Joint Protex (90 tablete)

Joint Protex (90 tablete)

Joint Protex (90 tablete) este un produs naturist care inglobeaza in compozitia lui elemente ce intra in alcatuirea cartilajului articular, precum si diferite alte substante cu rol antiinflamator, anti reumatic si analgezic.

Joint Protex Forte (90 tablete)

Joint Protex Forte (90 tablete)

Ingredientele active din Joint ProteX cresc mobilitatea si flexibilitatea articulara, reduc inflamatia si durerea de la nivelul articulatiilor si sustin procesul de producere a lichidului sinovial. In timp ce glucozamina si condroitina intaresc cartilajele si participa la regenerarea lor

Spondiloza - afectiune reumatica a vertebrelor, tratament naturist

Spondiloza - afectiune reumatica a vertebrelor, tratament naturist

Spondiloza este o afectiune reumatica a vertebrelor, mai ales a coloanei cervicale, manifestata prin depunerea calciului in mod anormal sub forma de osteofite pe intreaga coloana vertebrala, mai ales cervical si lombar. Va oferim mai jos o schema detaliata de tratament natural pentru SPONDILOZA. Schema este intocmita si explicata punctual de medicul nostru consultant pe probleme de terapii si tratamente naturiste. - Joint Protex (1-0-1 dupa masa, 3 luni continuu, asigura o mobilitate normala la nive

Chlorella tablete bio 125g (250 tablete), Obio

Chlorella tablete bio 125g (250 tablete), Obio

Chlorella tablete eco 125g Obio Chlorella tablete bio 125g (250 tablete) Ingrediente: 100% chlorella* *din agricultura ecologica Cea mai sanatoasa varianta de tablete de chlorella, fara excipienti, 100% chlorella provenita din culturi ecologice. Alergeni: contine sulfiti. Sulfitii se regasesc in mod natural in microalge (spirulina, chlorella). Mod de utilizare: 3 x 2 tablete pe zi.  Este recomandat sa nu depasiti 10 tablete pe zi, o doza mai mare nu inseamna un efect mai puternic. Chlorella este o alga v

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Red Bee Hexagon Triple Glass, 32cm

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Red Bee Hexagon Triple Glass, 32cm

Built for Durability Strength The Red Bee Hexagon Triple Thick Glass Bong 32cm is a great-looking glass bong, made out of 3mm thick glass. The hexagon-shaped body gives it a very unusual appearance and makes it stand out from the crowd. It features a rubber grommet that holds the bowl and downpipe in place. The base is flat to ensure stability. This product is intended for tobacco use only. It comes with an 18.8mm female joint, as well as an integrated diffusor downstem with a length of 14cm and a hol

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Black Bee Hexagon Triple Glass, 32cm

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Black Bee Hexagon Triple Glass, 32cm

Built for Durability Strength The Black Bee Hexagon Triple Thick Glass Bong 32cm is a great-looking glass bong, made out of 3mm thick glass. The hexagon-shaped body gives it a very unusual appearance and makes it stand out from the crowd. It features a rubber grommet that holds the bowl and downpipe in place. The base is flat to ensure stability. This product is intended for tobacco use only. It comes with an 18.8mm female joint, as well as an integrated diffusor downstem with a length of 14cm and a h

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Rainbow Bee Hexagon Triple Glass, 32cm

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Rainbow Bee Hexagon Triple Glass, 32cm

Built for Durability Strength The Rainbow Bee Hexagon Triple Thick Glass Bong 32cm is a great-looking glass bong, made out of 3mm thick glass. The hexagon-shaped body gives it a very unusual appearance and makes it stand out from the crowd. It features a rubber grommet that holds the bowl and downpipe in place. The base is flat to ensure stability. This product is intended for tobacco use only. It comes with an 18.8mm female joint, as well as an integrated diffusor downstem with a length of 14cm and a

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Abstract Colors, 26cm

Bong sticla, Black Sheep, Abstract Colors, 26cm

Stunningly Attractive, Functional Durable Bong The Abstract Colors Glass Bong 26cm is a beautiful and decorative bong featuring a stunning design with a mix of colours and shapes. When your customers hold this piece of glass art in their hands, they ll discover it s not just a beautiful decoration piece: the bong is made from thick glass and has an excellent filtration system. The 18.8mm joint comes with an 18.8mm male slide bowl with a roll stopper for herbs and tobacco. The beautiful colours of the

Prosoape din hartie Lucart ECONATURAL 135 JOINT, din fibre de celuloza reciclate

Prosoape din hartie Lucart ECONATURAL 135 JOINT, din fibre de celuloza reciclate

Prosoape de maini din hartie eticheta ecologica,Fiberpack pe rola cu derulare centrala mare,culoarea celulozei, cu lungimea rolei de 135 metri. 2 straturi, 450 foi - Certificat ECOLABEL Material lipit si in relief. Avizat contact cu alimente Unitatea de vanzare este pachetul cu 6 role. portii.

Iron Plus (100 tablete)

Iron Plus (100 tablete)

Iron Plus (100 tablete)-contine fier organic, vitamina C si bioflavonoide

URX (60 tablete)

URX (60 tablete)

URX Calivita (60 tablete) - alternativa naturala de combatere a infectiilor urinare

Foite RAW, Classic, Extra lungi 28cm

Foite RAW, Classic, Extra lungi 28cm

39;RAW 39; SUPERNATURAL EXTRA LONG 12 INCH (280mm) Rolling Papers These Super long 39;RAW 39; cigarette joint papers are manufactured from unrefined and environmentally friendly paper and are finished with natural hemp gum to perfectly match the burning rate of the rolling paper. Continut: 20 foite de 28cm

Energy  Memory (90 tablete)

Energy Memory (90 tablete)

EnergyMemory Calivita (90 tablete) - Energizant natural.

SharkAid (90 tablete)

SharkAid (90 tablete)

Shark Aid Calivita (90 tablete) contine cartilaj de rechin

Joint-X - complex de glucosamina-chondroitina pentru intretinerea articulatiilor

Joint-X - complex de glucosamina-chondroitina pentru intretinerea articulatiilor

Joint-X (Scitec Nutrition) este o formula completa pentru intretinerea articulatiilor , un complex de glucosamina-chondroitina care sustine ungerea articulatiilor, formarea cartilajelor, reducerea umflaturilor, calmarea durerilor si scaderea inflamatiilor, poate creste forta si flexibilitatea incheieturilor. Joint-X are mai multe substante care sustin ungerea articulatiilor, formarea cartilajelor, calmarea umflaturilor, durerilor si scaderea inflamatiilor, poate mari forta si flexibilitatea

ParaProtex  (100 tablete)

ParaProtex (100 tablete)

ParaProtex Calivita (100 tablete) asigura protectia antiparazitara si antimicrobiana.
