor in camere de la aproximativ 30 m2. Performantele sale incredibile in frecvente joase sunt uimitoare, mai ales tinand cont de dimensiunile mici! Echilibrul si neutralitatea sa fac ca difuzorul ideal sa redea muzica cu rafinament natural. Nu este nevoie de amplificator puternic pentru a le conduce, datorita eficientei bune. Combinat cu subwooferul KUBIK KSUB 200 si difuzorul Kcenter, acesta poate fi in

Amplificator Advance Acoustic X-i 75

Amplificator Advance Acoustic X-i 75

X-i 75 Noile amplificatoarele integrate Advance Acoustic X-i75 au o prezentare sobra dar eleganta. Acestea au numeroase posibilitati de utilizare analogica si digitala, beneficiind de cele mai noi inovatii tehnice. Combinate cu cele mai bune componente disponibile in acest moment, au permis ascultarii, o redare exceptionala a dinamicii fara agresivitate, dar reproducand detaliile muzicii. Functia Hi Bias ii permite sa furnizeze cu usurinta majoritatea difuzoarelor vandute pe piata. Dispozitivul sau

Adaptor bluetooth Advance Acoustic WTX-500

Adaptor bluetooth Advance Acoustic WTX-500

WTX-500 Evoluam intr-un mediu in care muzica digitala ocupa tot mai mult loc. Stocat pe dispozitive diverse si variate (mobile, computere, tablete, smartphone-uri si alti playere), cere doar sa se exprime pe sisteme hifi mai mult sau mai putin elaborate, dar mai important, cu o redare cat mai reala si mai naturala. Noul receptor audio wireless WTX500 de la Advance Acoustic face acest lucru cu talent real. WTX500 poate fi conectat cu usurinta la orice intrare analogica a amplificatorului. WTX500 va o

Amplificator Advance Acoustic X-i105

Amplificator Advance Acoustic X-i105

Noul amplificator Advance Acoustic X-i105 are o prezenta sobra dar eleganta. Avand numeroase conexiuni, atat analogice cat si digitale, amplificatorul beneficiaza de cele mai noi inovatii tehnologice. Folosind cele mai noi componente ale momentului, permite utilizatorului sa aiba parte de o auditie exceptionala, ofera un sunet dinamic dar fara a fi agresiv, si reda cele mai fine detalii muzicale. Functia Hi Bias permite amplificatorului sa poata fi conectat la marea majoritatea a boxelor din piata.

Boxe de podea KLH Model Five

Boxe de podea KLH Model Five

Boxa Model Five cu acoustic suspension este una dintre cele mai de calitate si cautate boxe pentru audiofili, atat noi cat si second hand. Versiunea actualizate KLH a acestei boxe clasice are finisaje din lemn natural, cast aluminium baskets si foloseste principiile de design facute celebre de catre fondatorul Herny Kloss. KLH Model Five este oferita in doua finisaje superbe (English Walnut si West African Mahogany), permitand-ui boxei sa se potriveasca in orice decor al casei dumneavoastra. Varianta Eng

Boxe de raft Advance Acoustic KC 100

Boxe de raft Advance Acoustic KC 100

The design of a bookshelf loudspeaker is not an easy thing, the challenge consisting in reproducing low frequencies in a volume of reduced box. It is necessary to achieve the perfect synthesis of electronics, acoustics and cabinetmaking. First of all, the cabinetwork must be as rigid as possible and anti-vibration, this involves the use of high-density materials combined with a optimum machining precision. All our cabinets are made for this purpose. The new KC100 is no exception to the rule. The inter

Boxe de podea Triangle GENESE LYRR

Boxe de podea Triangle GENESE LYRR

Boxe cu design incitant si foarte muzicale, care duc transparenta si precizia imaginii la urmatorul nivel. Putere si control sunt cele doua cuvinte care le descriu cel mai bine pe LYRR, niste boxe prestigioase in marea traditie TRIANGLE.

Boxe Jamo C 97 II

Boxe Jamo C 97 II

The C 97 II floorstanding speakers provide the perfect blend of premium acoustic performance with a modern, luxurious design to create gorgeous furniture whose exceptional acoustics are surpassed only by their beauty. Boxele de podea C 97 II ofera o combinatie perfecta de performante acustice premium cu un design modern, de lux, pentru a crea design superb, a carui acustica exceptionala este depasita doar de frumusetea lor. Reproducerea sunetului la nivel de concert prin woofere de inalta calitate Bas

Boxe Focal ARIA EVO X N  2

Boxe Focal ARIA EVO X N 2

Difuzor de podea Aria Evo X N 2 este exemplul perfect al unei boxe de podea cu 3 cai pentru uz casnic. Ofera o experienta muzicala debordand de emotie, datorita caracteristicilor sale exceptionale, incantand entuziastii oricarui gen de muzica. Aceasta este boxa audiofila accesibila prin excelenta. Perfect potrivita pentru incaperi de cel putin 20 m² (215 ft²), cu o distanta de ascultare recomandata de 3 metri (10 picioare).

Boxe Canton Chrono 519 DC

Boxe Canton Chrono 519 DC

Canton Chrono 519 DC este noua gama Chrono a producatorului german, o boxa de podea pe 3 cai cu bass reflex pozitionat in partea de jos pentru o integrare usoara in camera.

Boxe Jamo C 95 II

Boxe Jamo C 95 II

Providing the perfect blend of premium acoustic performance with a modern, luxurious design, the C 95 II floorstanding speakers offer exceptional sound quality. Oferind combinatia perfecta a performantelor acustice premium cu un design modern si luxos, boxele C 95 II oferind o calitate exceptionala a sunetului. Reproducerea sunetului la nivel de concert prin woofere de inalta calitate Bas mai profund si mai putina denaturare folosind tehnologia pentru a muta sunetul mai departe Un sunet mai curat in t

CD Player Advance Acoustic X-CD7

CD Player Advance Acoustic X-CD7

The X-CD7 is a CD player with analog and digital outputs. The components of this CD player have been designed to extract digital information with all the musicality present in Advance products. Great care has therefore been taken in powering this CD player. It provides stable and clean power for all analog and digital circuits such as CD mechanism, laser control and digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The separation of the power supply and the digital analog conversion card also contributes to the perfo
