Marime: A4 Mod Printare: Color V iteza print: mono color 22 22ppm Rezolutie: 4800 dpi Limbaje: PCL5 6 PS3 PCL Fpo: 11,4 color 11s mono Procesor: 1GHz Memorie: 256MB Conectivitate: USB Ethernet Wi-Fi Capacitate: 1+250 coli, iesire 100 coli, duty 30k luna Volum: recomandat 3000 pagini luna Tonere start 500 pagini color si black DUPLEX Consumabile: cyan 006R04388 (1,5k), magenta 006R04389 (1,5k), yellow 006R04390 (1,5k), high cyan 006R04396 (2,5k), high magenta 006R04397 (2,5k), high yellow 006R04398 (2,5k), black 006R04387 (1,5k), high black 006R04395 (3k), waste toner box 008R13326 (15k) Dimensiuni: 24.4x 41.1x39.4 Greutate: 16kg G arantie 12 luni
Copiator Laser Color Duplex SINGLE PASS FEEDER 50 coli (scaneaza fata-verso la o singura trecere) A4 printer laser color duplex A4 Scaner color duplex SINGLE PASS A4 Fax Viteza de printare si copiere: 31 pagini pe minut A4 negru si color Rezolutie printare: 2400 x 600 dpi Capacitate: caseta de 250 coli + tava bypass 50 coli Memorie: 512 GB Copiere multipla: 1 - 99 Interfete: USB, retea si wireless Consumabile: Cartuse toner: TNP-92 (6k;4k) ; Set Drum Unit DRP-02 (50k)
Imprimanta laser color A4 Viteza printare: 31 ppm mono color (14ipm duplex) Rezolutie: 2400x600 dpi, memorie 256MB, procesor 800 MHz, fpo 15 sec, LCD 2 linii 16 caractere, tavi 50 + 250 coli (max 1.050 coli), PCL6, BR-Script3, PDF 1.7, XPS; duplex, USB 2.0, USB host, GB Ethernet, wireless 802.11b g n Printare mobila: iPrintScan (Android, iPad iPhone, Windows Mobile), Google Cloud Print, Apple AirPrint, Brother Print Service Plugin Volum lunar max 40.000 pag, recomandat 3.000 pag luna Consumabile in-b
Print copy scan, A3, 22 ppm A4, 600x600dpi, 256 MB, procesor 600 Mhz Tavi 100+250 coli, duplex printare Limbaje PCL6 si Postscript 3 copy: 600x600dpi, fco 7.8 sec Scan : 600x600dpi mono, USB 2.0 si retea Consumabil: Xerox B1022 B1025 (006R01731) BK (13.7k) Toner in-cutie 2.500 pag
4 color laser MFP 4in1, 26ppm, touch panel, 1200dpi, 512MB, 250coli, duplex DualScan ADF, USB2.0, GigabitEthernet (10BaseT 100BaseTX 1000BaseT), WirelessLAN Starter tonere incluse (K C M Y 1.2kpag) Consumabile: TK-5240BK (4k) , TK-5240C M Y (3k) Garantie 12 luni
MFP 4in1 color laser Marime: A4 Viteza: 21 ppm Rezolutie: 1200x1200 dpi Memorie: 512MB Interfata: 5-line LCD Conectivitate: USB 2.0, WLAN (IEEE 802.11 b g n), WIFI direct Duplex, simplex ADF , caseta 250 coli Starter tonere incluse (K C M Y 1.5k pag) Consumabile: Cartus TK-5430 BK C M Y (2.8k ; 2.4k) Garantie: 24 de luni
Print copy scan, A4, max 20 ppm, max 1200x1200 dpi, fpo 8.5s Copy: max 600x600dpi, fco 10 sec Scan: max 600x600dpi, color, scan to PC, WSD, formate PDF JPEG TIFF; max 15k luna, USB 2.0, Wi-Fi b g n, toner in-box 700 pag Consumabile: Xerox 3020 (106R02773) (1.5k) Inlocuitor WorkCentre 3045 Garantie 12 luni CARACTERISTICI GENERALE Tip produs Imprimanta multifunctionala Tehnologie printare Laser Mod printare Monocrom Utilizare Home office Functii principale Printare Scanare Copier
A4 color laser MFP 4in1, 26 ppm, touch panel, 1200dpi, 512MB, caseta 250 coli, duplex Dual Scan ADF, USB2.0, Gigabit Ethernet (10BaseT 100BaseTX 1000BaseT) Starter tonere incluse (K C M Y 1.2k pag) Consumabile: TK-5240BK (4k) , TK-5240C M Y (3k) Garantei 12 luni
A4 mono, 34ppm, 17ppm duplex la printare, copy print scan color to USB, retea FAX, ADF 50 coli, 1200dpi, PCL5 si 6 PS3, fpo 6,2s, fco 9,3s, procesor 1GHz, memorie 512MB, alim 1+250 coli, iesire 150 coli, duty 30k luna, recomandat 2500p luna, toner start 1200p, USB Retea Wi-Fi, port USB frontal, touch screen, scan speed 23ppm mono 7ppm color Consumabile: Cartus 006R04404 Black (6k), Unitate de cilindru 013R00691 (12k) Dimensiuni: 35,2x41,5x36cm, greutate 10kg Garantie 12 luni
Marime: A4 Mod Printare: Monocrom Viteza: 50 ppm Rezolutie: 1200 x 1200 dpi Memorie: 512 MB Display: ecran lcd 1,8 inch Capacitate: caseta 520 coli + tava bypass 50 coli Volum: mediu lunar: 10.000 pag.; maxim lunar: 150.000 pag. Conectivitate: USB2.0, 10BaseT 100BaseTX 1000BaseT, Wireless LAN Duplex Starter toner inclus (8000 pagini) Consumabile: Cartus TNP-75 (20k); Drum Unit IUP34 (30k) Garantie: 12 luni
Marime: A4 mono Viteza: 34ppm, 17ppm duplex la printare copy print scan color to USB, retea, ADF 50 coli Rezolutie: 1200dpi Limbaje imprimare: PCL5 si 6 PS3 Fpo 6,4s Fco 6,8s Procesor: 1GHz Memorie: 512MB Alimentare: 1+250 coli, iesire 150 coli, duty 30000 pagini luna Volum recomandat: 2500p luna Toner start: 1200 pagini USB Retea Wi-Fi, port USB frontal Scan speed: 23ppm mono 7ppm color Consumabile: Cartus 006R04404 Black (6k), Unitate de cilindru 013R00691 (12k) D
Printare Copiere Scanare Dimensiune: A4 Viteza: max 33ppm alb-negru si color Rezolutie: max1200x1200dpi Memorie: 1 GB RAM Capacitate: alimentare hartie 250 coli+ 50 coli multi-purpose+50 coli ADF Limbaj de printare: UFRII, PCL 5c1, PCL6, 45 PCL fonts Marire-micsorare: 25-400% Scanare color Rezolutie optica: 600X600 dpi, enhanced 9600 X9600dpi Viteza scanare: 33ppm Scan to: USB memory key, PC, FTP,E-mail,cloud, Formate scanare: TIFF JPEG PDF Compact PDF Searchable PDF Display: LCD
B W laser MFP 4in1 Marime: A4 Mod Printare: Monocrom Viteza: 40 ppm Rezolutie printare: 1200 x 1200 dpi Memorie: 256 MB Capacitate: caseta 250 coli + tava bypass 50 coli S implex ADF (nu scaneaza fata-verso) Conectivitate: USB2.0, 10BaseT 100BaseTX 1000BaseT, Wireless LAN Display: ecran touch screen 3.7 inch Volum: mediu lunar: 5,000 pag.; maxim lunar: 100,000 pag. Duplex Starter toner inclus (8000 pagini) Consumabile: toner TNP76 (12k), drum IUP34 (30k)
Marime: A4 Mod Printare: color V iteza: mono color 22 22ppm la printare Viteza scanare: 21ppm mono si color Copy print scan color Retea fax ADF 50 coli Rezolutie: 4800dpi Limbaje: PCL5 6 PS3 PCL Fpo: 11,1 color 11s mono Fco: 14s color 10s mono Procesor: 1GHz Memorie: 512MB Capacitate: 1 + 250 coli, iesire 100 coli Volum: maxim 30000 pagini luna, recomandat 3000p luna Tonere start 500 pagini color si black Conectivitate: USB Ethernet Wi-Fi, port USB frontal Dimens
Format: A4 monocrom Viteza: 34ppm (15ppm in DUPLEX) Rezolutie: 1200dpi Limbaj imprimare: PCL5 si 6 PS3, fpo 6,8s Procesor: 1GHz Memorie: 256MB Alimentare: 1+250 coli, iesire 150 coli, duty 30k luna Conectivitate: USB Ethernet Wi-Fi Toner start: 1200p Consumabile: 006R04403 (3k), 006R04404 (6k) Dimensiuni: 21,5 x 35,5 x 33,3 cm Greutate: 6.8kg Garantie: 12 luni Inlocuieste B210DNI
Viteza: 24ppm A4, 12ppm A3 HyPAS, caseta 500 coli, duplex Rezolutie: 1200x1200dpi Conectivitate: RADF, USB2.0, GigaBit Ethernet (10BaseT 100BaseTX 1000BaseT) Starter toner inclus (3000 pagini A4) Consumabile: TK-6115 (15k) Garantie 12 luni CARACTERISTICI GENERALE Tip produs Imprimanta multifunctionala Tehnologie printare Laser Mod printare Monocrom Utilizare Home office Functii principale Printare Scanare Copiere Conectivitate USB Retea Format general imprimanta A3 Pr