Now Branched-Chain Amino Acids 120 caps

Now Branched-Chain Amino Acids 120 caps

Descriere Now Branched Chain Amino Acids 120 caps: Dintre cei opt aminoacizi esentiali, care nu pot fi produsi de organism, cei trei aminoacizi cu catena ramificata, leucina, izoleucina si valina sunt de o importanta majora. Pe baza structurii lor unice, activitatea, stocarea si metabolismul, au devenit discontinue in viata multor sportivi si persoane active fizic. Acestea reprezinta aproape 1 3 din aminoacizii aflati in proteinele musculare, si joaca un numar semnificativ de roluri cheie in repararea si cresterea tesuturilor musculare. Mod administrare: Ca supliment alimentar, luati 4 capsule de 1 pana la 2 ori pe zi, pe stomacul gol, mai ales inainte si dupa antrenament. Tabelul valorilor nutritionale: Valori nutritionale Servire: 4 caps Serviri: 30 L-Leucine (free-form) 1600 mg L-Isoleucine (free-form) 650 mg L-Valine (free-form) 650 mg Ingrediente Gelatin (capsule) and Stearic Acid (vegetable source) Alergeni Poate contine soia, lapte sau produse derivate. Avertismente A NU SE LASA LA INDEMANA COPIILOR ! Daca sunteti gravida sau alaptati, daca aveti sub 18 ani, sau aveti orice afectiuni cunoscute sau suspecte, daca luati medicamente cu prescriptie sau medicamente OTC, vorbiti cu medicul dumneavoastra inainte de a lua acest produs . AVERTISMENT ! Consultati-va medicul inainte de a utiliza acest produs daca luati medicamente de orice tip, sau sunteti in ingrijirea unui medic ! Nu se utilizeaza de catre persoanele sub 18 ani, femeile gravide sau care alapteaza !

Now Branched-Chain Amino Acids 240 vcaps

Now Branched-Chain Amino Acids 240 vcaps

Now Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) este un supliment alimentar avansat conceput pentru a sustine performanta sportivilor si pentru a promova dezvoltarea musculara, recuperarea si sanatatea generala. Acest produs de inalta calitate ofera o combinatie de aminoacizi cu catena ramificata (L-leucina, L-izoleucina si L-valina) intr-o forma usor de administrat sub forma de capsule. Beneficii ale folosirii produsului: Cresterea si mentinerea masei musculare: Aminoacizii cu catena ramificata, precum L-leuc

Muscletech 8 HOUR Protein 2.09 kg

Muscletech 8 HOUR Protein 2.09 kg

8 Hour Protein is a premium blended protein formula that feeds your muscles for 8 hours. Each scoop contains an impressive 26g blend of milk-derived proteins that supplies a sustain-release of amino acids. PHASE8 has a superior, clean macronutrient profile, with only half the carbs and fat of the leading competitor. 7 High-Quality Protein Sources Each protein source in Phase8 is a high-quality, milk-derived protein, and is free of egg protein and lower biological value protein sources like soy and brow

Skull Labs EAA Amino 390g

Skull Labs EAA Amino 390g

Skull Labs EAA Amino essential amino acids for building muscle mass. Skull Labs EAA Amino is an amino acid supplement that provides single bricks of free amino acids. EAA are the amino acids that you absolutely must supply to your body. Without their contribution, it is not possible to build muscle mass. Too little EAA in your diet means that your training effects will be limited and your muscles are at risk of catabolism. Skull Labs EAA Amino will protect your muscles and allow them to regenerate faste

Hammer Labz Amino Streght 405g

Hammer Labz Amino Streght 405g

Hammer Labz is a new producer of dietary supplements from the USA. The wide product range includes supplements with strong, active ingredients for advanced athletes. Effective operation and strong formulas, as well as testing and analysis of each batch of products by independent laboratories ensure the highest care for the consumer. High-quality products in clinical doses ensure the best sports results. Innovative recipes created by Hammer Labz have a chance to become leading among pre-workout supplement

Dorian Yates Shadowhey 2kg

Dorian Yates Shadowhey 2kg

Shadowhey is a whey protein concentrate naturally high in BCAAs, with minimal fat carbohydrates. It s designed for building muscle by post-workout ingestion or as a convenient source of protein between meals throughout the day. Shadowhey mainly contains a high amount of whey protein; a natural protein found as byproduct of cheese making. Premium protein concentrate by having a high amount of proteins 22 grams of proteins per serving Benefits: Easy solvable Hight amount of pure protein per servin

Nutrend  Whey Protein 1 kg

Nutrend Whey Protein 1 kg

Aceasta generatie complet noua a produsului vine cu o reteta imbunatatita si cu o proportie mai mare de izolat proteic din zer. Proteina din zer provine de la vaci care pasc liber pe pasuni, respectand astfel standardele agriculturii ecologice si certificarea GRASS FED (hranite cu iarba). Digestibilitatea excelenta este asigurata de un amestec patentat de enzime digestive, iar aromele delicioase iti vor incanta simturile. Acest produs premium cu o valoare biologica mare este perfect pentru regenerarea tes

Naughty Boy ILLMATIC BCAA 30 serv

Naughty Boy ILLMATIC BCAA 30 serv

Illmatic BCAA s contain 7 grams of vegan fermented BCAA s at a 2:1:1 ratio. Illamtic BCAA s can be consumed before training, during training and post training. Illmatic BCAA s can be consumed between meals to support recovery and fuel performance. Illmatic BCAA s can be consumed on non training days. Velositol 2000mg Velositol has been proven to significantly increase muscle protein synthesis by 25% when added to 6 grams of BCAA s. Velositol Can help reduce body fat and support lean muscle mass

Naughty Boy Amino EAA Summer Vibes 435 gr

Naughty Boy Amino EAA Summer Vibes 435 gr

SUMMER VIBES AMINO EAA - 30 SERVINGS AMINO EAA is formulated with 8.5 grams of vegan fermented BCAA s + EAA 39;s. AMINO EAA helps promote muscle protein synthesis, enhanced recovery, and increased training endurance. AMINO EAA comes in three mouth watering flavours including SEX IN THE DRIVEWAY, CHERRY MANGO MARGARITA and UNICORN KISSES Mix 1 serving 11.5g (1 level scoop) with 400ml of ice cold water.Amino EAA can be consumed before training, during training and post training. Amino EAA can also be co

Puritan s Pride L-Tyrosine 500 mg 100 caps

Puritan s Pride L-Tyrosine 500 mg 100 caps

Rapid Release Gluten Free Amino Acids are important components of protein. L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that helps form the bioactive factors vital to cellular growth and maintenance. Supplement Facts Serving Size 1 Capsule Amount Per Serving % Daily Value L-Tyrosine Free Form 500 mg Daily Value not established. Directions: For adults, take one (1) capsule two to three times daily, preferably on an empty stomach. Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Silica, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate. WARNING: If

ANABOLIC AMINO 5500 MEGA CAPS ,   400 caps.


Administrare 1 portie (6 capsule) de 2-3 ori pe zi. Produsul este recomandat adultilor ca supliment alimentar. A nu se lasa la indemana copiilor. Nu depasiti doza zilnica recomandata. Suplimentele alimentare nu ar trebui sa fie folosite ca inlocuitori ai unei alimentatii variate si echilibrate. Se recomanda o dieta variata si echilibrata si un stil de viata sanatos.

Olimp Nutrition Gain Bolic 6000 3.5 kg

Olimp Nutrition Gain Bolic 6000 3.5 kg

Are you fed up with huge quantities of food? A massive amount of calories is a real challenge? Is it getting harder to keep your daily energy balance? Olimp Gain Bolic 6000 is coming to the rescue! It is a protein-carbohydrate supplement that in an easy and convenient way will allow you to supplement your daily diet with a large portion of nutritious calories. By choosing the Olimp Sport Nutrition gainer, you can be sure that your work at training sessions and in the kitchen will not be wasted! The

Skull Labs 100% Whey Isolate 2000g

Skull Labs 100% Whey Isolate 2000g

Skull Labs 100% Whey Isolate protein nutrition in the form of whey protein isolate. Skull Labs 100% Whey Isolate is a high-quality protein supplement that provides protein, rich in amino acids. The product is ideal for supplementing an athlete 39;s diet. Whey protein isolate is characterised by its high content of pure protein. It contains virtually no fat or carbohydrates. The highest quality whey protein allows you to supplement your high-protein diet without unnecessary calories in the form of sugar

Skull Labs Perfect Amino 450 g

Skull Labs Perfect Amino 450 g

Skull Labs Perfect Amino 450 g este o combinatie de aminoacizi esentiali EAA si BCAA. Acesti aminoacizi sunt esentiali pentru functionarea corecta a muschilor, sustinand activitatea si regenerarea acestora. Aminoacizii sunt elementele de baza responsabile de cresterea masei musculare. Aminoacizii ar trebui utilizati de toate persoanele ale caror antrenamente sunt foarte solicitante si care pot fi predispuse la catabolismul muscular. Aminoacizii Skull Labs Perfect Amino vor proteja muschii obositi de daune

Revange Chain Reaction Next Generation 240g

Revange Chain Reaction Next Generation 240g

Check out Revange Chain Reaction Next Generation - a new version of the famous pre-training stack designed for professional athletes. Chain Reaction preparation designed to enhance training performance and effective training. Pre-workout allows you to increase strength, vascularity and has a neuroprotective effect. It perfectly influences the composition of the body, and the stimulating ingredients accelerate the loss of adipose tissue. Chain Reaction Next Generation formula is one of the best comprehen

Immortal 100% Whey Mass Protein 3000g

Immortal 100% Whey Mass Protein 3000g

Immortal 100% Whey Mass Protein gainer for muscle mass. Immortal 100% Whey Mass Protein is a protein and carbohydrate gainer with a high protein content. There are up to 24 grams of pure whey protein per serving. The product has been designed to make building muscle mass significantly easier. Immortal 100% Whey Mass Protein gainer allows you to gain extra kilos in a short time. Immortal 100% Whey Mass Protein is: High whey protein content, Perfect proportions for building muscle mass, Transparent co
