Legends of Andor - Eternal Frost (EN)

Legends of Andor - Eternal Frost (EN)

Explorati taramul inghetat din jocul Legends of Andor - Eternal Frost (EN)! Frigul nefiresc s-a raspandit in Andor, iar voi trebuie sa va strangeti puterile si sa lucrati impreuna pentru a cauta si gasi sursa magiei intunecate. Drumul va conduce catre un tinut pe care nu l-ati mai vazut, departe de Est. Peisajul inzapezit va asteapta, iar aventurile voastre va apropie din ce in ce mai mult de secretul Eternal Frost pana cand, in cele din urma, va confruntati cu un adversar incredibil de puternic! Jocul Legends of Andor - Eternal Frost (EN) contine: 1 tabla de joc cu doua fete, 4 table Eroi, 72 cartonase Legenda, 40 figurine ilustrate cu suport, 1 figurine Narator, 16 zaruri, 90 jetoane din carton, 16 piese din lemn, instructiuni, 1 brosura de activitati. Legends of Andor - Eternal Frost (EN) este un joc cooperativ, de sine statator, in care jucatorii isi asuma rolul de eroi in incercarea lor de a-si salva tara de o magie intunecata si misterioasa care a provocat un inghet nefiresc si nesfarsit. Pentru acest joc nu veti avea nevoie de jocul de baza. Tabla de joc cu doua fete dezvaluie noi aliati si pericole neasteptate, scenariile multiple permit varietate si rejucarea ori de cate ori se doreste, transformand jocul intr-o activitate perfecta pentru o seara alaturi de familie si prieteni. Legends of Andor - Eternal Frost (EN) contine si un ghid pentru a incepe jocul mult mai rapid, oferindu-va o introducere in prima legenda Piatra de iarna . Este recomandat ca cel mai experimentat jucator sa citeasca instructiunile cu voce tare, fara sa omita vreun rand. Detaliile sunt cheia! Descoperiti sursa vremii rele din Legends of Andor - Eternal Frost (EN)! Detalii tehnice Legends of Andor - Eternal Frost (EN): Dimensiuni cutie: 30 x 30 x 7.1 cm Material: carton, plastic, lemn Numar jucatori: 2-4 Durata estimata de joc: 60-90 minute Elemente si instructiuni in: limba engleza Varsta recomandata: +10 ani

Legends of Andor: The Last Hope (EN)

Legends of Andor: The Last Hope (EN)

Legends of Andor: The Last Hope (EN) este o continuare a jocului de baza, dar pentru care nu vei avea nevoie de Legends of Andor pentru a-l juca. Acesta include o harta noua a regiunilor sudice din Andor, legende si multe altele. Oamenii din Andor sunt capturati, in urma raidurilor lui Krahder. Cu toate astea, eroii s-au intors pentru a elibera prizonierii nevinovati. Aventureaza-te spre sud si o sa ai parte de cea mai mare aventura. Razboinicii scheleti au cele mai rele intentii, iar dupa Muntii Gri ei

Star Wars: Andor Black Series Figurina articulata Shoretrooper 15 cm

Star Wars: Andor Black Series Figurina articulata Shoretrooper 15 cm

In an era filled with danger, deception, and intrigue, Cassian Andor embarks on a path that will turn him into the rebel hero who will challenge the evil Galactic EmpireThe 6-inch-scale Black Series figure is detailed to look like the Shoretrooper character from Star Wars: Andor, featuring premium detail and multiple points of articulation.

Star Wars: Andor Black Series Figurina articulata Bix Caleen 15 cm

Star Wars: Andor Black Series Figurina articulata Bix Caleen 15 cm

In an era filled with danger, deception, and intrigue, Cassian Andor embarks on a path that will turn him into the rebel hero who will challenge the evil Galactic Empire.The 6-inch-scale Black Series figure is detailed to look like the Bix Caleen character from Star Wars: Andor, featuring premium detail and multiple points of articulation.

Star Wars: Andor Black Series Figurina articulata Vel Sartha 15 cm

Star Wars: Andor Black Series Figurina articulata Vel Sartha 15 cm

In an era filled with danger, deception, and intrigue, Cassian Andor embarks on a path that will turn him into the rebel hero who will challenge the evil Galactic Empire.This collectible 6-inch-scale Black Series figure is detailed to look like the Vel Sartha character from Star Wars: Andor, featuring premium detail and multiple points of articulation. 

Legends of Andor - Jocul de baza (EN)

Legends of Andor - Jocul de baza (EN)

In editia Legends of Andor - Jocul de baza (EN), tara este in pericol. Inamicii avanseaza, venind dinspre munti si paduri, tocmai spre castelul batranului rege Brandur. Singura lor piedica este grupul de eroi care le va sta in cale. Aparati castelul si protejati Andor. Jocul de masa cooperant este ideal pentru 2-4 jucatori. Traiti povestile legendare in timp ce va uniti pentru a lupta cu fortele inamice care invadeaza taramul fantastic. Pentru a asigura granitele, eroii se vor imbarca in misiuni periculo

Star Wars: Andor Black Series Figurina articulata Senator Mon Mothma 15 cm

Star Wars: Andor Black Series Figurina articulata Senator Mon Mothma 15 cm

In an era filled with danger, deception, and intrigue, Cassian Andor embarks on a path that will turn him into the rebel hero who will challenge the evil Galactic Empire.The 6-inch-scale Black Series figure is detailed to look like the Senator Mon Mothma character from Star Wars: Andor, featuring premium detail and multiple points of articulation.

Star Wars: Andor Black Series Figurina articulata Luthen Rael 15 cm

Star Wars: Andor Black Series Figurina articulata Luthen Rael 15 cm

In an era filled with danger, deception, and intrigue, Cassian Andor embarks on a path that will turn him into the rebel hero who will challenge the evil Galactic Empire.The 6-inch-scale Black Series figure is detailed to look like the Luthen Rael character from Star Wars: Andor, featuring premium detail and multiple points of articulation.

Star Wars: Andor Black Series Action Figurina articulata Officer (Ferrix) 15 cm

Star Wars: Andor Black Series Action Figurina articulata Officer (Ferrix) 15 cm

In an era filled with danger, deception, and intrigue, Cassian Andor embarks on a path that will turn him into the rebel hero who will challenge the evil Galactic Empire.The 6-inch-scale Black Series figure is detailed to look like the Imperial Officer (Ferrix) character from Star Wars: Andor, featuring premium detail and multiple points of articulation. 

Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Sersi (Eternals, Gilgamesh BAF) 15 cm

Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Sersi (Eternals, Gilgamesh BAF) 15 cm

Orice tip de materie poate fi modelata si controlata prin abilitatile pe care le detine. De-a lungul mileniilor de viata, a asistat si s-a implicat in multe evenimente majore prin care a trecut omenirea. Fire empatica, a inceput sa ii iubeasca pe oameni si sa dezvolte o afinitate pentru tot ceea ce reprezinta umanitatea. Cu astfel de insusiri, Sersi, ajunsa la rangul de Prime Eternal si conducatoare a rasei extraterestre pe care o reprezinta, se dovedeste a fi una dintre cele mai importante luptatoare ale

Andor: The Family Fantasy Game (EN)

Andor: The Family Fantasy Game (EN)

Aventurati-va pe taramul fantastic si plin de legende din jocul cooperativ Andor: The Family Fantasy Game (EN). Dupa o furtuna de proportii o lupoaica isi cauta ingrijorata puii, care se pare ca s-au pierdut in jurul minelor. Asa ca, porniti in cautarea lor, treceti de Mart, paznicul podului, si indepliniti toate sarcininile pe care acesta vi le da. Totusi, pericolul nu a trecut. Un dragon furios se apropie tot mai mult de castelul Rietburg. Asigurati-va ca sunteti mai rapizi si ageri, savarsindu-va to

Spider-Man 2 Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Doc Ock 15 cm

Spider-Man 2 Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Doc Ock 15 cm

Brilliant scientist and perennial foe of Spider-Man, Dr. Otto Octavius must learn to free his mind from his tentacles in order to regain control. Bring the excitement and wonder of the Marvel Universe to your collection with action figures from the Hasbro Marvel Legends Series! This collectible 6-inch-scale Marvel Legends action figure is detailed to look like the Doc Ock character from Marvel Studios' Spider-Man: No Way Home, featuring deluxe detail and multiple points of articulation.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Jessica Drew 15 cm

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Jessica Drew 15 cm

Jessica Drew is a modern Spider-Woman who juggles crimefighting and impending motherhood with an arachnid's ease.15-CM-SCALE COLLECTIBLE SPIDER-VERSE FIGURE: Jessica Drew arrives at Marvel Legends with this premium 15-cm-scale action figure inspired by Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Part One)!INSPIRED BY SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE (PART ONE): this Marvel Legends Jessica Drew figure features deco inspired by her appearance in the film!PREMIUM DETAILING AND ARTICULATION: the Marvel Legends Se

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Peter B. Parker 15 cm

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Marvel Legends Figurina articulata Peter B. Parker 15 cm

Peter B. Parker is stuck between wanting to protect old pal Miles and siding with his more experienced Spider-Man comrade.15-CM-SCALE COLLECTIBLE SPIDER-VERSE FIGURE: veteran spider-person Peter B Parker arrives at Marvel Legends with this premium 15-cm-scale action figure inspired by Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Part One)!INSPIRED BY SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE (PART ONE): this Marvel Legends Peter B Parker figure features deco inspired by his appearance in the film!PREMIUM DETAILING AND

Marvel Legends Shang-Chi and The Legends of The Ten Rings Figurina articulata Wenwu (Marvel's Mr. Hyde BAF) 15 cm

Marvel Legends Shang-Chi and The Legends of The Ten Rings Figurina articulata Wenwu (Marvel's Mr. Hyde BAF) 15 cm

„Am avut multe nume de-a lungul vietii: Regele Razboinic, Maestrul Khan, Cel mai periculos om de pe Pamant. Ani de zile, am crezut ca asta era ceea ce trebuia sa fiu....” Descoperind inelele cu puteri magice si fondand organizatia The Ten Rings, Xu Wenwu a ajuns un razboinic faimos si o figura emblematica. Dar el pandeste in continuare din umbra....iar misterul legendei ramane (inca) nedezlegat. Figurina superarticulata si superdetaliata de 15cm inaltime, cu multiple accesorii personalizate, reprezenta

Marvel Legends Xialing (Shang-Chi and The Legends of The Ten Rings)  (Marvel's Mr. Hyde BAF) 15 cm

Marvel Legends Xialing (Shang-Chi and The Legends of The Ten Rings) (Marvel's Mr. Hyde BAF) 15 cm

Cand fratele ei instrainat Shang-Chi ii apare brusc in viata, Xu Xialing trebuie sa faca o alegere decisiva: sa continue viata solitara pe care si-a creat-o singura sau sa se alature fratelui in lupta impotriva celor Zece Inele (Ten Rings), organizatia criminala clandestina fondata cu mai bine de 1000 de ani in urma de catre razboinicul nemuritor Xu Wenwu. Eroina sau descendenta a unui lung sir de .... asasini? Figurina superarticulata si superdetaliata de 15cm inaltime, cu multiple accesorii personali
