Niagara 1200 aduce avantajele managementului energiei extrem de optimizat pentru mult mai multi iubitori de muzica si inlocuieste modelul Niagara 1000 care a fost primit uimitor de bine. Cea mai evidenta diferenta intre Niagara 1000 si 1200, in afara de superba finisare stralucitoare texturata a lui 1200, este forma universal mai utila si greutatea surprinzator de substantiala. 1200 poate acum sta pe un raft ca o componenta, cu toate cablurile de intrare si iesire in spate. Poate fi folosita cu fata in jos cu prizele in aer, incadrandu-se mult mai bine in spatiul dintre mobilier si perete. Si, 1200 este proiectat sa stea pe un capat. 100% din performanta intr-un pachet mai util - la doar 999,95 USD. Proiectata de Garth Powell, Niagara 1200 intruchipeaza aceeasi filozofie de design si incorporeaza aceeasi tehnologie patentata gasita la fratii sai mai mari, Niagara 5000 si Niagara 7000 , dar o impachetata intr-o incinta mai mica, mai eleganta - la o fracaiune din pret. La fel ca Niagara 5000 si 7000 , Niagara 1200 foloseste cabluri cu miez solid cu rezistenta ultra-scazuta, optimizate pentru directionalitate la zgomot redus, tehnologii de formare a condensatorilor care imbunatatesc considerabil liniaritatea si reduc minim distorsiunea si contactele de intrare si iesire de curent alternativ placate masiv cu argin peste cupru beriliu de inalta puritate pentru o superioara disipare a zgomotului. In mod similar, Niagara 1200 dispune de protectia noastra impotriva supratensiunilor de tip non-sacrificiu, tehnologie patentata de disipare a zgomotului la sol si oprirea in caz de supra-tensiune. Circuitul de protectie fara sacrificii de la Niagara 1200 va asigura ca sistemul dvs. este protejat complet de supratensiunile s varfurile de curent alternativ, iar Niagara 1200 se protejeaza pe sine - fara daune, fara timpi morti. Instalati-o si uitati de ea. Niagara 1200 utilizeaza tehnologia brevetata de Disipare a sunetului la sol si Disipare liniara a zgomotului de la AudioQuest si incorporeaza sapte prize de inalta performanta in sasiul sau elegant ce poate fi folosit pe un dulap raft. Capacitatea maxima curent de intrare este de 15 amperi RMS.
AudioQuest DBS Level X este succesorul Carbon DBS. Din punct de vedere tehnic si design sunt la fel, cu acelasi frumos finisaj negru lucios. AudioQuest DBS Level X are o retea de filtrare pentru a preveni RFI si EMI. Aceasta retea nu a fost utilizata in sistemul DBS original. DBS Level X contine un filtru RF dezvoltat pentru produsele de alimentare AudioQuest Niagara, care filtreaza zgomotul de frecventa radio de la conductorii de semnal. AudioQuest DBS Level X ofera o reductie de zgomot exceptionala. U
Done right, BiWiring enables better sound for less money. However, for various reasons, there are times when BiWiring may not be possible. For those times, AudioQuest BiWire Jumpers deliver significantly improved performance over the common stamped jumpers that are included with most BiWireable loudspeakers. ThunderBird BiWire Jumpers employ Direction-Controlled Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) covered with a Conductive Carbon-loaded extrusion that reduces RF pick-up. ThunderBird BiWire Jumpers are
Done right, BiWiring enables better sound for less money. However, for various reasons, there are times when BiWiring may not be possible. For those times, AudioQuest BiWire Jumpers deliver significantly improved performance over the common stamped jumpers that are included with most BiWireable loudspeakers. ThunderBird BiWire Jumpers employ Direction-Controlled Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) covered with a Conductive Carbon-loaded extrusion that reduces RF pick-up. ThunderBird BiWire Jumpers are
Low-Z Noise-Dissipation 3-Pole AC Power Cable Solid Perfect-Surface Silver (PSS) Conductors Optimized For Source Components Ground Noise-Dissipation Technology (US Patent 9,373,439) ZERO: No Characteristic Impedance Dielectric-Bias System with Radio Frequency Noise Trap Directionally Controlled Conductors Alternating Current (AC), is a far-from-perfect power source. AC power technology is well over a century old and was never designed to meet the exacting standards of today s high resolution au
Low-Z Noise-Dissipation 3-Pole AC Power Cable Perfect-Surface Silver (PSS) Conductors True-Concentric Conductors Minimize Strand Interaction Magnetic Confusion RF ND-Tech (US Patent 8,988,168) ZERO: No Characteristic Impedance 72VDC Dielectric-Bias System (US Patent 7,126,055) with Level-X Radio-Frequency Trap Directionally Controlled Conductors RF ND-TECH (PATENTED RADIO-FREQUENCY GROUND-NOISE DISSIPATION) MINIMIZES CIRCUIT MISBEHAVIOR BY CANCELLING INDUCED RF NOISE US Patent 8,988,168.
Low-Z Noise-Dissipation 3-Pole AC Power Cable Low-Z Noise-Dissipation 3-Pole AC Power Cable Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) Conductors Optimized For Source Components Ground Noise-Dissipation Technology (US Patent 9,373,439) ZERO (No) Characteristic Impedance (50Hz - 1MHz) Dielectric-Bias System with Radio Frequency Noise Trap Directionally Controlled Conductors Alternating Current (AC), is a far-from-perfect power source. AC power technology is well over a century old and was never des
Low-Z Noise-Dissipation 3-Pole AC Power Cable Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) Conductors True-Concentric Conductors Minimize Strand Interaction Magnetic Confusion Ground Noise Dissipation Technology (US Patent 9,373,439) ZERO: No Characteristic Impedance 72VDC Dielectric Bias System (US Patent 7,126,055) Directionally Controlled Conductors FEATURES HIGH-PURITY TRUE-CONCENTRIC PSC+ CONDUCTORS Blizzard uses only our very purest copper: 100% Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+). Both superior metal
Low-Z Noise-Dissipation 3-Pole AC Power Cable Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) Conductors True-Concentric Conductors Minimize Strand Interaction Magnetic Confusion Ground Noise Dissipation Technology (US Patent 9,373,439) ZERO: No Characteristic Impedance 72VDC Dielectric Bias System (US Patent 7,126,055) Directionally Controlled Conductors FEATURES HIGH-PURITY TRUE-CONCENTRIC PSC+ CONDUCTORS Blizzard uses only our very purest copper: 100% Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+). Both superior metal
VODKA eARC AudioQuest eARC-Priority cables are full-on 48-Series HDMI cables with the 48Gbps bandwidth required for 8K-10K video and all the latest video features. While the main A V data pairs have Cinnamon-level performance (Forest 48 s solid 0.5% Silver + Carbon Vodka 48 s Level-3 Noise-Dissipation), the eARC data pair and Ground-Reference drain in eARC-Priority cables use all the same advanced design ingredients as their 48 siblings. Vodka eARC features 10% Silver eARC conductors and 5% Silver G
Low-Z Noise-Dissipation 3-Pole AC Power Cable Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) Perfect-Surface Copper (PSC) Conductors Optimized For Source Components RF ND-Tech (US Patent 8,988,168) ZERO (No) Characteristic Impedance (50Hz - 1MHz) 72v Dielectric-Bias System with Radio-Frequency Noise Trap Directionally Controlled Conductors Alternating Current (AC), is a far-from-perfect power source. AC power technology is well over a century old and was never designed to meet the exacting standards of t
DRAGON eARC Priority AudioQuest eARC-Priority cables are full-on 48-Series HDMI cables with the 48Gbps bandwidth required for 8K-10K video and all the latest video features. While the main A V data pairs have Cinnamon-level performance (Forest 48 s solid 0.5% Silver + Carbon Vodka 48 s Level-3 Noise-Dissipation), the eARC data pair and Ground-Reference drain in eARC-Priority cables use all the same advanced design ingredients as their 48 siblings. Dragon eARC features 100% Perfect-Surface Silver eAR
CARBON 48 Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. Carbon 48 features 5% Silver-Plated Copper conductors that have been direction
THUNDERBIRD eARC AudioQuest eARC-Priority cables are full-on 48-Series HDMI cables with the 48Gbps bandwidth required for 8K-10K video and all the latest video features. While the main A V data pairs have Cinnamon-level performance (Forest 48 s solid 0.5% Silver + Carbon Vodka 48 s Level-3 Noise-Dissipation), the eARC data pair and Ground-Reference drain in eARC-Priority cables use all the same advanced design ingredients as their 48 siblings. ThunderBird eARC features 10% Silver eARC conductors and
VODKA 48 Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. Vodka 48 features 10% Silver-Plated Copper conductors that have been direction-
Low-Z Noise-Dissipation 3-Pole AC Power Cable Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) Long-Grain Copper (LGC) Conductors True-Concentric Conductors Minimize Strand Interaction Magnetic Confusion Ground Noise Dissipation Technology (US Patent 9,373,439) ZERO: No Characteristic Impedance Directionally Controlled Conductors FEATURES HIGH-PURITY TRUE-CONCENTRIC PSC+ LGC CONDUCTORS With only Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) on the outside, Monsoon s conductors are essentially all PSC+ even though the con