Jealous as an Orangutan

Jealous as an Orangutan

A sweet story about understanding what is important.

Your destiny. Own it

Your destiny. Own it

Have you ever struggled in thinking that you should be further ahead by now? Do you feel empty, hopeless, depressed, sad, and desperate? Do you feel jealous of others whom you think are ahead of you?

Carte ilustrata   Little Board Books Daniel in the Lions  Den  , cartonata, 2 ani+, Usborne

Carte ilustrata Little Board Books Daniel in the Lions Den , cartonata, 2 ani+, Usborne

Daniel in the Lions Den de la Usborne este o carte cartonata perfecta pentru mainile micute. Daniel este apreciat de imparatul Darius, dar cand altii de la curte devin invidiosi pe Daniel acesta se trezeste, datorita unui complot, intr-o groapa cu lei. Oare credinta lui va fi indeajuns pentru a-l salva? O repovestire frumos ilustrata a unei povesti atat de indragite din Biblie. Foloseste codul QR pentru a asculta o inregistrare audio a povestii. Recomandat: 2 ani+ ... Daniel is popular with King Darius
