Egaland performantele remarcabile AudioQuest cu protectie fara sacrificiu la supratensiune, noile aparate conditioner retea PowerQuest 303, 505 si 707 creeaza baze excelente pentru sistemele stereo, sistemele home theater multicanal si instalatiile personalizate. Performanta: Toate modelele adopta abordarea cuprinzatoare a AudioQuest in ceea ce priveste conditionarea alimentarii cu curent alternativ, abordand zgomotul liniar pentru a oferi o reducere a zgomotului de varf in banda larga. Protectie: Toate modelele dispun de protectie fara sacrificiu la supratensiune si oprire automata la tensiune extrema la 140 VAC. Stabiliti si uitati. Putere: Toate modelele ofera un total de 12 prize de curent alternativ: 4 prize de curent ridicat pentru dispozitivele de amplificare si 8 prize cu filtrare liniara pentru dispozitivele sursa. In plus fata de disiparea ultra-liniara a zgomotului cu latime de banda larga, PQ 707 include corectia puterii tranzitorii. Transient Power Correction ofera un rezervor de curent de pana la 45 de amperi putere maxima la cerere pentru orice amplificator (pana la 25mS), furnizand curentul de impedanta scazuta de care amplificatorul are nevoie pentru a produce contraste dinamice palpitante, extindere a basului si control. Toate modelele sunt dotate cu urechi optionale pentru rack 2RU si un cablu de alimentare PowerQuest detasabil de 2 m cu o mufa plata pe perete. Pentru instalatori, aceasta inseamna ca fiecare unitate PowerQuest este gata sa treaca din cutie in rack in doar cateva minute. PQ-715 CABLU DE ALIMENTARE CU FIsA PLAT PENTRU PERETE Cablu de disipare a zgomotului RF cu conductori semi-solid concentrici din cupru cu granulatie lunga (LGC), ZERO-Tech pentru tranzitorii de curent necomprimati si RF ND-Tech pentru disipare a zgomotului fara precedent (2 m; 15 amperi la 120 V) DISIPIATIA ZGOMOTULUI ULTRA-LINEAR (MAI MULT DE -22DB) Mod diferential: 30kHz-1GHz (PQ-505); 8kHz-1GHz (PQ-707); Modul comun: 30kHz-100MHz (ambele modele) PROTECTIE FARA SACRIFIUCIU DE SUBTENSIUNE Nimic de deteriorat cu teste repetate de supratensiune de intrare de 6000 V 3000 A, care este maximul care poate supravietui panoului electric de curent alternativ al unei cladiri. OPRIRE LA TENSIUNE EXTREMA 140VAC: va activa releul circuitului principal de alimentare pentru a se deschide in mai putin de 0,25 secunde; se reseteaza automat odata ce puterea de intrare se afla intr-un interval sigur. Corectarea puterii tranzitorii de 45 de amperi cu rezervor de curent Ofera un rezervor de curent pentru orice amplificator de putere (45 de amperi de varf; pana la 25 mS) PRIZE OPTIMizate 8x Linear-Filtered pentru componente sursa curent constant (televizoare, dispozitive de streaming media etc.); 4x High-Current pentru componente cu curent variabil (amplificatoare, difuzoare amplificate si subwoofere) MONTAT pe rafturi Urechi de rack 2RU incluse DIMENSIUNI Width :17 inch(es) 431.8 mm Depth :14.9 inch(es) 378.46 mm Height :3.7 inch(es) 93.98 mm Weight :16.7 lb(s) 4.9 kg
Ecran de proiectie Electric profesional COMPACT COMPACT este un ecran electric ale carui caracteristici, standarde de inalte calitate, sistem silentios al intinderii a panzei de proiectie il recomanda ca o solutie potrivita pentru incaperile de dimensiuni mici si medii. O mare varietate de materiale disponibile indeplinesc cele mai diverse nevoi ale proiectului dumneavoasta. Disponibil in formatele 4:3 si 1:1 sau in dimensiuni personalizate. Accesorii optionale: capac lateral alb, kit pentru tavan fa
Get great performance while saving the environment. Advanced Eco features help to substantially lower your operating cost without compromising on quality and flexibility. Less shadow and glare gives the presenter more space to engage with his audience and enhances the experience when using the interactive multi-touch solution. The UM351Wi is particularly suited for classrooms and small to medium sized meeting rooms. Benefits No Shadow and Glare thanks to ultra-short throwing distance - for an enhanced i
World s first home projector capable of inputting 8K60p 4K120p signals These projectors adopt LSI 39;s developed with the latest technology to process the vast amount of 8K input data, and an up converter to bring any source up to high definition 8K resolution. As a result, more beautiful and realistic video images full of contrast and reality can be enjoyed regardless of the source, from video streaming to 4K UHD-BD videos. Essential all-glass lens to depict all the data in the 8K 4K images The high-e
Egaland performantele remarcabile AudioQuest cu protectie fara sacrificiu la supratensiune, noile aparate conditioner retea PowerQuest 303, 505 si 707 creeaza baze excelente pentru sistemele stereo, sistemele home theater multicanal si instalatiile personalizate. Performanta: Toate modelele adopta abordarea cuprinzatoare a AudioQuest in ceea ce priveste conditionarea alimentarii cu curent alternativ, abordand zgomotul liniar pentru a oferi o reducere a zgomotului de varf in banda larga. Protectie: Toate
Done right, BiWiring enables better sound for less money. However, for various reasons, there are times when BiWiring may not be possible. For those times, AudioQuest BiWire Jumpers deliver significantly improved performance over the common stamped jumpers that are included with most BiWireable loudspeakers. ThunderBird BiWire Jumpers employ Direction-Controlled Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) covered with a Conductive Carbon-loaded extrusion that reduces RF pick-up. ThunderBird BiWire Jumpers are
Done right, BiWiring enables better sound for less money. However, for various reasons, there are times when BiWiring may not be possible. For those times, AudioQuest BiWire Jumpers deliver significantly improved performance over the common stamped jumpers that are included with most BiWireable loudspeakers. ThunderBird BiWire Jumpers employ Direction-Controlled Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) covered with a Conductive Carbon-loaded extrusion that reduces RF pick-up. ThunderBird BiWire Jumpers are
VODKA eARC AudioQuest eARC-Priority cables are full-on 48-Series HDMI cables with the 48Gbps bandwidth required for 8K-10K video and all the latest video features. While the main A V data pairs have Cinnamon-level performance (Forest 48 s solid 0.5% Silver + Carbon Vodka 48 s Level-3 Noise-Dissipation), the eARC data pair and Ground-Reference drain in eARC-Priority cables use all the same advanced design ingredients as their 48 siblings. Vodka eARC features 10% Silver eARC conductors and 5% Silver G
Connects a USB-C Output Smartphone or Computer to a DragonFly DAC Semi-Solid 5% Silver Conductors Direction Controlled for Lower RF Noise Low jitter and low noise preserve clarity, warmth, and dynamics. FEATURES: SEMI-SOLID 5% SILVER CONDUCTORS CARBON-BASED NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM MINIMIZES RF INTERFERENCE HARD-CELL FOAM INSULATION ENSURES CRITICAL GEOMETRY STABILITY ALL METAL DIRECTION-CONTROLLED FOR REDUCED RF NOISE
Low-Z Noise-Dissipation 3-Pole AC Power Cable Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) Long-Grain Copper (LGC) Conductors True-Concentric Conductors Minimize Strand Interaction Magnetic Confusion Ground Noise Dissipation Technology (US Patent 9,373,439) ZERO: No Characteristic Impedance Directionally Controlled Conductors FEATURES HIGH-PURITY TRUE-CONCENTRIC PSC+ LGC CONDUCTORS With only Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) on the outside, Monsoon s conductors are essentially all PSC+ even though the con
CARBON 48 Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. Carbon 48 features 5% Silver-Plated Copper conductors that have been direction
VODKA 48 Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. Vodka 48 features 10% Silver-Plated Copper conductors that have been direction-
DRAGON eARC Priority AudioQuest eARC-Priority cables are full-on 48-Series HDMI cables with the 48Gbps bandwidth required for 8K-10K video and all the latest video features. While the main A V data pairs have Cinnamon-level performance (Forest 48 s solid 0.5% Silver + Carbon Vodka 48 s Level-3 Noise-Dissipation), the eARC data pair and Ground-Reference drain in eARC-Priority cables use all the same advanced design ingredients as their 48 siblings. Dragon eARC features 100% Perfect-Surface Silver eAR
THUNDERBIRD eARC AudioQuest eARC-Priority cables are full-on 48-Series HDMI cables with the 48Gbps bandwidth required for 8K-10K video and all the latest video features. While the main A V data pairs have Cinnamon-level performance (Forest 48 s solid 0.5% Silver + Carbon Vodka 48 s Level-3 Noise-Dissipation), the eARC data pair and Ground-Reference drain in eARC-Priority cables use all the same advanced design ingredients as their 48 siblings. ThunderBird eARC features 10% Silver eARC conductors and
DragonTail is a USB extender for use when a USB device (such as AQ s DragonFly or a flash drive) is too large to fit next to other occupied computer ports. DragonTail s flexibility also makes it safer to use USB devices on airplanes and in other mobile environments. Using DragonTail to connect to an external USB DAC, such as an AudioQuest DragonFly, will provide greatly improved audio performance. Caracteristici: SEMI-SOLID 5% SILVER CONDUCTORS CARBON-BASED NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM MINIMIZES RF INTERF
AudioQuest 39;s Mythical Horses, Black Beauty and Pegasus, bring the proven advantages of ZERO-Tech to a much wider audience. Most of the delightfully obvious sonic advantages of ZERO-Tech and the other refinements that enable the Mythical Creatures (ThunderBird, FireBird, and Dragon) are just as obvious when listening through the Mythical Horses. To keep the very complicated construction flexible, the upper Mythicals have two or three externally visible separate constructions. While also necessarily co
Low-Z Noise-Dissipation 3-Pole AC Power Cable Solid Perfect-Surface Silver (PSS) Conductors Optimized For Source Components Ground Noise-Dissipation Technology (US Patent 9,373,439) ZERO: No Characteristic Impedance Dielectric-Bias System with Radio Frequency Noise Trap Directionally Controlled Conductors Alternating Current (AC), is a far-from-perfect power source. AC power technology is well over a century old and was never designed to meet the exacting standards of today s high resolution au
Low-Z Noise-Dissipation 3-Pole AC Power Cable Low-Z Noise-Dissipation 3-Pole AC Power Cable Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) Conductors Optimized For Source Components Ground Noise-Dissipation Technology (US Patent 9,373,439) ZERO (No) Characteristic Impedance (50Hz - 1MHz) Dielectric-Bias System with Radio Frequency Noise Trap Directionally Controlled Conductors Alternating Current (AC), is a far-from-perfect power source. AC power technology is well over a century old and was never des
FIREBIRD 48 Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. FireBird 48 features 100% Perfect-Surface Silver conductors that have been d