Ghici ghicitoare: Ce e verde si mov, geniu malefic, dar si o enigma – un mare semn de intrebare? In cazul acesta raspunsul ar fi chiar in fata...The Riddler. Un raufacator genial, obsedat de jocuri de cuvinte și puzzle-uri, care isi plaseaza adesea indicii la locurile faptelor sale pentru a-si provoca adversarii si a-i duce intr-o capcana. Ramane o intrebare, ce l-a facut pe Riddler sa poarte manusi de box? Raspunsul ghicitorii va ramane voua.
Figurina articulata si detaliata de 15 cm, cu accesorii decorative ale efectelor faimoase din serialul clasic. Reprezentare fidela The Riddler din serialul clasic al anilor 60. Face parte din seria DC Retro Batman 66.
Figurina DC Direct Batman (DC Rebirth) care prezinta versiunea din seria DC Rebirth a celebrului supererou Batman. Figurina este extrem de detaliata, articulata si cu accesorii. Inaltimea acesteia este de 18 cm.
Following Bruce Wayne's disappearance, Commissioner James Gordon was invited to head up Gotham City's Batman Task Force as the new Batman for a time. Gordon got into shape and became the best Batman he could be, piloting a giant mechanical suit which he affectionately referred to as "Rookie."
BATMAN faces off against two foes: the schizophrenic, horribly-scarred former District Attorney HARVEY DENT, aka TWO-FACE, and THE RIDDLER, a disgruntled ex-WAYNE ENTERPRISES; inventor seeking revenge against his former employer by unleashing his brain-sucking weapon on GOTHAM CITY'S residents. As the CAPED CRUSADER also deals with tortured memories of his parents' murder, he has a new romance with psychologist CHASE MERIDIAN. Includes 1 of 4 pieces that when combined with the rest of the Batman Foreve
It's no secret that Green Lantern and Batman don't see eye to eye, but can they set their differences aside to face down the new Tattooed Man in this stand-alone story? Plus, what would Batman do...with a Power Ring?
After years of epic battles between the Dark Knight and his twisted archenemy, Batman faces his greatest challenge yet: The Joker™? has been cured of his madness and is now sane. The Clown Prince of Crime has changed his ways, fighting for good in Gotham City, and it may just cause Batman to go over the edge of his own sanity.
Atunci cand nanotoxinele lui Joker ajung in sangele lui Bruce Wayne iar mintea lui Batman este deformata de gandurile ucigase ale clovnului criminal, o hibrida creatura sinistra iese la iveala: Batman Who Laughs. Un Batman infectat, ce pare nascut dintr-un cosmar. Un Batman de nerecunoscut, hotarat sa aduca doar violenta, haos si Intuneric in intregul Univers. Figurina superarticulata (22 de puncte de articulatie) si superpozabila de 18cm inaltime, cu accesorii batarang si stander. Reprezentare a pers
DC Retro Figurina Sportsmaster (DC Classic) (Platinum Edition), articulata, cu accesorii. Inaltimea figurinei este de 18 cm.
At the height the 1960's Batman television shows popularity, a shonen manga magazine in Japan serialized fifty-three chapters, starring The Dark Knight, which were all written by Jiro Kuwata. These rare Batman tales were known by relatively few outside of Japan until award-winning designer Chipp Kidd's 2008 book, Bat-Manga!: The Secret History of Batman in Japan (Pantheon Books), introduced them to a whole new generation of Batman fans.
At the height the 1960's Batman television shows popularity, a shonen manga magazine in Japan serialized fifty-three chapters, starring The Dark Knight, which were all written by Jiro Kuwata. These rare Batman tales were known by relatively few outside of Japan until award-winning designer Chipp Kidd's 2008 book, Bat-Manga!: The Secret History of Batman in Japan (Pantheon Books), introduced them to a whole new generation of Batman fans.
Scrie un nou capitol din istoria Gotham City cu noi figurine de 10 cm de super-eroi si super-raufacatori. Poti aseza fiecare dintre figurine in diferite pozitii, astfel ca scenele pe care le proiectezi sa fie si mai realiste! Extinde-ti colectia cu figurina de Batman in Armura. Apara Gotham City cu o echipa de super-eroi! In acest pachet vei descoperi o figurina Batman Clasic si 3 accesorii surpriza.
Asaza viitorul orasului GOTHAM in mainile micilor justitiari cu LEGO DC Figurina de constructie Batman (76259). Inalta de 26 cm, aceasta jucarie Batman complet articulata, cu detalii autentice, va incuraja copiii de 8+ ani sa-si descopere supereroul interior. Figurina surprinde stilul si forta lui Batman, asa cum e infatisat el in filmul Batman din 1989. Avand articulatii mobile ale umerilor, bratelor, soldurilor si picioarelor, aceasta jucarie de actiune adaptabila ofera o experienta placuta de constr
Data lansarii: 1 Iunie 2023 Asaza viitorul orasului GOTHAM in mainile micilor justitiari cu LEGO DC Figurina de constructie Batman, (76259). Inalta de 26 cm, aceasta jucarie Batman complet articulata, cu detalii autentice, va incuraja copiii de 8+ ani sa-si descopere supereroul interior. Figurina surprinde stilul si forta lui Batman, asa cum e infatisat el in filmul Batman din 1989. Avand articulatii mobile ale umerilor, bratelor, soldurilor si picioarelor, aceasta jucarie de actiune adaptabila ofera
BATMAN faces off against two foes: the schizophrenic, horribly-scarred former District Attorney HARVEY DENT aka TWO-FACE and THE RIDDLER a disgruntled ex-WAYNE ENTERPRISES inventor seeking revenge against his former employer by unleashing his brain-sucking weapon on GOTHAM CITY'S residents. As the CAPED CRUSADER also deals with tortured memories of his parents' murder, he has a new romance with psychologist CHASE MERIDIAN. Includes 1 of 4 pieces that when combined with the rest of the Batman Forever Bu
BATMAN faces off against two foes: the schizophrenic, horribly-scarred former District Attorney HARVEY DENT aka TWO-FACE, and THE RIDDLER;, a disgruntled ex-WAYNE ENTERPRISES™ inventor seeking revenge against his former employer by unleashing his brain-sucking weapon on GOTHAM CITY'S residents. As the CAPED CRUSADER also deals with tortured memories of his parents' murder, he has a new romance with psychologist CHASE MERIDIAN. Includes 1 of 4 pieces that when combined with the rest of the Batman Foreve
Nascut cu abilitati impresionante, Scott Summers/Cyclops este primul mutant cu care facem cunostinta in cadrul X-Men. Devenit unul dintre liderii echipei, Cyclops emite fascicole puternice de energie din ochii sai si poate controla razele doar cu ajutorul unor ochelari speciali, pe care trebuie sa ii poarte in permanenta. Figurina articulata de 10cm inaltime, reprezentare a personajului Cyclops. Ambalaj realizat in stil retro. Face parte din seria Marvel Legends – Retro Collection (The Uncanny X-Men).