Chestguard , œMaxi,   (with inserts) - red, size S

Chestguard , œMaxi, (with inserts) - red, size S

Lenjerie intimă sportivă - Maxi , protecție toracică pentru femei de la TOP TEN Maxi nu-și are locul doar sub hainele de antrenament, deoarece, datorită croielii sale mai lungi, arată foarte bine și ca bluză sportivă practică și atractivă. Cureaua discretă se potriveștepe piele1 și garantează că Maxi rămâne bine fixat chiar și atunci când sunteți la putere maximă. Împreună cu inserțiile de formă anatomică, topul devine o protecție toracică pregătită pentru competiții pentru numeroase arte marțiale, cum ar fi: Kickboxing, Taekwondo, box thailandez, box, MMA și multe altele. Maxi asigură o siguranță maximă O lovitură simplă sau o lovitură la nivelul pieptului nu numai că poate fi neplăcută, dar adăpostește și o serie de riscuri pentru sănătate. Întrucât femeile practicante de arte marțiale, în special, sunt expuse unui risc sporit, acestea nu ar trebui să se lipsească de protecția toracică. Fie că vă antrenați, luptați sau concurați, cu Maxi de la TOP TEN te simți liberă și lipsită de griji, în ciuda performanței ridicate de siguranță. Țesătura funcțională ușoară se potrivește perfect și poate fi purtată confortabil sub alte haine de antrenament sau ca un strat unic elegant. Sexul mai slab e de domeniul trecutului Femeile le arată bărbaților de mult timp, iar femeile puternice cuceresc și fostele domenii masculine. Cu multiplele sale fațete, artele marțiale au încetat de mult să mai fie doar un trend de fitness. Pentru mulți, sportul face parte dintr-un echilibru sănătos între viața profesională și cea privată și face viața mai ușoară. TOP TEN dorește, de asemenea, să sprijine femeile în artele marțiale și depune multe eforturi pentru a dezvolta echipamente și îmbrăcăminte specifice pentru femei și bărbați.

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing,   - black-blue, size XL

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing, - black-blue, size XL

The functional kickboxing T-shirt , œKickboxing, by TOP TEN is made of light functional material and has additional mesh inserts in the armpit area. The cut of the T-shirt is casual and gives you maximum flexibility. The woven TOP TEN structure of the , œKickboxing, T-Shirt sets an effective accent.

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing,   - black-blue, size M

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing, - black-blue, size M

The functional kickboxing T-shirt , œKickboxing, by TOP TEN is made of light functional material and has additional mesh inserts in the armpit area. The cut of the T-shirt is casual and gives you maximum flexibility. The woven TOP TEN structure of the , œKickboxing, T-Shirt sets an effective accent.

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing,   - black-blue, size S

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing, - black-blue, size S

The functional kickboxing T-shirt , œKickboxing, by TOP TEN is made of light functional material and has additional mesh inserts in the armpit area. The cut of the T-shirt is casual and gives you maximum flexibility. The woven TOP TEN structure of the , œKickboxing, T-Shirt sets an effective accent.

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing,   - black-blue, size XS

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing, - black-blue, size XS

The functional kickboxing T-shirt , œKickboxing, by TOP TEN is made of light functional material and has additional mesh inserts in the armpit area. The cut of the T-shirt is casual and gives you maximum flexibility. The woven TOP TEN structure of the , œKickboxing, T-Shirt sets an effective accent.

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing,   - black-blue, size XXS

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing, - black-blue, size XXS

The functional kickboxing T-shirt , œKickboxing, by TOP TEN is made of light functional material and has additional mesh inserts in the armpit area. The cut of the T-shirt is casual and gives you maximum flexibility. The woven TOP TEN structure of the , œKickboxing, T-Shirt sets an effective accent.

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing,   - black-blue, size 130

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing, - black-blue, size 130

The functional kickboxing T-shirt , œKickboxing, by TOP TEN is made of light functional material and has additional mesh inserts in the armpit area. The cut of the T-shirt is casual and gives you maximum flexibility. The woven TOP TEN structure of the , œKickboxing, T-Shirt sets an effective accent.

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing,   - black-blue, size XXL

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing, - black-blue, size XXL

The functional kickboxing T-shirt , œKickboxing, by TOP TEN is made of light functional material and has additional mesh inserts in the armpit area. The cut of the T-shirt is casual and gives you maximum flexibility. The woven TOP TEN structure of the , œKickboxing, T-Shirt sets an effective accent.

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing,   - black-white, size 130

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing, - black-white, size 130

The functional kickboxing T-shirt , œKickboxing, by TOP TEN is made of light functional material and has additional mesh inserts in the armpit area. The cut of the T-shirt is casual and gives you maximum flexibility. The woven TOP TEN structure of the , œKickboxing, T-Shirt sets an effective accent.

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing,   - black-white, size XXS

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing, - black-white, size XXS

The functional kickboxing T-shirt , œKickboxing, by TOP TEN is made of light functional material and has additional mesh inserts in the armpit area. The cut of the T-shirt is casual and gives you maximum flexibility. The woven TOP TEN structure of the , œKickboxing, T-Shirt sets an effective accent.

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing,   - black-white, size M

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing, - black-white, size M

The functional kickboxing T-shirt , œKickboxing, by TOP TEN is made of light functional material and has additional mesh inserts in the armpit area. The cut of the T-shirt is casual and gives you maximum flexibility. The woven TOP TEN structure of the , œKickboxing, T-Shirt sets an effective accent.

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing,   - black-white, size XL

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing, - black-white, size XL

The functional kickboxing T-shirt , œKickboxing, by TOP TEN is made of light functional material and has additional mesh inserts in the armpit area. The cut of the T-shirt is casual and gives you maximum flexibility. The woven TOP TEN structure of the , œKickboxing, T-Shirt sets an effective accent.

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing,   - black-white, size XXL

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing, - black-white, size XXL

The functional kickboxing T-shirt , œKickboxing, by TOP TEN is made of light functional material and has additional mesh inserts in the armpit area. The cut of the T-shirt is casual and gives you maximum flexibility. The woven TOP TEN structure of the , œKickboxing, T-Shirt sets an effective accent.

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing,   - black-white, size L

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing, - black-white, size L

The functional kickboxing T-shirt , œKickboxing, by TOP TEN is made of light functional material and has additional mesh inserts in the armpit area. The cut of the T-shirt is casual and gives you maximum flexibility. The woven TOP TEN structure of the , œKickboxing, T-Shirt sets an effective accent.

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing,   - black-blue, size L

T-Shirt, V-Neck for kickboxing , œKickboxing, - black-blue, size L

The functional kickboxing T-shirt , œKickboxing, by TOP TEN is made of light functional material and has additional mesh inserts in the armpit area. The cut of the T-shirt is casual and gives you maximum flexibility. The woven TOP TEN structure of the , œKickboxing, T-Shirt sets an effective accent.

Green Karate-Gi , œPremium Kumite,   (WKF approved) - white, with blue embroidery, size 195 cm

Green Karate-Gi , œPremium Kumite, (WKF approved) - white, with blue embroidery, size 195 cm

Pack it up and fight for you and our planet with the Karate-Gi , œgreen, from the Hayashi green collection. Made from 70% recycled polyester, we re bringing PET bottles back into the economic cycle and giving our planet another chance. In terms of sport, the traditional two-piece suit can be seen in daily training and WKF competitions. The , œgreen, combines innovative fabric technologies with well-known features. A kick step for maximum freedom of movement, like the mesh inserts for balanced climate
