A typical nerdy high school student with a passion for science and pop culture, Hawkins's life changed dramatically after he got caught up in a local gang war and was doused with an experimental chemical that contained a mutagen agent. This led to him gaining a variety of electromagnetic powers, and as a big fan of comic books, Hawkins decided to use his powers to help clean up his community and save the innocent. A fun, humorous individual in his normal life, these aspects of Hawkins's personality shine in his superhero persona as well, and Static is well known for his witty banter and good-heartedness.
Product Features:
- Incredibly detailed 7" scale figure based off the DC Multiverse
- Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and play
- Static is featured in his look from the New 52
- Static Shock includes the Static Saucer, two electric blasts, and a base
- Included collectible art card with figure photography on the front, and character biography on the back.
DC Multiverse Figurina articulata Effigy Platinum Edition 18 cm
DC Multiverse Figurina articulata Shining Knight Platinum Edition 18 cm.
Green Arrow, supereroul care foloseste ca nimeni altul in lupta arcul si sagetile, a murit in batalia impotriva noului regim de teroare instaurat pe Pamant. Sacrificiul sau nu este insa in zadar. Un alter-ego al lui Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, un erou-alternativa cu aceleasi abilitati se alatura insurgentei condusa de Batman. Razboiul impotriva Regimului trebuie castigat! Figurina superarticulata (22 de puncte de articulatie) si superpozabila de 18cm inaltime, cu accesorii arc, manunchi de sageti, tolba
Atunci cand nanotoxinele lui Joker ajung in sangele lui Bruce Wayne iar mintea lui Batman este deformata de gandurile ucigase ale clovnului criminal, o hibrida creatura sinistra iese la iveala: Batman Who Laughs. Un Batman infectat, ce pare nascut dintr-un cosmar. Un Batman de nerecunoscut, hotarat sa aduca doar violenta, haos si Intuneric in intregul Univers. Figurina superarticulata (22 de puncte de articulatie) si superpozabila de 18cm inaltime, cu accesorii batarang si stander. Reprezentare a pers
Dupa ce a fost supusa experimentelor de nanotehnologie de catre oameni de stiinta fara niciun fel de considerente morale, la doar 19 ani Maxine Hunkel este o forta a naturii – la propriu – avand capacitatea de a controla vantul prin puterile propriei minti. In calitate de tanar supererou, profitand si de cunostintele si experienta impartasita de catre Hawkman, Cyclone este un membru important al Justice League. Figurina superarticulata (22 de puncte de articulatie) si superdetaliata de 18cm inaltime, c
DC Multiverse Action FigureSuperman (Centennial Park Tribute Statue) Gold Label 18 cm Action figures DC Comics Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive... The Man of Steel fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way Product Features: - Incredibly detailed 7" scale figure based on the DC MULTIVERSE™ - Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and play - SUPERMAN™ is featured in gold deco based on the Centen
Cu ajutorul Helmet of Fate – un artefact stravechi, dotat cu puteri magice – ce poate vedea in viitor, Kent Nelson se transforma dintr-un om de stiinta intr-un puternic vrajitor mistic. Membru fondator al Justice Society, Dr. Fate este capabil sa renunte la orice sentiment si emotie umana in favoarea cunoasterii destinului si a influentarii in mod pozitiv a viitorului. Figurina superarticulata (22 de puncte de articulatie) si superdetaliata de 18cm inaltime, cu accesorii 2 standere, dintre care unul es
- Incredibly detailed 7" scale figure based on the DC Multiverse - Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and play - Batman accessories include Grapnel Launcher, Batarang with line, wrapped Batarang with line, and base - Includes art card stand and base. Featured in an exclusive designer box. - Included collectible art card with character art on the front and certificate of authenticity on the back.
Figurina Baxter Fly foarte detaliata, articulata (10 cm inaltime), cu accesorii.
Figurina Triceration, articulata, cu accesorii. Inaltimea figurinei este de 15 cm.
Figurina articulata, cu sunete. Setul contine si accesorii. Inaltimea figurinei este de 18 cm.
Figurina articulata, cu sunete. Setul contine si accesorii. Inaltimea figurinei este de 18 cm.
Figura Shin Godzilla cu aspect similar din filmul cu acelasi nume. Figurina este articulata, foarte detaliata si are o inaltime de cca. 16 cm.
Following Bruce Wayne's disappearance, Commissioner James Gordon was invited to head up Gotham City's Batman Task Force as the new Batman for a time. Gordon got into shape and became the best Batman he could be, piloting a giant mechanical suit which he affectionately referred to as "Rookie."
In the 1980's, Todd McFarlane began drawing Batman professionally, working on the classic storyline "Batman: Year Two" in Detective Comics™, and creating iconic artwork, including his dynamic cover for Batman #423. Todd went on to become a titan of the comic book industry, but has always had an affinity for Batman, stating, "I've always liked the fact that Batman has no superpowers. When it comes down to it, he's just a dude in a costume. Conceivably, if you pushed him off a roof (Batarangs, etc. aside),