Anisha este pregatita sa fie domnisoara de onoare la nunta matusii Bindi ... pana la sosirea unei note secrete de rascumparare. Mirele lui Bindi a fost rapit si va fi eliberat doar daca nunta va fi anulata! Nr. de pagini : 256
An absolute joy from start to finish! Jennifer Killick on Anisha, Accidental Detective I ve been working sooo hard with Milo and Govi to make our super-erupting volcano for the school science fair. I really thought we might win first prize - a trip to the National Space Centre. But now we re in BIG trouble. One minute we were in the lab practising our science demo, and the next thing we knew, our volcano exploded and flooded the corridors. School had to be cancelled! But did we really get our project
The school show must go on, in the fourth hilarious mystery in the award-winning Anisha, Accidental Detective series! JUST ONE WEEK UNTIL SHOWTIME! I m SO busy - our class is putting on a musical, and we only have ONE WEEK before curtain up. And, as it s nearly DIWALI, Granny Jas is cooking non-stop, and Auntie Bindi is determined to BRING THE BLING. I m leaving the theatrics to Milo, but as the director s assistant I have LOADS to do...especially now everything is going WRONG. Even Molly the cat is for
Perfect for younger detectives. So funny and clever and sweet. Robin Stevens Winner of the Sainsbury s Children s Book Prize and of the Crimefest Best Crime Novel for Children HELP! My super-dramatic Aunty Bindi is getting married tomorrow and she s having a mega meltdown. But sssh! I ve just found a ransom note, pushed through the letter box, saying Uncle Tony, Bindi s husband-to-be, has been kidnapped, and will only be freed if the wedding is cancelled! I have to keep this a secret otherwise it ll be
Pack your bags, we re going on a road trip, in the third hilarious mystery in the award-winning Anisha, Accidental Detective series! Milo and I have been looking forward to this half-term for what feels like FOREVER - we re finally going to the National Space Centre, to meet a real-life space engineer! My whole family wanted to tag along and visit a festival first, where this super-famous, mega-expensive diamond is on display. But guess what? The diamond has been STOLEN! And the police think MY GRANNY d
There s sabotage on the school trip, in the seventh hilarious case in the award-winning Anisha, Accidental Detective series! It s finally time for our Year 6 residential trip, and we re off to the beach! I can t wait for three days having fun with my friends, learning about animal habitats and being free from grown-ups. We might even win a prize for our project! Except, Granny Jas has turned up as a surprise chaperone, and she won t stop showing everyone my embarrassing baby photos. And now someone is m
There s a spooky mystery at school, in the sixth hilarious case in the award-winning Anisha, Accidental Detective series! It s Halloween and everyone is excited about the school disco. It s a bit much for me - all that dressing-up and dancing. I d rather cosy up with a good book, but Milo, Mindy and Manny are all super excited. Or at least, they were excited, until all these strange things started happening - messages appearing on the whiteboard, lights flickering on and off, books flying off the libr
Winner of The Week Junior Book Awards Children s Book of the Year: Younger Fiction The Mistrys are off on holiday, in the fifth hilarious mystery in the award-winning Anisha, Accidental Detective series! Pack your bags - we re off to a holiday camp! Milo can t wait to see the wildlife, Manny s learning survival skills, and even Granny s going to have a go at archery. Honestly, I just want to read my book, but there s NEVER any time to relax for Anisha, Accidental Detective. The holiday park s mascot, De
Joc pentru Copii invatam Limba Engleza Cititor de Carduri 224 Carduri electronice audio pentru copii Carte de vorbire cognitiva Carti flash Educatie timpurie Invatare cuvinte in limba engleza
Descriere Carte de colorat cu activitati in limba engleza si abtibilduri First Words First Words este o carte de colorat educationala care incurajeaza copilul atat sa invete sa scrie, cat si sa citeasca in limba engleza. Copiii vor invata primele cuvinte in limba engleza intr-un mod distractiv, prin asocierea abtibildurilor cu imaginile si practicarea scrisului. Cartile de colorat Orchard Toys au fost realizate in scop educational, dezvoltand pas cu pas capabilitatile de invatare ale copiilor de la o
Limba romana si limba engleza • clasa a IV-aVarsta recomandata:7 - 10 aniNr. pagini:48ISBN:9786060561484Format:210 × 270 mmColectie: CAIETUL MEU DE VACANTA
Usor de consultat si bogata in fotografii colorate, aceasta carte este utila pentru invatarea vocabularului in limba engleza. Transcrierea fonetica inclusa intre paranteze ajuta copilul sa exerseze limba engleza si oral.
Usor de consultat si bogata in fotografii colorate, aceasta carte este utila pentru invatarea vocabularului in limba engleza. Transcrierea fonetica inclusa intre paranteze ajuta copilul sa exerseze limba engleza si oral.
Carte montessori multiple activitatii stickere reutilizabile in limba engleza O carte cu activitati pentru copii, stickere repozitionabile, imagini frumoase, fiecare pagina are cate o activitate educativa
Hai cu noi intr-o calatorie interesanta pentru a descoperi cuvinte in limba engleza! Cum se numesc hainele tale in limba engleza? Ce animale incep cu litera C in dictionarul englez? Cum se numara in limba engleza? In aceasta carte, vei descoperi o multime de pagini cu ilustratii frumos colorate si autocolante grozave. Plina de activitati distractive si creative in limba engleza, este ideala pentru acasa ori in calatorie! CaracteristiciPagini 322 pagini de autocolanteMarimi 10.5x14.8 cmAutor Dorothee RaabC
Prescolarii trebuie sa stapaneasca multe notiuni, sa invete culori, forme, parti ale corpului, numere si chiar antonime sau sinonime. Din fericire, spiridusul Bagaret ii va ajuta sa invete toate acestea in limba engleza. Este interesat de toate si nu se teme sa se implice nici macar in munca din gradina. Ii duce pe copii la teatru sau la cumparaturi, viziteaza cu ei medicul si gradinita. Si drept recompensa, fiecare pagina are un cantec tematic si un basm pentru copii! Noua carte Sa invatam cu poves