Dig It Up! Fossils  Minerals

Dig It Up! Fossils Minerals

In fiecare piatra de lut e ascunsa o surpriza care asteapta sa fie descoperita! Excaveaza si descopera o fosila de lemn pietrificat, un ametist, un obsidian fulg de nea, pirita si inca alte 8 fosile si minerale, Foloseste ghidul pentru a afla informatii despre fiecare fosila si mineral descoperit. Inmoaie bucatile de lut in apa si da jos materialul sedimentar cu grija! Premii: ASTRA 39;s Best Toy For Kids Award in Learning Play Include 12 pietre din lut, dalta si instructiuni. Varsta Recomandata: 4+ Atentie: pericol de sufocare, contine piese mici. Nu este recomandat copiilor sub 3 ani. A se utiliza sub supravegherea unui adult.

Carte cu clapete   Peep inside under the ground  , Usborne

Carte cu clapete Peep inside under the ground , Usborne

Peep inside under the ground de la Usborne este o carte cu clapete extrem de interesanta despre ce se afla sub pamant. Te-ai intrebat vreodata ce se afla sub pamant? O lume fascinanta sta ascunsa acolo. Intr-o calatorie captivanta in Pamant, copiii mici pot ridica clapetele si pot arunca o privire prin gauri pentru a gasi furnici si iepurasi, tevi si trenuri, fosile si chiar lava! Cartea face parte din seria Peep inside. Puteti vizualiza celelalte carti din serie aici Recomandat: 3 ani+ ... Have you

Transformers Generations Legacy United Deluxe Class Figurina articulata Infernac Universe Nucleous 14 cm

Transformers Generations Legacy United Deluxe Class Figurina articulata Infernac Universe Nucleous 14 cm

Unite your favorite characters from across the world of Transformers robots into your collection with the Transformers Legacy United Deluxe Class Infernac Universe Nucleous action figure! This 5.5-inch Infernac Universe Nucleous action figure is an Armorizer, a creature made from living rocks and minerals on other planets! Combine this Armorizer toy with other Transformers figures to create cool rock armor and weapons. Figure also converts between rock creature and armored car modes in 10 steps. Gear up f

Transformers Generations Legacy United Deluxe Class Figurina articulata Infernac Universe Shard 14 cm

Transformers Generations Legacy United Deluxe Class Figurina articulata Infernac Universe Shard 14 cm

Unite your favorite characters from across the world of Transformers robots into your collection with the Transformers Legacy United Deluxe Class Infernac Universe Shard action figure! This 5.5-inch Infernac Universe Shard action figure is an Armorizer, a creature made from living rocks and minerals on other planets! Combine this Armorizer toy with other Transformers figures to create cool rock armor and weapons. Figure also converts between rock creature and helicopter modes in 13 steps. Gear up for batt

Transformers Generations Legacy United Core Class Figurina articulata Infernac Universe Bouldercrash 9 cm

Transformers Generations Legacy United Core Class Figurina articulata Infernac Universe Bouldercrash 9 cm

Unite your favorite characters from across the world of Transformers robots into your collection with the Transformers Legacy United Core Class Infernac Universe Bouldercrash action figure! This 3.5-inch Infernac Universe Bouldercrash action figure is an Armorizer, a creature made from living rocks and minerals on other planets! Combine this Armorizer toy with other Transformers figures to create cool rock armor and weapons. Figure also converts between rock creature and motorcycle modes in 10 steps. Gear
