CaliClean Glass (946 ml)

CaliClean Glass (946 ml)

Multe produse de curatat contin substante daunatoare sanatatii. Pentru folosirea acestor produse chimice de curatat intr-un mediu sigur pentru sanatatea dvs. trebuie sa purtati o masca, manusi de cauciuc sau haine care nu pot fi erodate de aceste produse. Detergentii care contin substante periculoase sunt nocivi atat pentru oameni, cat si pentru mediul inconjurator. Substantele chimice pe care le aruncam in chiuveta si le deversam in canalizare incetinesc procesele naturale de purificare, deoarece distrug bacteriile necesare decantarii apei. Majoritatea sistemelor de deversare nu sunt concepute sa proceseze substante chimice, prin urmare, daca reziduurile domestice periculoase sunt eliminate in forma lor originara, acestea vor periclita fauna si apele freatice. Spre deosebire de produse CaliClean , produsele chimice din comert au numeroase neajunsuri: - Substanta periculoasa cel mai des prezenta in dezinfectanti sunt fenolii, extrem de otravitori, inflamabili, care pot afecta sistemul nervos central, functiile cardiace, rinichii, pot cauza insuficienta respiratorie sau pot ataca mucoasele si pielea. - Produsele de desfundat sifonul, de curatat cuptorul, toaleta, toate contin acid clorhidric, substanta otravitoare, coroziva, ce poate cauza arsuri si poate distruge tesuturi vii, poate provoaca edem pulmonar daca este inhalat si deces daca e ingerat. - Produsele de curatat podeaua, de lustruit parchetul si mobila contin dietilenglicol care poate provoca leziuni ale rinichilor, ficatului si sistemului nervos central, sau deces daca este ingerat. - Produsele de indepartat petele contin perclorid etilen, hidroxid de amoniu, amoniac. Aceste substante sunt corozive, irita pielea, ochii si caile respiratorii, cauzeaza edem laringian daca sunt inhalate in concentratii ridicate. Pot afecta sistemul nervos central si pot provoca pierderea cunostintei sau moartea daca sunt inghitite. ALTERNATIVA pe care v-o oferim la toate aceste solutii cu neajunsuri sunt produsele ecologice de curatenie Cali Clean. Produsele CaliClean sunt potrivite pentru o curatenie eficienta, sanatoasa si ecologica pentru ca: - Sunt obtinute din substante 100% biodegradabile. - Contin 100% surfactanti de origine vegetala. - Sunt antialergice. - Nu contin fosfati si dioxina. - Nu contin materii prime obtinute din substante petrochimice. - Nu contin ingrediente de origine animala. - Nu sunt testate pe animale. - Ambalajul lor este confectionat din materiale reciclabile. - Parfumurile utilizate sunt naturale si conforme cu standardele IFRA (Asoc. Internat. a Parfumurilor). - Toate ingredientele folosite sunt autorizate de Agentia de Protectie a Mediului din SUA. , º Produsul natural de curatat pentru geamuri CaliClean Glass (miros de lamaie) - recomandat special pentru curatarea oglinzilor, ferestrelor, vitrinelor si a obiectelor din sticla. Un flacon de CaliClean Glass are 946 ml . Acest produs contine : 1. Apa filtrata 2. Agenti de curatare specifici din plante 3. Decil-glucozid 4. Alcool de prorumb 5. Gluconat de sodiu 6. Hidroxid de sodiu 7. Parfum de lamaie 8. Colorant galben-natural Alte mentiuni: Biodegradabil. Nu contine fosfati. Nu contine inalbitori. Atentie! - Desi sunt ecologice, produsele de curatat pot provoca iritatii in contact direct cu ochii sau gura. A nu se pastra la indemana copiilor! - In caz de contact cu ochii: clatiti cu apa din abundenta timp de 15 minute, apoi solicitati sfatul unui medic. - In caz de ingestie: nu va autoprovocati voma, beti un pahar cu apa si luati legatura cu medicul dumneavoastra. - In cazul suprafetelor sensibile, se testeaza mai intai pe o zona mica, ne aflata la vedere. - Nu se vor folosi pe obiectele de mobilier din lemn masiv lacuit. Utilizarea produselor chimice de curatat poate avea si efecte negative directe asupra sanatatii. Agentii chimici nocivi din aceste produse pot afecta sistemul nervos central, functiile cardiace si rinichii, pot cauza insuficienta respiratorie, pot cauza inflamatii, iritatii, arsuri sau distrugeri de tesut. Pot provoca ede

Pipa sticla, Urban Crew, Cartoons 2, 12cm

Pipa sticla, Urban Crew, Cartoons 2, 12cm

Glass Pipes For The Best Draw Few things excite a herb enthusiast as much as the daily innovations to the fine art of the plant s usage. There was a lot of excitement when bongs were developed, even more, when dabbing rigs were brought about, now the glass pipes are here. These tools were long-awaited upgrades to the classic wooden pipes. These glass pipes managed to make using pipes to take herbs to look cool to enthusiasts again. A good illustration of all the advantages of glass pipe usage is our Wh

Pipa sticla, Urban Crew, Cartoons 3, 12cm

Pipa sticla, Urban Crew, Cartoons 3, 12cm

Glass Pipes For The Best Draw Few things excite a herb enthusiast as much as the daily innovations to the fine art of the plant s usage. There was a lot of excitement when bongs were developed, even more, when dabbing rigs were brought about, now the glass pipes are here. These tools were long-awaited upgrades to the classic wooden pipes. These glass pipes managed to make using pipes to take herbs to look cool to enthusiasts again. A good illustration of all the advantages of glass pipe usage is our Wh

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Mexican Skulls, 26cm

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Mexican Skulls, 26cm

A Glass Bong Reminiscent Of Mexico Our Mexican Skulls Glass Bong aren t just stylish, they are also good at their job. The multicolored skull design on this glass Bong reminds the user of the Mexican day of the dead. With this bong, your customers can show their Mexican party spirit every time they smoke. This bong is 26cm long. That is quite tall for a bong, but it allows filtration to work well. This filtration gives the user a cleaner draw. It is made of glass which allows for cooler, smooth dr

Pipa sticla transparenta, Urban Crew, Glow, 10cm

Pipa sticla transparenta, Urban Crew, Glow, 10cm

A Fun Way to Light Up the Home and a Smile! The Transparent Glass Pipe Glow in The Dark 10cm s is a gorgeous glass pipe, made of high-quality borosilicate glass. The pipe features an amazing glow in the dark effect! This translucent glass pipe comes with a removable bowl with a built-in screen, a carb hole and a cap and features a unique design of an alien skull with glowing eyes and teeth. This pipe also has an intricate pattern on the stem and base to add to the aesthetic appeal. It is a must-have f

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Dark Skulls, 26cm

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Dark Skulls, 26cm

Get the Most Out of Smoking Sessions This Dark Skulls Glass Bong 26cm is not only a great looking glass bong, but is also made from 5mm thick, high-quality borosilicate glass and comes equipped with a black acrylic mouthpiece and base protector. It has a 3-point filter, with which the smoke will be properly filtered before it enters the lungs. This way your customers can get the most out of their smoking sessions! The round base provides stability and makes it hard to knock over the bong. It features a

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Glow Dark Red Gorilla, Triple Glass, 25cm

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Glow Dark Red Gorilla, Triple Glass, 25cm

Triple Thickness for Double the Pleasure! Glow in the Dark Red Gorilla Triple Thick Glass Bong is made from high grade, ultra-clear, borosilicate glass. It s a thing of beauty and it s a bong that your customers will be proud to own and display. The bowl for this bong is an all-glass one that stands at a height of 25cm tall. It has a mouthpiece that is flared outwards to allow a comfortable inhale each time the smoker takes a hit. This is a large enough pipe, but not too large so that it will be diff

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Red Bee Hexagon Triple Glass, 32cm

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Red Bee Hexagon Triple Glass, 32cm

Built for Durability Strength The Red Bee Hexagon Triple Thick Glass Bong 32cm is a great-looking glass bong, made out of 3mm thick glass. The hexagon-shaped body gives it a very unusual appearance and makes it stand out from the crowd. It features a rubber grommet that holds the bowl and downpipe in place. The base is flat to ensure stability. This product is intended for tobacco use only. It comes with an 18.8mm female joint, as well as an integrated diffusor downstem with a length of 14cm and a hol

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Black Bee Hexagon Triple Glass, 32cm

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Black Bee Hexagon Triple Glass, 32cm

Built for Durability Strength The Black Bee Hexagon Triple Thick Glass Bong 32cm is a great-looking glass bong, made out of 3mm thick glass. The hexagon-shaped body gives it a very unusual appearance and makes it stand out from the crowd. It features a rubber grommet that holds the bowl and downpipe in place. The base is flat to ensure stability. This product is intended for tobacco use only. It comes with an 18.8mm female joint, as well as an integrated diffusor downstem with a length of 14cm and a h

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Rainbow Bee Hexagon Triple Glass, 32cm

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Rainbow Bee Hexagon Triple Glass, 32cm

Built for Durability Strength The Rainbow Bee Hexagon Triple Thick Glass Bong 32cm is a great-looking glass bong, made out of 3mm thick glass. The hexagon-shaped body gives it a very unusual appearance and makes it stand out from the crowd. It features a rubber grommet that holds the bowl and downpipe in place. The base is flat to ensure stability. This product is intended for tobacco use only. It comes with an 18.8mm female joint, as well as an integrated diffusor downstem with a length of 14cm and a

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Rainbow Gradient Albastru, 25cm

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Rainbow Gradient Albastru, 25cm

Rainbow Gradient Blue Glass Bong Introducing Rainbow Gradient Blue Glass Bong. Crafted from high-quality glass, this bong is both durable and aesthetically pleasing. The rainbow gradient blue color scheme adds a touch of elegance and uniqueness to this piece, making it a standout item in any collection. Measuring at 25cm in height, it is the perfect size for a comfortable and enjoyable smoking experience. Not only does this bong offer a visually appealing design, but it also provides a smooth and pleasu

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Rasta Leaves, 26cm

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Rasta Leaves, 26cm

The Perfect Bong for Style Function This Rasta Leaves Glass Bong 26cm is a beautifully designed piece with a strong rasta colour theme. This bong is made out of 5mm thick, high-quality borosilicate glass and has a built-in ice catcher for the ultimate cool smoking experience. The bong measures 26cm in height and has a diffuser downstem with an 18.8mm female joint. It has a slight curvature to the tube and coloured leaves. It also has a carb hole and comes with a matching herb bowl with handle. The bas

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Rainbow Gradient Portocaliu, 25cm

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Rainbow Gradient Portocaliu, 25cm

Wholesale Rainbow Gradient Orange Glass Bong Introducing Rainbow Gradient Orange Glass Bong. Crafted from high-quality glass, this bong is both durable and aesthetically pleasing. The rainbow gradient orange color scheme adds a touch of elegance and uniqueness to this piece, making it a standout item in any collection. Measuring at 25cm in height, it is the perfect size for a comfortable and enjoyable smoking experience.

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Glow Dark Orange Gorilla, Triple Glass, 25cm

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Glow Dark Orange Gorilla, Triple Glass, 25cm

Another Fine Product From The Gorilla Brand The Glow in the Dark Orange Gorilla Triple Thick Glass Bong 25cm is made from only the highest quality borosilicate glass. The product s sturdy construction makes it durable enough to withstand accidental drops, while the triple layer of glass on the main body helps to prevent heat transfer from ruining your customers smoking experience. The removable downstem has a diffuser at the base that breaks up the smoke into tiny bubbles, increasing the surface area

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Abstract Colors, 26cm

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Abstract Colors, 26cm

Stunningly Attractive, Functional Durable Bong The Abstract Colors Glass Bong 26cm is a beautiful and decorative bong featuring a stunning design with a mix of colours and shapes. When your customers hold this piece of glass art in their hands, they ll discover it s not just a beautiful decoration piece: the bong is made from thick glass and has an excellent filtration system. The 18.8mm joint comes with an 18.8mm male slide bowl with a roll stopper for herbs and tobacco. The beautiful colours of the

Pipa albastra, Urban Crew, Glow, 10cm

Pipa albastra, Urban Crew, Glow, 10cm

Be the Centre of Attraction at the Next Party! The Blue Glass Pipe Glow in The Dark is an awesome piece that features a glowing pipe with a 10cm length and a small hole on the side of the bowl. This pipe is sure to be a hit at any party or event! The Blue Glass Pipe Glow in The Dark has been designed to look like a real glass pipe, but with the added benefit of having a glowing feature, which is achieved by using luminous paint that glows in the dark when the lights are off. The glow effect works best
