Olimp Nutrition Whey Protein Complex 1.8 kg

Olimp Nutrition Whey Protein Complex 1.8 kg

Olimp Nutrition Whey Protein Complex 1.8 kg este un supliment nutritiv premium, conceput pentru a sprijini cresterea musculara si recuperarea eficienta. Acesta ofera o formula avansata bazata pe proteine de inalta calitate, asigurand un aport optim de aminoacizi si nutrienti esentiali pentru sportivi si persoanele active in cautarea rezultatelor maxime. Tabelul de ingrediente: Per portie (35g) Per 100g Energie 582 kJ 138 kcal 1660 kJ 393 kcal Grasimi 1,5g 4,3g - Saturate 0,8g 2,3g Carbohidrati 2,7g 7,7g - Zaharuri 1,3g 3,7g Fibre 0g 0g Proteine 27g 77g Sare 0,33g 0,95g Mod de administrare: Amesteca 1 portie (35g) de pudra cu 200-300 ml de apa sau lapte degresat. Agita bine pana cand pudra se dizolva complet. Consuma de 1-3 portii pe zi, in functie de nevoile tale nutritionale si recomandarile unui specialist in nutritie sportiva. Olimp Nutrition Whey Protein Complex 1.8 kg este partenerul perfect pentru dezvoltarea masei musculare si sustinerea recuperarii dupa antrenamente intense. Formula sa bogata in proteine de inalta calitate asigura un aport adecvat de aminoacizi esentiali, sprijinind astfel sinteza proteinelor si promovand cresterea musculara. Va rugam sa retineti ca informatiile din tabelul de ingrediente pot varia usor in functie de lotul produsului. Pentru informatii precise si detaliate, consultati eticheta produsului achizitionat.



OLIMP 100% WHEY PROTEIN COMPLEX , are concentratie ridicata de proteina sub forma de pudra, fiind destinat alimentatiei pentru a face fata efortului muscular intens, adresandu-se in special sportivilor. Contine o serie de nutrienti ce imbogatess dieta cu proteina alimentara obtinuta din amestecul proteinelor din zer. Proteina din zer este cunoscuta ca cea mai valoroasa sursa de proteine alimentare, in special pentru atleti si culturisti. Mod de administrare:Se amesteca 1 portie de supliment(35g) in 1

Olimp Nutrition Whey Protein Complex 2.27 kg

Olimp Nutrition Whey Protein Complex 2.27 kg

Here is a protein supplement that, due to a properly balanced diet and workouts, will help you get real results! Whey Protein Complex 100% is a combination of CFM isolate and whey protein concentrate, allowing you to supplement your daily diet with the necessary amount of protein for your muscles, without investing in half measures! Are you growing you muscle mass? Or maybe you are in the process of losing weight? Remember to provide your muscles with full-value proteins - their key building material!

Skull Labs 100% Whey Isolate 2000g

Skull Labs 100% Whey Isolate 2000g

Skull Labs 100% Whey Isolate protein nutrition in the form of whey protein isolate. Skull Labs 100% Whey Isolate is a high-quality protein supplement that provides protein, rich in amino acids. The product is ideal for supplementing an athlete 39;s diet. Whey protein isolate is characterised by its high content of pure protein. It contains virtually no fat or carbohydrates. The highest quality whey protein allows you to supplement your high-protein diet without unnecessary calories in the form of sugar

Olimp Nutrition Pro Whey Shake 700 g

Olimp Nutrition Pro Whey Shake 700 g

Olimp Sport Nutrition Pro Whey Shake 700 g este un supliment nutritiv avansat, conceput pentru a sprijini performanta si recuperarea musculara optima. Acest produs de inalta calitate ofera o combinatie echilibrata de proteine de inalta calitate, aminoacizi esentiali si nutrienti esentiali pentru a satisface nevoile nutritionale ale sportivilor si a persoanelor active. Modul de administrare al Olimp Sport Nutrition Pro Whey Shake 700 g este simplu si convenabil. Se recomanda sa se amestece 1 masura (30 g)

Immortal 100% Whey Mass Protein 3000g

Immortal 100% Whey Mass Protein 3000g

Immortal 100% Whey Mass Protein gainer for muscle mass. Immortal 100% Whey Mass Protein is a protein and carbohydrate gainer with a high protein content. There are up to 24 grams of pure whey protein per serving. The product has been designed to make building muscle mass significantly easier. Immortal 100% Whey Mass Protein gainer allows you to gain extra kilos in a short time. Immortal 100% Whey Mass Protein is: High whey protein content, Perfect proportions for building muscle mass, Transparent co



Ingrediente: 97,5% izolat de proteine din zer, arome, regulator de aciditate - acid malic, agenti de ingrosare - xantan, carboxil metil celuloza; indulcitori - acesulfam K, sucraloza; vitaminele (acid L-ascorbic - vitamina C, acetat de dl-alfa-tocoferil - vitamina E, nicotinamida - niacina, D-biotina, acetat de retiniol - vitamina A, pantotenat de calciu - acid pantotenic, B6, cholecalciferol - vitamina D, acid pteroilmonoglutamic - acid folic, tiamina mononitrat - vitamina B1, riboflavina - vitamina B2,

Olimp Nutrition Gain Bolic 6000 3.5 kg

Olimp Nutrition Gain Bolic 6000 3.5 kg

Are you fed up with huge quantities of food? A massive amount of calories is a real challenge? Is it getting harder to keep your daily energy balance? Olimp Gain Bolic 6000 is coming to the rescue! It is a protein-carbohydrate supplement that in an easy and convenient way will allow you to supplement your daily diet with a large portion of nutritious calories. By choosing the Olimp Sport Nutrition gainer, you can be sure that your work at training sessions and in the kitchen will not be wasted! The



100% WHEY ISOLATE PROTEIN MULTIPOWER 725 G Informatii nutritionale Per 100 g Per portie 30 g Energie (kJ) 1530 kJ 462 kJ Energie (kcal)

BPI Whey-HD 2 kg

BPI Whey-HD 2 kg

Descriere. WHEY-HD este o capodopera a zilelor noastre.Este un produs fin,delicios,din proteina de zer ultrapremium. Este conceputa sa se dizolve usor si sa se digere repede. Whey HD este de departe cel mai bun produs din categoria sa. WHEY-HD este conceput si realizat de cei mai buni chimisti in domeniul aromelor din industria alimentara. WHEY-HD este conceputa dupa un nou sistem de arome care pana acum nu era disponibil si care face din acest produs unul nemaintalnit de delicios dar in acelasi timp

Muscletech 8 HOUR Protein 2.09 kg

Muscletech 8 HOUR Protein 2.09 kg

8 Hour Protein is a premium blended protein formula that feeds your muscles for 8 hours. Each scoop contains an impressive 26g blend of milk-derived proteins that supplies a sustain-release of amino acids. PHASE8 has a superior, clean macronutrient profile, with only half the carbs and fat of the leading competitor. 7 High-Quality Protein Sources Each protein source in Phase8 is a high-quality, milk-derived protein, and is free of egg protein and lower biological value protein sources like soy and brow

Pro Supps Plant Perform 907 grams

Pro Supps Plant Perform 907 grams

Plant Perform has been developed to help you reach your training goals by encouraging maximum protein synthesis at any time of the day, while providing quick and healthy digestion. ProSupps Plant Perform 39;s proprietary Flavor Smooth technology gives you the creamy, rich taste of a milkshake with all the health benefits of a plant-based protein supplement. With 25g of protein and 3g of added leucine, the only thing you 39;ll be missing from whey protein is bloating. Training is hard work, drinking yo

On Whey Gold Standard 100% 2,3 kg

On Whey Gold Standard 100% 2,3 kg

ON Whey Gold Standard 100% este pe primul loc in topul concentratelor proteice si este folosit pentru a pune masa musculara de calitate.

Reflex Nutrition Growth Matrix 1890 grams

Reflex Nutrition Growth Matrix 1890 grams

What is Growth Matrix? Growth Matrix is a post-workout recovery protein shake. Each serving provides an instant hit of amino acids, L-leucine and glutamine, vitamin B6, fast-acting carbohydrates and Creatine (Creapure ). Growth Matrix can reduce tiredness and fatigue, and contribute to the recovery of normal muscle function after intense or long-lasting physical exercise as well as maintain or contribute to the growth of muscle mass. We use whey protein that 39;s hormone and antibiotic free and made f

Olimp Nutrition Gold Omega 3 120 caps

Olimp Nutrition Gold Omega 3 120 caps

Olimp Nutrition Gold Omega 3 120 caps este un supliment nutritiv premium, conceput pentru a furniza o sursa de acizi grasi Omega-3 de inalta calitate si a sustine sanatatea generala. Fiecare capsula contine o combinatie echilibrata de acizi grasi esentiali EPA (acid eicosapentaenoic) si DHA (acid docosahexaenoic), recunoscuti pentru beneficiile lor asupra sistemului cardiovascular, creierului si functiei imunitare. Tabelul de ingrediente: Cantitate per capsula Ulei de peste concentrat 1000 mg - EPA (

Olimp Nutrition Rocky Athletes Creatine 200 grams

Olimp Nutrition Rocky Athletes Creatine 200 grams

OLIMP Rocky Athletes Creatine 200 g description Are you looking for a supplement that will help you in regular training at the gym? The Olimp brand presents Rocky Athletes Creatine - a supplement containing a highly concentrated portion of creatine monohydrate. This ingredient can help to increase the body 39;s efficiency thanks to better oxygenation of the muscles and stimulating the blood to work more intensively. We recommend this preparation to people who want to have a real impact on the injecti
