Caii mitici de la AudioQuest, Black Beauty si Pegasus, aduc avantajele dovedite ale tehnologiei ZERO-Tech la un public mult mai larg. Majoritatea avantajelor sonice incantator de evidente ale ZERO-Tech si ale celorlalte rafinamente care permit Creaturile Mitica (ThunderBird, FireBird si Dragon) sunt la fel de evidente atunci cand se asculta prin intermediul Cailor Mitica. Pentru a pastra flexibilitatea constructiei foarte complicate, Mythicals superioare au doua sau trei constructii separate vizibile din exterior. Desi sunt, de asemenea, neaparat complexe, Black Beauty si Pegasus impacheteaza toate aceste bunatati ZERO-Tech in cabluri rotunde simple (mai mici pentru versiunile RCA cu 2 conductori, putin mai mari pentru versiunile XLR cu 3 conductori). Ca si Black Beauty, Pegasus are conductori Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) cu directie controlata, retea de plasa din carbon grafen, carcase de fise placate cu cupru si fise Hanging-Silver peste Red-Copper. In plus, pentru a reduce si mai mult distorsiunea si a disipa zgomotul de radiofrecventa, Pegasus creste continutul de argint al firelor sale de drenaj RF de la 0,5% la 6%. Ca si in cazul creaturilor mitice, versiunea RCA a Pegasus foloseste un singur pachet DBS de 72v, iar, pentru a mentine integritatea sistemului ZERO-Tech, un pachet Dual-DBS (2 x 72v intr-o singura cutie) este folosit cu versiunea XLR. ZERO-TECH (FARA IMPEDANTA CARACTERISTICA) PENTRU O DISIPARE A ZGOMOTULUI LINIARA sI CU LATIME DE BANDA LARGA Singura modalitate de a evita efectele de nepotrivire a impedantei caracteristice intre un cablu si circuitele de sursa si de sarcina atasate este de a impiedica cablul sa aiba o impedanta caracteristica. ZERO-Tech reuseste acest lucru prin eliminarea campului electrostatic dintre conductorii de semnal de nivel inalt si de nivel scazut ai cablului, permitand o disipare liniara (consecventa de la o octava la alta) a zgomotului de radiofrecventa (RF) si tranzienti necomprimati. Pentru a pastra izolarea completa a ZERO-Tech intre conductorii de semnal, este inclus un pachet DBS Dual-72v pentru cablurile XLR Pegasus, ThunderBird, FireBird si Dragon. CONDUCTORI SOLIZI DIN CUPRU+ CU SUPRAFATA PERFECTA+ (PSC+). Conductorii solizi previn interactiunea electrica si magnetica a firelor. Cuprul solid PSC+ reduce la minimum distorsiunea cauzata de limitele granulelor si maximizeaza disiparea liniara a zgomotului RF. TUBURI DE AER DIN POLIPROPILENA Orice material solid adiacent unui conductor face de fapt parte dintr-un circuit imperfect si va absorbi energie, din care o parte este stocata si apoi eliberata sub forma de distorsiune. Pentru proiectele care necesita un diametru minim, AudioQuest utilizeaza izolatia cu tuburi de aer din polipropilena. Deoarece aerul nu absoarbe aproape deloc energie, iar polipropilena este cu pierderi reduse si are un profil de distorsiune benign, Polypropylene Air-Tube Insulation, cu un continut ridicat de aer, provoaca mult mai putin efectul de defocalizare obisnuit la alte materiale. NIVELUL 6 DE DISIPARE A ZGOMOTULUI (INTERCONEXIUNI): ZERO-TECH + 72V DBS + RETEA DE PLASA DE CARBON GRAFEN + CONTROLATA DE DIRECTIE Zgomotul de radiofrecventa de la telefoanele celulare, WiFi si sateliti este peste tot. Nivelul 6 de disipare liniara a zgomotului liniar al AQ include o retea de plasa rezistiva din carbon si grafena, conductori cu directie controlata, 72v DBS si fire de drenaj placate cu argint, minimizand semnificativ efectele de mascare a zgomotului de radiofrecventa. 6% fire de drenaj RF placate cu argint Firele de drenaj RF placate cu argint cu directie controlata asigura in continuare disiparea adecvata si eficienta a zgomotului de radiofrecventa indus, pentru un sunet mai clar si mai natural. TEVI DE DRENAJ RF PLACATE CU CUPRU Tuburile placate cu cupru impamantat maximizeaza disiparea zgomotului prin impiedicarea cuplarii capacitive a RF la conductori de catre un tub metalic. FIsE DE AGATAT-ARGINT PESTE ROsU-CUPRU Cele mai bune fise AudioQuest sunt prevazute cu argint suspendat de calitate superioara (nu slefuit) direct
AudioQuest 39;s Mythical Horses, Black Beauty and Pegasus, bring the proven advantages of ZERO-Tech to a much wider audience. Most of the delightfully obvious sonic advantages of ZERO-Tech and the other refinements that enable the Mythical Creatures (ThunderBird, FireBird, and Dragon) are just as obvious when listening through the Mythical Horses. To keep the very complicated construction flexible, the upper Mythicals have two or three externally visible separate constructions. While also necessarily co
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FIREBIRD 48 Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. FireBird 48 features 100% Perfect-Surface Silver conductors that have been d
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DRAGON 48 DBS X+ Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. Dragon 48 features 100% Perfect-Surface Silver conductors and drains th
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THUNDERBIRD eARC AudioQuest eARC-Priority cables are full-on 48-Series HDMI cables with the 48Gbps bandwidth required for 8K-10K video and all the latest video features. While the main A V data pairs have Cinnamon-level performance (Forest 48 s solid 0.5% Silver + Carbon Vodka 48 s Level-3 Noise-Dissipation), the eARC data pair and Ground-Reference drain in eARC-Priority cables use all the same advanced design ingredients as their 48 siblings. ThunderBird eARC features 10% Silver eARC conductors and
DRAGON eARC Priority AudioQuest eARC-Priority cables are full-on 48-Series HDMI cables with the 48Gbps bandwidth required for 8K-10K video and all the latest video features. While the main A V data pairs have Cinnamon-level performance (Forest 48 s solid 0.5% Silver + Carbon Vodka 48 s Level-3 Noise-Dissipation), the eARC data pair and Ground-Reference drain in eARC-Priority cables use all the same advanced design ingredients as their 48 siblings. Dragon eARC features 100% Perfect-Surface Silver eAR
THUNDERBIRD 48 Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. ThunderBird 48 features 10% Silver-Plated Copper conductors and drains th
VODKA eARC AudioQuest eARC-Priority cables are full-on 48-Series HDMI cables with the 48Gbps bandwidth required for 8K-10K video and all the latest video features. While the main A V data pairs have Cinnamon-level performance (Forest 48 s solid 0.5% Silver + Carbon Vodka 48 s Level-3 Noise-Dissipation), the eARC data pair and Ground-Reference drain in eARC-Priority cables use all the same advanced design ingredients as their 48 siblings. Vodka eARC features 10% Silver eARC conductors and 5% Silver G
Done right, BiWiring enables better sound for less money. However, for various reasons, there are times when BiWiring may not be possible. For those times, AudioQuest BiWire Jumpers deliver significantly improved performance over the common stamped jumpers that are included with most BiWireable loudspeakers. ThunderBird BiWire Jumpers employ Direction-Controlled Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) covered with a Conductive Carbon-loaded extrusion that reduces RF pick-up. ThunderBird BiWire Jumpers are
Done right, BiWiring enables better sound for less money. However, for various reasons, there are times when BiWiring may not be possible. For those times, AudioQuest BiWire Jumpers deliver significantly improved performance over the common stamped jumpers that are included with most BiWireable loudspeakers. ThunderBird BiWire Jumpers employ Direction-Controlled Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) covered with a Conductive Carbon-loaded extrusion that reduces RF pick-up. ThunderBird BiWire Jumpers are