Colectia de tablouri Flower cuprinde o selectie de elemente naturale surprinse din unghiuri mai putin explorate, expusa in culori fascinante, perfecte pentru a face parte din elementele decorative cu impact maxim. Fiecare tablou contine o viziune originala de prezentare si va oferi spatiului tau acea nota de wow care va atrage atentia. , Livrare 1-3 zile , Rezistenta UV pentru culori pana la 20 ani , Imprimare pe canvas 280gr , Sasiuri de lemn foarte bine uscat profil 2x4cm , Kit montaj pentru agatare portrait sau landscape
Placa de captura Blackmagic Design Intensity Pro 4K
Specificatii produs: Putere: 60W Luminozitate: 12000 lumeni leduri:high intensity Epsitar LED Tensiunea de lucru: 10-30V Clasa protectie: IP 67 Material: Aliaj Aluminiu Culoare corp: Negru Material lentila: Policarbonat Bracketi montaj: Otel inoxidabil Unghi lumina: Spot Beam 30 (pentru distanta) Dimensiuni: 97 x 65 x 110 mm Descriere produs: Proiector LED auto pentru Off Road, vanatoare, pescuit, utilaje, etc Pentru utilizare la autoturisme, utilaje, camioane, ambarcatiuni Gama larga de utilizar: a
We are pleased to introduce the Van den Hul OPTOCOUPLER Mk II. With The OPTOCOUPLER Mk II we are convinced to have one of the best optical fiber cables available on the audio and video market. The most important benefits of optical signal transmission are obvious; Never any noise or interference caused by external electrical and or magnetic signals, and optical fibres are free from any deterioration. What makes the Van den Hul OPTOCOUPLER Mk II special is the fact that both ends of the single fiber are
Camera supraveghere interior exterior IP 8 megapixeli de tip dome Dahua full color IPC-HDW2849TM-S-IL-0280B, lentila 2.8 mm, lumina infrarosie max 30m lumina alba max 30 m, microfon, suporta card de memorie de max. 256 Gb, alimentare 12VDC PoE, cu inteligenta artificiala (seria Wizsense.) Iluminator smart dual (iluminator pentru vedere pe timp de noapte cu lumina infrarosie la max 30m si lumina alba la max 30m). Implicit iluminatorul folosit pe timp de noapte este cel infrarosu. In caz de eveniment flashlights, also headlamps, are the result of many years of experience, and then the search and tests made by Krzysztof Białobrzewski the flashlight s designer , who deals with sound production on a daily basis. He knows what is the work on stage and what a flashlight is useful in this work. In the headlamp the source of white light is CREE XPD LED, which can be used in the following two lighting modes medium or strong. While the red light is provided by 2 pieces of SMD. The red l
The affordable high-end preamp Succeeding the X-P500, the X-P700 offers technical refinements rarely encountered in this range: dual mono design and the most direct signal processing possible (Direct Path). Supreme refinement, it is possible to choose between two output schemes: the class A mode using bipolars in double cascade assembly, close to a tube gradient, and the discrete mode, based on a JFet differential and current mirror in the bipolar, polarized in class AB, more traditional. Its design is v
Do you know a sound engineer, technician or firefly who does not have a flashlight? Sure, you do not. And are there any flashlights specifically designed for work on stage? YES! , flashlight whose design is based on many years of experience in working on stage. The eternal problem with the flashlight unloaded and the lack of spare batteries has been solved in a very simple way. Two large sticks (2xAA) will be found in virtually any case wired or wireless. In order to replace the batteries as r