Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Cinnamon 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Cinnamon 48Gbps

CINNAMON 48 Sunetul este pe primul loc. In timp ce rezolutia 8K si alte caracteristici convingatoare ale jocurilor si materialelor video care sunt acum cap de afis cand este vorba de tehnologia HDMI, cablurile de la AudioQuest din seria HDMI 48 Gbps seria Prioritate eARC ofera cel mai bun sunet pana acum. Cu cat precizia este mai mare si toleranatele in procesul de productie sunt mai mici, toate acestea fiind necesare unui cablu HDMI pentru a putea suporta transferuri pana la 48 Gbps, inseamna ca ingredientele adevarate si incercate si tehnicile folosite au aceeasi importanta ca si panan acum. Cinnamon 48 are conductori din cupru placati cu 1.25% argint, care au fost directionati pentru cea mai eficienta disipare a zgomotului de frecventa radio; un scut de strat metalic este plasat in jurul celor 4 perechi FRL + eARC pentru a imbunatati in continuare disiparea zgomotului. Lungimi disponibile - cablu pasiv: 0.6m, 1m, 1.5m, 2m, 3.0m, 5.0m; 48G Cablurile HDMI AudioQuest 48 pot transfera pana la o rezolutie profesionala de 10K Ultra-HD. Latimea de banda de 48 Gbps poate fi atinsa prin folosirea a 4 perechi audio-video balansate, fiecare capabila de o latime de 12 Gbps. Cu cat precizia este mai mare si toleranatele in procesul de productie sunt mai mici, toate acestea fiind necesare unui cablu HDMI pentru a putea suporta transferuri pana la 48 Gbps, inseamna ca ingredientele adevarate si incercate si tehnicile folosite au aceeasi importanta ca si panan acum. 8K 10K Cablurile HDMI AudioQuest 48Gbps au latimea de banda necesara pentru semnalele video cu rezolutii pana la 10K si rezolutii si rate de improspatare pana la 8K 60 si 4K 120. Toate cablurile HDMI de la AudioQuest sunt complet compatibile cu rezolutii mai mici pentru ecranele existenta 4K. CONDUCTORI DE CUPRU PLACATI CU 1.25% ARGINT (HDMI) In cablurile HDMI AudioQuest, straturile din ce in ce mai groase de placare cu argint se aplica conductorilor din cupru cu granulatie lunga (LGC) pentru a imbunatat disiparea zgomotului. Amplasarea metalului superior la exteriorul conductorului produce cel mai mare beneficiu in ceea ce priveste performanta generala - o modalitate extrem de rentabila de a maximiza un cablu digital. Cinnamon 48 foloseste cupru placat cu 1.25% argint pentru conductorii sai. NIVEL 2 DE DISIPARE A ZGOMOTULUI: STRAT DE METAL + DIRECTIONALITATE Ecranarea 100% traditionala nu este suficienta pentru a proteja impotriva efectelor din ce in ce mai raspandite ale radiatiilor Wi-Fi, celulare si satelite. In cablurile HDMI AudioQuest, toti cei 19 conductori sunt controlati in directie pentru a minimiza zgomotul RF care dauneaza performantei prin directionarea sau scurgerea acesteia din circuitele cele mai vulnerabile. In Nivelul 2 de disipare a zgomotului, un strat metalic este plasat in jurul celor 4 perechi FRL + eARC pentru a spori si mai mult disiparea zgomotului. Se aplica tehnici suplimentare de disipare a zgomotului (nivelurile 3 si mai sus), deoarece bugetul permite, pentru a reduce si mai mult zgomotul. eARC: 1.25% ARGINT + NIVEL 2 DISIPARE ZGOMOT Pentru ca sunetul este important, conductorii eARC din seria de cabluri HDMI 48 de la AudioQuest primesc in mod egal aceeasi dragoste si afectiune, introducand aceleasi metale superioare, conductori controlati pe directie si tehnologii de disipare a sunetului ca si in cazul perechilor principale de date AV. In cablurile Prioritate eARC de la AudioQuest, principalele perechi A V au nivelul de performanta de la Cinnamon (conductor solid din modelul Forest cu 0.5% Argint + Nivelul 3 de disipare de la modelele Carbon si Vodka) in timp ce perechea de date eARC si masa folosesc impreuna aceleasi ingrediente avansate precum omoloagele lor din seria 48 . Canalul Audio de Intoarcere al HDMI-ului (ARC) trimite sunetul de la un televizor catre o bara de sunet sau un receptor AV pentru o mai mari simplificare si flexibilitate in cadrul setari de sistem. Anterioarele capabilitati ale versiunilor hardware ARC erau maxim folosite doar cu un audio multicanal 5.1 comprimat. Pentru standardul HDMI 2

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest ThunderBird eARC Priority 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest ThunderBird eARC Priority 48Gbps

THUNDERBIRD eARC AudioQuest eARC-Priority cables are full-on 48-Series HDMI cables with the 48Gbps bandwidth required for 8K-10K video and all the latest video features. While the main A V data pairs have Cinnamon-level performance (Forest 48 s solid 0.5% Silver + Carbon Vodka 48 s Level-3 Noise-Dissipation), the eARC data pair and Ground-Reference drain in eARC-Priority cables use all the same advanced design ingredients as their 48 siblings. ThunderBird eARC features 10% Silver eARC conductors and

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Vodka eARC Priority

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Vodka eARC Priority

VODKA eARC AudioQuest eARC-Priority cables are full-on 48-Series HDMI cables with the 48Gbps bandwidth required for 8K-10K video and all the latest video features. While the main A V data pairs have Cinnamon-level performance (Forest 48 s solid 0.5% Silver + Carbon Vodka 48 s Level-3 Noise-Dissipation), the eARC data pair and Ground-Reference drain in eARC-Priority cables use all the same advanced design ingredients as their 48 siblings. Vodka eARC features 10% Silver eARC conductors and 5% Silver G

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Dragon eARC Priority 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Dragon eARC Priority 48Gbps

DRAGON eARC Priority AudioQuest eARC-Priority cables are full-on 48-Series HDMI cables with the 48Gbps bandwidth required for 8K-10K video and all the latest video features. While the main A V data pairs have Cinnamon-level performance (Forest 48 s solid 0.5% Silver + Carbon Vodka 48 s Level-3 Noise-Dissipation), the eARC data pair and Ground-Reference drain in eARC-Priority cables use all the same advanced design ingredients as their 48 siblings. Dragon eARC features 100% Perfect-Surface Silver eAR

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Carbon 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Carbon 48Gbps

CARBON 48 Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. Carbon 48 features 5% Silver-Plated Copper conductors that have been direction

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Vodka 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Vodka 48Gbps

VODKA 48 Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. Vodka 48 features 10% Silver-Plated Copper conductors that have been direction-

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest ThunderBird 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest ThunderBird 48Gbps

THUNDERBIRD 48 Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. ThunderBird 48 features 10% Silver-Plated Copper conductors and drains th

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest FireBird DBS X+ 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest FireBird DBS X+ 48Gbps

FIREBIRD 48 Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. FireBird 48 features 100% Perfect-Surface Silver conductors that have been d

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Dragon DBS X+ 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Dragon DBS X+ 48Gbps

DRAGON 48 DBS X+ Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. Dragon 48 features 100% Perfect-Surface Silver conductors and drains th

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Photon 48, Hdmi 2.1, 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Photon 48, Hdmi 2.1, 48Gbps

Certified Ultra High Speed by HDMI Licensing, Photon 48 has the bandwidth to support all the latest HDMI-2.1 features, including exciting new gaming capabilities, such as: 4K 120 FPS (3840x2160) gaming, Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) up to 120 FPS 144Hz, Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM), and Quick Frame Transport (QFT) all of which work to ensure smooth, lag-free, uninterrupted viewing and interactivity. Of course, Photon 48 isn t only made for video games. Like all AudioQuest 48 Series HDMI cables, Photon

Cablu HDMI Chord C-view 8K 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI Chord C-view 8K 48Gbps

Dupa mai bine de 12 ani de experienta, firma Chord a dezvoltat un cablu HDMI in varianta 2.0, ecranat, de inalta calitate

Adaptor HDMI 90 Degree Right Angle Narrow Audioquest, cod 69-055-01

Adaptor HDMI 90 Degree Right Angle Narrow Audioquest, cod 69-055-01

HDMI right angle adapter Solid design (doesn 39;t flex or bend) Gold-plated contacts Supports HDMI High-Speed specifications

Adaptor HDMI 90 Degree Left Angle Narrow Audioquest, cod 69-056-01

Adaptor HDMI 90 Degree Left Angle Narrow Audioquest, cod 69-056-01

HDMI left angle adapter Solid design (doesn 39;t flex or bend) Gold-plated contacts Supports HDMI High-Speed specifications

Adaptor HDMI Type A la Type C Audioquest, cod 69-045-01

Adaptor HDMI Type A la Type C Audioquest, cod 69-045-01

Conector gold Mufa intrare HDMI Mufa iesire HDMI mini

Adaptor HDMI 90 Degree W Audioquest, cod 69-051-01

Adaptor HDMI 90 Degree W Audioquest, cod 69-051-01

Solid design (doesn 39;t flex or bend) Gold-plated contacts Supports HDMI High-Speed specifications

Cablu HDMI 2.1 8K-10K AudioQuest Forest 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI 2.1 8K-10K AudioQuest Forest 48Gbps

FOREST 48 Sunetul este pe primul loc. In timp ce rezolutia 8K si alte caracteristici convingatoare ale jocurilor si materialelor video care sunt acum cap de afis cand este vorba de tehnologia HDMI, cablurile de la AudioQuest din seria HDMI 48 Gbps seria Prioritate eARC ofera cel mai bun sunet pana acum. Cu cat precizia este mai mare si toleranatele in procesul de productie sunt mai mici, toate acestea fiind necesare unui cablu HDMI pentru a putea suporta transferuri pana la 48 Gbps, inseamna ca ingr
