Naughty Boy Send It 60 vcaps

Naughty Boy Send It 60 vcaps

SEND IT Powered by GlucoVantage , CinnulinPF and ChromaX . SEND IT is an ULTRA premium GDA (Glucose Disposal Agent) containing five highly effective ingredients. SEND IT contains ingredients that could increase glucose optimisation, may improve body composition, may improve insulin sensitivity and may improve overall health. Why do we use GlucoVantage Dihydroberberine and not standard Berberine? There are three key reasons why we have not used standard berberine, firstly the supply chain of standard berberine is very inconsistent and also unreliable. It has been published that 40 different products containing standard berberine were tested and only 3 products shown to contain pure berberine. This shows that as a consumer you can not be certain you are actually consuming pure berberine, with SEND IT we got you covered! Secondly standard berberine has terrible bioavailability, GlucoVantage has been proven in studies to be 5 x more bioavailable. Standard berberine has been shown to cause severe gastrointestinal discomfort, with dihydroberberine this is something you don 39;t have to worry about. What are the benefits of CinnulinPF ? CinnulinPF has been shown in studies to decrease fasting blood sugar levels, studies also show changes to body fat and lean mass significantly when supplementing with CinnulinPF . CinnulinPF has shown benefits in hormone balance in women, supports antioxidant defences, supports healthy aging and supports healthy gut microbiota. Why do we use ChromaX and not standard Chromium Picolinate? ChromaX Chromium Picolinate doesn t just have moderately better absorption than other forms of chromium - it is absorbed up to 15x better, providing optimal bioavailability and effectiveness to users. As ChromaX is absorbed into the bloodstream, its unique structure promotes optimal insulin function. The effect ChromaX has over insulin leads to healthier blood sugar levels, more efficient carbohydrate metabolism, reduced caloric intake and improved muscle maintenance during weight loss. Get Ready To SEND IT! Mod adminsitrare. Consume 1 serving (1 capsule) daily with a carbohydrate meal of at least 50g. A futher serving (1 capsule) may utilised with another carbohydrate meal. Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dose. This product should not be used as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet. Keep out of the reach of young children. Store in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.



Naughty Boy Bullet Shaker este un shaker inovator cu un design unic în formă de capsulă. Această formă specială împiedică acumularea de pudră și previne formarea mirosurilor neplăcute. Nu veți avea nevoie de accesorii suplimentare de mixare, deoarece sticla utilizează forța centrifugală pentru a descompune rapid suplimentele de pudră și chiar fructele moi.

Naughty Boy Purge 180 vcaps

Naughty Boy Purge 180 vcaps

PURGE + PROTECT NaughtyBoy Purge is 100% transparent and fully discloses the dose of each active ingredient. Purge has been formulated using premium ingredients to support body functions such as HEART, LIVER, KIDNEYS, CHOLESTEROL and much more... Living in modern day society there are many reasons why your body functions maybe under stress and not functioning optimally? Diet, alcohol, and of course performance enhancing drugs can all impact your body functions. What makes Purge standout from the crow

Naughty Boy Crea-Ting 306g

Naughty Boy Crea-Ting 306g

CE ESTE NAUGHTY BOY LIFESTYLE CREA-TING Crea-Ting este primul produs al lui Naughty Boys din seria Rawz. Este un supliment pe baza de creatina monohidrat cu suplimente suplimentare pentru a ajuta la imbunatatirea performantei si a absorbtiei. CE ALTCEVA IL FACE UN PRODUS GROZAV DE CREATINA? Naughty Boy a optat pentru monohidratul de creatina dovedit pentru Rawz Series Crea-Ting, dozat la cantitatea obisnuita de 5 g per portie.

Naughty Boy The Turk 60 caps

Naughty Boy The Turk 60 caps

The Turk - Natural Muscle Builder. Turkesterone 500mg - Turkesterone is an Ecdysteroid which is a steroid found in plants. Turkesterone has been compared in its efficacy to anabolic steroids but have none of the androgenic side effects. Turkesterone is considered Natty and is not banned by WADA. BioPerine 10mg - The Turk contains 10mg of the patented extract BioPerine. BioPerine has been found to enhance absorption of nutrients by at least 30%. As a dietary supplement take 2 capsules with your

Naughty Boy Vit-C 200 g

Naughty Boy Vit-C 200 g

All profits from Vit-C throughout April, May and June will go to the NHS to help towards the situation with COVID-19. 100% Vitamin C Powder (Ascorbic Acid) Key Benefits of Vitamin C Vitamin C contributes to the normal function of the immune system. Vitamin C supports metabolic function, helping our bodies convert food and drinks into energy. Vitamin C is essential for making collagen, the main component of hair, bones, skin, ligaments, nails, joints and blood vessels. Vitamin C helps the body to a

Naughty Boy Sick Pump 340 gr

Naughty Boy Sick Pump 340 gr

SICKPUMP a fost formulat pentru a va oferi SICKPUMP . Scopul nostru a fost sa oferim o formula complet incarcata si transparenta, care sa contina ingrediente cheie brevetate. Toate NOUA ingrediente au fost dozate la dozele clinice recomandate si unele chiar mai sus. Formula SICKPUMP contine trei ingrediente patentate VASO6 , NITROSIGINE si GLYCERSIZE , aceste trei ingrediente sunt unele dintr

Swanson Ultimate Ashwagandha KSM-66 250mg 60 vcaps

Swanson Ultimate Ashwagandha KSM-66 250mg 60 vcaps

Swanson Ashwagandha Ultimate KSM-66 250mg 60 vcaps este un supliment alimentar ce contine o concentratie ridicata de extract de Ashwagandha KSM-66, un tip de radacina utilizata in medicina Ayurvedica de mii de ani pentru beneficiile sale asupra starii generale de sanatate. Modul de administrare recomandat este de 1 capsula pe zi, preferabil in timpul mesei. Acest produs poate fi combinat cu alte suplimente alimentare de la Swanson, precum vitamine, minerale sau produse din plante, pentru a obtine o form

Naughty Boy A.C.T. 360 gr

Naughty Boy A.C.T. 360 gr

ACT este o combinatie de Aquamin , Cocomineral si Taurine . ACT nu are arome si este conceput pentru a se strange cu toate produsele dumneavoastra preferate NaughtyBoy . De ce sa luati ACT ? Aquamin este un complex multi-mineral marin unic care contine calciu bioactiv, magneziu plus 72 de oligominerale. Astazi , Aquamin este sustinut de peste 30 de publicatii stiintifice evaluate de colegi

Now Red Yeast Rice 600mg 60 vcaps

Now Red Yeast Rice 600mg 60 vcaps

Now Red Yeast Rice 600mg 60 vcaps este un supliment alimentar natural ce conține extract de drojdie de orez roșu. Acest extract este utilizat de secole în medicina tradițională chineză pentru susținerea sănătății cardiovasculare și pentru reducerea nivelului de colesterol din sânge. Modul de administrare recomandat este de 1 capsulă pe zi, preferabil în timpul mesei. Acest supliment se poate combina cu alte produse pentru susținerea sănătății cardiovasculare, precum omega-3, coenzima Q10, vitamina D3 și

Naughty Boy Crea Greens 30 serv

Naughty Boy Crea Greens 30 serv

Crea-Greens - Powered by MitoGreens , Aquamin MG, Cocomineral , AstraGin and arguably the most researched, tested and proven supplement Creatine Monohydrate. MitoGreens 200mg - Mitogreens Contains over 30 well known vegetables, fruits and spices. Mitogreens Has an extremely high oxygen radical absorbance capacity level amplified by the immense benefits of ergothioneine (MitoPrime ). Remember where you saw this first .. Aquamin MG 500mg - Aquamin MG is a highly bioavailable source of marine magn

Naughty Boy Advanced Whey Protein 2 kg

Naughty Boy Advanced Whey Protein 2 kg

NaughtyBoy Advanced Whey este o alegere revoluționară în ceea ce privește proteina din zer. Proteina din zer NaughtyBoy oferă 22g de proteine pe porție pentru a susține creșterea musculară. NaughtyBoy Whey combină gustul și textura într-o manieră impecabilă, care te va face să vrei mai mult. Proteina din zer NaughtyBoy conține nivele scăzute de grăsimi și zahăr, fiecare porție având mai puțin de 115 de calorii. Proteina din zer NaughtyBoy este instantanee pentru o amestecare ușoară, versatilă și po

Now Butterbur 60 vcaps

Now Butterbur 60 vcaps

Now Butterbur 60 vcaps este un supliment alimentar care contine extract de petasit, o planta care a fost utilizata in mod traditional pentru a sprijini sanatatea respiratorie si cea a creierului. Fiecare capsula contine 75 mg de extract standardizat de petasit, care furnizeaza 15 mg de compusi petasit. Suplimentul alimentar este formulat pentru a fi vegetarian si nu contine alergeni comuni, cum ar fi gluten, soia sau lapte. Modul de administrare recomandat este de a lua o capsula de 2-3 ori pe zi, prefer

Swanson Full Spectrum Chanca Piedra 500mg 60 vcaps

Swanson Full Spectrum Chanca Piedra 500mg 60 vcaps

Swanson Full Spectrum Chanca Piedra 500mg 60 vcaps este un supliment alimentar care contine extract din planta Chanca Piedra (Phyllanthus niruri). Aceasta planta este cunoscuta in traditia ayurvedica pentru proprietatile sale de sustinere a sanatatii tractului urinar. Modul de administrare recomandat este de a lua o capsula de doua ori pe zi, preferabil cu o masa. Acest produs poate fi combinat cu alte suplimente care sustin sanatatea tractului urinar, precum extractul de merisor sau extractul de radaci

Naughty Boy ILLMATIC BCAA 30 serv

Naughty Boy ILLMATIC BCAA 30 serv

Illmatic BCAA s contain 7 grams of vegan fermented BCAA s at a 2:1:1 ratio. Illamtic BCAA s can be consumed before training, during training and post training. Illmatic BCAA s can be consumed between meals to support recovery and fuel performance. Illmatic BCAA s can be consumed on non training days. Velositol 2000mg Velositol has been proven to significantly increase muscle protein synthesis by 25% when added to 6 grams of BCAA s. Velositol Can help reduce body fat and support lean muscle mass

Naughty Boy Immortale 60 caps

Naughty Boy Immortale 60 caps

Powered by MitoPrime (L-Ergothioneine), KSM-66 Ashwagandha and BioPerine . This combination of ingredients never seen in the industry before offer a very long list of immense health benefits. MitoPrime ( L-Ergothioneine) 25mg MitoPrime also known as the longevity vitamin is a naturally occurring amino acid that is found in the highest concentrations in mushrooms. MitoPrime has been shown to Increase mitochondrial function, increase the volume of healthy cells and has 10 x stronger ant
