Mufe spada High-End Audioquest 507 Series, Silver plated (Set 4 buc)

Mufe spada High-End Audioquest 507 Series, Silver plated (Set 4 buc)

O singura bucata de cupru pur pur de inalta puritate, in loc de mai multe bucati sau alama cu sunet inferior. Argint placat direct fara strat intermediar care este daunator sunetului. Conexiune sudata la rece in loc de cositorire cu sunet inferior. CUPRU PUR VIOLET PLACAT DIRECT PRIN METODA SUSPENDARII IN BAIE DE ARGINT

Mufa spada High-End Audioquest 500 Series, Silver plated (Set 4 buc)

Mufa spada High-End Audioquest 500 Series, Silver plated (Set 4 buc)

O singura bucata de cupru pur pur de inalta puritate, in loc de mai multe bucati sau alama cu sunet inferior. Argint placat direct fara strat intermediar care este daunator sunetului. Conexiune sudata la rece in loc de cositorire cu sunet inferior. CUPRU PUR VIOLET PLACT DIRECT PRIN METODA SUSPENDARII IN BAIE DE ARGINT

Set mufe spada Audioquest SureGrip 300, Silver plated, set 4 buc

Set mufe spada Audioquest SureGrip 300, Silver plated, set 4 buc

Conectorii SureGrip 300 folosesc placarea Silver-Direct peste metalul nostru baza, de cupru de inalta calitate. SureGrip 300 nu foloseste straturi de alama intermediare, care inevitabil ar provoca denaturarea si ar deteriora sunetul. SureGrip 300s utilizeaza sistemul nostru eficient de atasare prin sudura la rece si prezinta o carcasa atractiva POM, nemetalica. ARGINT PLACAT DIRECT PESTE CUPRU-BERILIU Link catre producator.

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest ThunderBird eARC Priority 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest ThunderBird eARC Priority 48Gbps

THUNDERBIRD eARC AudioQuest eARC-Priority cables are full-on 48-Series HDMI cables with the 48Gbps bandwidth required for 8K-10K video and all the latest video features. While the main A V data pairs have Cinnamon-level performance (Forest 48 s solid 0.5% Silver + Carbon Vodka 48 s Level-3 Noise-Dissipation), the eARC data pair and Ground-Reference drain in eARC-Priority cables use all the same advanced design ingredients as their 48 siblings. ThunderBird eARC features 10% Silver eARC conductors and

Mufe banana Audioquest SureGrip 100, Silver plated, (set 8buc

Mufe banana Audioquest SureGrip 100, Silver plated, (set 8buc

Cuprul de inalta puritate ofera un sunet mai curat si mai clar în comparatie cu alama sau bronzul utilizat in conectorii obisnuiti. ARGINT PESTE CUPRU-BERILIU Placare directa cu argint este optimizata pentru sunet. Nu prezinta luciu, deoarece nu exista niciun strat de baza de nichel lucios, care provoaca denaturarea. Sistemul de sudura la rece creeaza o conexiune ideala cu un sunet mai bun decat lipirea. Glisati carcasa ABS fara interferente magnetice peste spada, apoi glisati ambele peste condu

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest ThunderBird 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest ThunderBird 48Gbps

THUNDERBIRD 48 Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. ThunderBird 48 features 10% Silver-Plated Copper conductors and drains th

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Vodka eARC Priority

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Vodka eARC Priority

VODKA eARC AudioQuest eARC-Priority cables are full-on 48-Series HDMI cables with the 48Gbps bandwidth required for 8K-10K video and all the latest video features. While the main A V data pairs have Cinnamon-level performance (Forest 48 s solid 0.5% Silver + Carbon Vodka 48 s Level-3 Noise-Dissipation), the eARC data pair and Ground-Reference drain in eARC-Priority cables use all the same advanced design ingredients as their 48 siblings. Vodka eARC features 10% Silver eARC conductors and 5% Silver G

Jumper Biwire Audioquest Thunderbird (BAN-SPADE), cupru PSC+, 4buc set

Jumper Biwire Audioquest Thunderbird (BAN-SPADE), cupru PSC+, 4buc set

Done right, BiWiring enables better sound for less money. However, for various reasons, there are times when BiWiring may not be possible. For those times, AudioQuest BiWire Jumpers deliver significantly improved performance over the common stamped jumpers that are included with most BiWireable loudspeakers. ThunderBird BiWire Jumpers employ Direction-Controlled Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) covered with a Conductive Carbon-loaded extrusion that reduces RF pick-up. ThunderBird BiWire Jumpers are

Jumper Biwire Audioquest Thunderbird (SPADE-BAN), cupru PSC+, 4buc set

Jumper Biwire Audioquest Thunderbird (SPADE-BAN), cupru PSC+, 4buc set

Done right, BiWiring enables better sound for less money. However, for various reasons, there are times when BiWiring may not be possible. For those times, AudioQuest BiWire Jumpers deliver significantly improved performance over the common stamped jumpers that are included with most BiWireable loudspeakers. ThunderBird BiWire Jumpers employ Direction-Controlled Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) covered with a Conductive Carbon-loaded extrusion that reduces RF pick-up. ThunderBird BiWire Jumpers are

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Dragon eARC Priority 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Dragon eARC Priority 48Gbps

DRAGON eARC Priority AudioQuest eARC-Priority cables are full-on 48-Series HDMI cables with the 48Gbps bandwidth required for 8K-10K video and all the latest video features. While the main A V data pairs have Cinnamon-level performance (Forest 48 s solid 0.5% Silver + Carbon Vodka 48 s Level-3 Noise-Dissipation), the eARC data pair and Ground-Reference drain in eARC-Priority cables use all the same advanced design ingredients as their 48 siblings. Dragon eARC features 100% Perfect-Surface Silver eAR

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Carbon 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Carbon 48Gbps

CARBON 48 Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. Carbon 48 features 5% Silver-Plated Copper conductors that have been direction

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Vodka 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Vodka 48Gbps

VODKA 48 Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. Vodka 48 features 10% Silver-Plated Copper conductors that have been direction-

Jumperi BiWire Audioquest Dragon PSS, cu mufe Banana-Spada SureGrip 1000 (set 4buc)

Jumperi BiWire Audioquest Dragon PSS, cu mufe Banana-Spada SureGrip 1000 (set 4buc)

Jumperii Dragon BiWire de ultima generatie de la AudioQuest utilizeaza Argint Solid Perfect-Surface (PSS) controlat prin directie acoperit cu o extrudare incarcata cu carbon conductiv care reduce captarea RF. Jumperele Dragon BiWire au o lungime de 8 inchi si sunt disponibile cu spada de cupru rosu de puritate extrema placata cu argint din seria 1000 de la AudioQuest sau cu banane la fiecare capat - simplificand conexiunea la care este atasat cablul boxei. Specificatii: Conductori de argint solid cu su

Adaptor HDMI 90 Degree W Audioquest, cod 69-051-01

Adaptor HDMI 90 Degree W Audioquest, cod 69-051-01

Solid design (doesn 39;t flex or bend) Gold-plated contacts Supports HDMI High-Speed specifications

Mufe spada AudioQuest seria 1007 cu argint (set 4buc)

Mufe spada AudioQuest seria 1007 cu argint (set 4buc)

Argint pur direct placat fara prezenta unui strat intermediar care ar putea afecta sunetul. Conectori sudati la rece in locul folosirii unui fludor care poate altera calitatea sunetului.

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Dragon DBS X+ 48Gbps

Cablu HDMI 8K-10K AudioQuest Dragon DBS X+ 48Gbps

DRAGON 48 DBS X+ Sound first. While 8K and other compelling video gaming features make the HDMI headlines, AudioQuest s 48 and eARC-Priority Series HDMI cables are our best-sounding HDMI cables yet. The greater precision and tighter manufacturing tolerances required to deliver HDMI cables that transfer up to 48Gbps bandwidth mean all of AudioQuest s tried-and-true ingredients and techniques matter every bit as much as ever before. Dragon 48 features 100% Perfect-Surface Silver conductors and drains th
