Penar accesorii Gorjuss Every Summer has a Story

Penar accesorii Gorjuss Every Summer has a Story

Penar accesorii Gorjuss Every Summer has a Story Penarul pentru accesorii Gorjuss Every Summer has a Story de la Santoro poate fi folosit ca un penar incapator sau ca un portofel practic si frumos, dar si ca o geanta foarte utila in calatorii. Acesta este din imitatie de piele si are imprimat pe ambele parti un design elegant din tematica Gorjuss Every Summer has a Story. Nuantele de roz, corai si verde-lime, cat si simpatica fetita si decoratiunile formate din felii de pepene rosu completeaza armonios aceasta tema care ne duce cu gandul la vara. Se inchide cu fermoar cu tenta vintage, pastrand continutul in siguranta. Interiorul este captusit cu material sintetic turcoaz cu buline albe. Penarul pentru accesorii Gorjuss Every Summer has a Story de la Santoro este un accesoriu perfect pentru a fi oferit cadou persoanelor dragi sau pentru a va intregi colectia de articole Gorjuss. Dimensiuni: 23x10x5 cm Mod de curatare: Stergeti cu o carpa umeda.

Geanta cu barete Gorjuss Every Summer Has A Story

Geanta cu barete Gorjuss Every Summer Has A Story

Esti gata de plimbare? Aceasta gentuta cu barete Gorjuss Every Summer Has A Story de la Santoro este cea mai potrivita pentru tine! Frumoasa tematica Every Summer Has A Story care o ilustreaza pe incantatoarea fetita din colectia Gorjuss, impodobeste aceasta geanta cu o coloristica dragalasa, in nuante calde de roz, corai si crem. Geanta de la Santoro are manerele in dungi monocrome, pe partea laterala dungi corai si crem, iar partea din spate a gentii are un imprimeu fin din felii de pepene. Geata

Penar dublu Gorjuss - First Prize

Penar dublu Gorjuss - First Prize

Penar dublu Gorjuss - First Prize Dimensiuni: 20 x 11 x 6 cm Greutate:110 g Material : poliester Inchidere: fermoar Penarul dublu Gorjuss First Prize are doua compartimente care se inchid cu fermoar, interiorul este captusit cu material dungat specific colectiilor Gorjuss. Acest penar dublu Gorjuss First Prize ajuta la pastrarea instrumentelor de scris in ordinea folosirii lor, atat la scoala cat si la birou. Varsta Recomandata : +3 ani

Penar accesorii Gorjuss Sugar and Spice

Penar accesorii Gorjuss Sugar and Spice

Penarul pentru accesorii Gorjuss Sugar and Spice de la Santoro poate fi folosit ca un penar incapator sau ca un portofel practic si frumos, dar si ca o geanta foarte utila in calatorii. Acesta este finisaj la exterior cu imitatie de piele si are imprimat pe ambele parti un design elegant din tematica Gorjuss Sugar and Spice. Nuantele de magenta, roz pudrat si negru completeaza armonios acest model de penar. Se inchide cu fermoar cu tenta vintage, pastrand continutul in siguranta. Interiorul este captusit

Penar echipat Gorjuss First Prize

Penar echipat Gorjuss First Prize

Penar echipat Gorjuss First Prize Dimensiuni: L 12.5 x h 22 x l 6cm Material: Poliester cu efect special de glitter Recomandat copiilor din clasele 0-5 Produs original 100% Penarul este echipat cu 45 de piese: 18 creioane colorate, 18 markere, 1 creion cu mina din grafit, 1 ascutitoare, 1 radiera, 1 raportor, 1 echer, 1 rigla, 3 pixuri culori diferite: rosu, albastru, negru. Penarul echipat Gorjuss First Prize are o captuseala monocroma, doua flapsuri pliabile care permit o pastrare a rechi

Penar echipat Gorjuss Be Kind To Yourself

Penar echipat Gorjuss Be Kind To Yourself

Penar echipat Gorjuss Be Kind To Yourself Dimensiuni: L 12.5 x h 22 x l 6cm Material: Poliester Recomandat copiilor din clasele 0-5 Produs original 100% Penarul este echipat cu 45 de piese: 18 creioane colorate, 18 markere, 1 creion cu mina din grafit, 1 ascutitoare, 1 radiera, 1 raportor, 1 echer, 1 rigla, 3 pixuri culori diferite: rosu, albastru, negru. Penarul echipat Gorjuss Be Kind To Yourself are o captuseala monocroma, doua flapsuri pliabile care permit o pastrare a rechizitelor cont

Penar echipat Gorjuss Be Kind To Each Other

Penar echipat Gorjuss Be Kind To Each Other

Penar echipat Gorjuss Be Kind To Each Other Dimensiuni: L 12.5 x h 22 x l 6cm Material: Poliester Recomandat copiilor din clasele 0-5 Produs original 100% Penarul este echipat cu 45 de piese: 18 creioane colorate, 18 markere, 1 creion cu mina din grafit, 1 ascutitoare, 1 radiera, 1 raportor, 1 echer, 1 rigla, 3 pixuri culori diferite: rosu, albastru, negru. Penarul echipat Gorjuss Be Kind To Each Other are o captuseala monocroma, doua flapsuri pliabile care permit o pastrare a rechizitelor

Penar echipat Gorjuss Be Kind To Our Planet

Penar echipat Gorjuss Be Kind To Our Planet

Penar echipat Gorjuss Be Kind To Our Planet Dimensiuni: L 12.5 x h 22 x l 6cm Material: Poliester Recomandat copiilor din clasele 0-5 Produs original 100% Penarul este echipat cu 45 de piese: 18 creioane colorate, 18 markere, 1 creion cu mina din grafit, 1 ascutitoare, 1 radiera, 1 raportor, 1 echer, 1 rigla, 3 pixuri culori diferite: rosu, albastru, negru. Penarul echipat Gorjuss Be Kind To Our Planet are o captuseala monocroma, doua flapsuri pliabile care permit o pastrare a rechizitelor

Penar dublu Gorjuss Fiesta You Brought Me Love

Penar dublu Gorjuss Fiesta You Brought Me Love

Penar dublu Gorjuss Fiesta You Brought Me Love Penar dublu Gorjuss Fiesta You Brought Me Love Avand mai multe utilitati, acest penar dublu Penar dublu Gorjuss Fiesta poate fi un portofel practic si frumos sau un penar incapator dar si o geanta pentru accesori foarte utila in calatorii. Este realizat din poliester si are imprimata incantatoarea fetita Gorjuss You Brought Me Love. Penarul este prevazut cu doua compartimente care se inchid cu fermoare vesel colorate. Un cadou frumos si util! Penarul

Penar dublu echipat Gorjuss Melodies The Duet

Penar dublu echipat Gorjuss Melodies The Duet

Penar dublu echipat Gorjuss Melodies The Duet. Primul compartiment cuprinde: 2 creioane, 3 pixuri (albastru, rosu si negru), o radiera si o ascutitoare mica si 18 creioane colorate. Al doilea compartiment contine 18 carioci colorate, cu exterior dungat, o rigla, un echer si un raportor semicerc. Dimensiuni: 23x18.5x 4 cm; Material: poliester cu efect special de glitter Greutate: 330 g Recomandam copiilor din clasele 0-5

Penar 1 fermoar neechipat Santoro Gorjuss Where Am I

Penar 1 fermoar neechipat Santoro Gorjuss Where Am I

Penar 1 fermoar neechipat Santoro Gorjuss Where Am I Anul acesta Penarul cu un fermoar neechipat Santoro Gorjuss Where Am I aduce pentru tinerele domnisoare un plus de ordine in fiecare zi. Este un produs nou in editie limitata! Va recomandam sa vizitati si categoria de rechizite unde veti gasi multe produse atragatoare. Penarul cu un fermoar neechipat Santoro Gorjuss Where Am I este mai mult decat un necesar pentru scoala, este un organizator perfect pentru creioane, pixuri si alte accesorii neces

Povestea   A sticker dolly story: Unicorn Rescue  , Usborne

Povestea A sticker dolly story: Unicorn Rescue , Usborne

A magical chapter book series, inspired by Sticker Dolly Dressing, perfect for fans of Rainbow Magic and Holly Webb. Each book comes with a page of stickers to dress the characters. There s panic on the Enchanted Isle. A frightened unicorn is rampaging through the Spellwood, destroying everything in her path. It s time for the Magic Dolls, Grace, Lily and Holly, to race to the rescue! Collect all the books in the Sticker Dolly Stories series! 1. Unicorn Rescue (A Magic Dolls Story) 2. Fairy Picnic (A Ma

Povestea   A sticker dolly story: Mermaid in Trouble  , Usborne

Povestea A sticker dolly story: Mermaid in Trouble , Usborne

An exciting chapter book series inspired by Sticker Dolly Dressing, perfect for fans of Rainbow Magic and Holly Webb. Each book comes with a page of stickers to dress the Dolls. It s the night of the Undersea Gala on the Enchanted Isle, and Nerissa the mermaid can t find the grand prize - the Shining Pearls. Have they been stolen? Who would do such a thing? It s up to the Magic Dolls to find out! Collect all the books in the Sticker Dolly Stories series! 1. Unicorn Rescue (A Magic Dolls Story) 2. Fairy

Povestea   A sticker dolly story: Baby Dragon  , Usborne

Povestea A sticker dolly story: Baby Dragon , Usborne

An exciting chapter book series inspired by Sticker Dolly Dressing, perfect for fans of Rainbow Magic and Holly Webb. Each book comes with a page of stickers to dress the Dolls. A baby dragon is all alone on the Enchanted Isle, with no one to care for it. Worse still, it only eats berries from an island far out to sea - and there s a storm coming in. The Magic Dolls need to spring into action to save the baby dragon, and fast! Collect all the books in the Sticker Dolly Stories series! 1. Unicorn Rescue

Povestea   A sticker dolly story: Fairy Picnic  , Usborne

Povestea A sticker dolly story: Fairy Picnic , Usborne

An exciting chapter book series inspired by Sticker Dolly Dressing, perfect for fans of Rainbow Magic and Holly Webb. Each book comes with a page of stickers to dress the Dolls. The Magic Dolls have been invited to the Fairy Picnic, and the big day has finally arrived. But on the way they discover the Trolls have come down from the High Mountains and are on their way to the picnic too! The Trolls are incredibly clumsy and greedy, and are sure to destroy the picnic. Can the Magic Dolls stop them, before it

Povestea   A sticker dolly story: Dream Pony  , Usborne

Povestea A sticker dolly story: Dream Pony , Usborne

An exciting chapter book series inspired by Sticker Dolly Dressing, perfect for fans of Rainbow Magic and Holly Webb. Each book comes with a page of stickers to dress the Dolls. The Animal Rescue Dolls are excited about their trip to the Wild Isle to check on the wild mountain ponies. But when they reach the clifftop, they find a yearling, trapped on a cliff edge. Now it s up to the Dolls to bring the pony to safety. Collect all the books in the Sticker Dolly Stories series! 1. Unicorn Rescue (A Magic D
