Power System Suport pentru incheietura

Power System Suport pentru incheietura

Daca iti doresti incheieturi puternice, flexibile si pregatite pentru actiune, Power System Wrist Wraps PS6000 sunt raspunsul de care ai nevoie. Cu un design special creat pentru a imbina compresia eficienta cu miscarea usoara si naturala, aceste bandaje sunt ideale pentru sporturile care presupun miscari puternice ale incheieturilor. Power System Wrist Wraps PS6000 ofera o compresie eficienta, sustinand incheieturile in timpul antrenamentelor intense. Acest suport ajuta la prevenirea accidentarilor si la maximizarea performantei tale. Indiferent daca esti pasionat de haltere, calisthenics, antrenamente cu greutati libere sau oricare alt sport care implica miscari puternice ale incheieturilor, Power System Wrist Wraps PS6000 sunt partenerii de incredere pentru performanta ta.

Power System Manusi Pentru Femei

Power System Manusi Pentru Femei

Power System Manusi Fit Girl - Insertii cu structura 4WAY si dosul palmei si zona dintre degete din piele rezistenta. - Zona palmei cu forma ergonomica cu multiple straturi din piele de caprioara si piele artificiala cu captuseala groasa pentru un maximum de confort la prindere. - Manseta pentru incheietura din neopren fixeaza articulatia incheieturii printr-o presiune reglabila dar blanda, mentinand-o intr-o pozitie corecta in timpul antrenamentului. - Disponibile in urmatoarele marimi: M, L, XL

Power Wall , œSuper Target,

Power Wall , œSuper Target,

This is where things really get down to business - on the round Power Wall , œSuper Target, punch pad with a diameter of 44 cm and a high-performance, 15 cm thick foam core. In line with the TOP TEN Power Wall series, the , œSuper Target, can be freely positioned on the chipboard using the hook and loop system. With creative arrangements of the Power Wall add-ons, you can quickly transform your wall training area into a 3-dimensional world of experience. Due to its high safety standards, the TOP TEN P

Power System Set 2 curele pentru ridicare greutati

Power System Set 2 curele pentru ridicare greutati

Power System Power Straps sunt curele de antrenament acționate de putere, concepute pentru a întări priza în timpul exercițiilor de tracțiuni și pull-up-uri grele, precum și în timpul antrenamentelor pentru mușchii abdominali în poziția de agățat pe o bară de tracțiuni. Acestea sunt ideale pentru exercițiile de spate, trunchi, partea din spate a coapselor și abdomen. Caracteristici principale: Material de înaltă calitate: Fabricate din țesătură de bumbac groasă și maxim de puternică, anti-alunecare

Power Wall , œDummy,

Power Wall , œDummy,

The little guy with great possibilities - that s the Power Wall , œDummy, from TOP TEN. The punch pad is divided into a 25 cm x 23 cm x 22 cm head section and a 46 cm x 53 cm x 14 cm body. Even the youngest athletes train injury-free on the painless opponent made of smooth synthetic leather with a foam core. Using the Trocellen hook and loop system, height and position can be changed on the TOP TEN Power Wall in seconds. Particularly important for team sessions: the dummy can be easily cleaned with a da

Power Wall , œShield,   - size M (approx. 32 x 63 x 15 cm)

Power Wall , œShield, - size M (approx. 32 x 63 x 15 cm)

In two different sizes, the Hayashi Power Wall , œShield, is a welcome upgrade for your Hayashi Power Wall. The , œshield, in S (20 cm x 39 cm x 14 cm) or in M (32 cm x 63 cm x 15 cm) can be steplessly positioned on the individual chipboards using the Trocellen hook and loop system. The smooth synthetic leather cover is extremely robust and resistant. The , œShield, foam core is particularly dimensionally stable and designed for permanent loads in sports schools and studios.

Power Wall , œArm-Leg Target,   - size M (approx. 15 x 8 x 32 cm)

Power Wall , œArm-Leg Target, - size M (approx. 15 x 8 x 32 cm)

Bring the right kick to your training area with the Hayashi Power Wall and numerous add-ons such as the , œArm-Leg Target, . The punch cushion is not only used to train distance perception but also invites you to an injury-free round of high kicks. With a choice of lengths of 32 cm for the M model or 52 cm for the L model, variety is on the agenda. The cover made of sturdy synthetic leather has a high-quality finish, and, like the 8 cm, thick multi-layer padding is designed for constant use. Thanks to Tr

Power Wall , œHome Set,

Power Wall , œHome Set,

Time management is so stress-free today. Bring your fitness studio home with the TOP TEN Power Wall , œHome Set, and train whenever you want at the highest TOP TEN level. The set includes the chipboard with the dimensions 62 cm x 62 cm as well as a round, small target, and the arm target in size M. The elements adhere to bomb-proof thanks to the innovative hook and loop system from Trocellen but can be easily adjusted in height and position. The impact-resistant foam core of the punch pads is enclosed i

Perete de putere , œSmall Target,

Perete de putere , œSmall Target,

You keep an eye on the target at the , œSmall Target, of your Hayashi Power Wall. With its 25 cm diameter, it demands your full concentration for fast punch and kicks sequences. An 8 cm thick foam core is packed under the sturdy synthetic leather cover so that safety at the , œSmall Target, is the top priority. With the unique Trocellen hook and loop system, the punch pad sticks firmly to the chipboards of your Hayashi Power Wall and can also be locked in place. To improve hygiene in community and con

Manusi Montane Power Stretch Pro Grippy

Manusi Montane Power Stretch Pro Grippy

Manusi subtiri, concepute pentru utilizare ca strat de baza sau individual. Sunt confectionate din POLARTEC Power Stretch Pro un material ideal pentru vreme rece in practicarea sporturilor montane. Se compreseaza in bine, se usuca rapid. Pentru aderenta sporita la prinderea betelor sau a pioletilor, materialul palmei este prevazut cu imprimeu din silicon. Material: POLARTEC Power Stretch Pro -material cu fata din Nylon rezistent pentru protectie, iar dosul este din polyester periat, placut la ating

Power Wall , œShield,   - size S (approx. 20 x 39 x 14 cm)

Power Wall , œShield, - size S (approx. 20 x 39 x 14 cm)

In two different sizes, TOP TEN with the Power Wall , œShield, brings you endless possibilities on your Power Wall. Use the shield in S with the dimensions 20 cm x 39 cm x 14 cm for precise kicks and punches, while the more massive , œShield, in M with 32 cm x 63 cm x 15 cm is perfect for injury-free technique training. The high-quality padding made of double-layer foam provides enormous absorption power so that the Power Wall , œShields, are also ideal for fitness training or children, s courses.

Power Wall , œArm-Leg Target,   - size L (approx. 15 x 8 x 52 cm)

Power Wall , œArm-Leg Target, - size L (approx. 15 x 8 x 52 cm)

The TOP TEN Power Wall , œArm-Leg Target, is one of the expansion modules of your Power Wall. This way, you get even more variety and enjoy new training possibilities in the distance of 32 cm or 52 cm from the Wall. Place precise high kicks on the synthetic leather pad with a foam core or use it for realistic evasive training. Thanks to the additional hook and loop mats from Trocellen, your Power Wall , œArm-Leg Target, stays securely on the Wall even under heavy loads. Nevertheless, you can vary the

Piolet Black Diamond Raven Ice cu cordon

Piolet Black Diamond Raven Ice cu cordon

Piolet clasic usor, cu lama din otel inoxidabil, fixata pe un suport drept din aliaj din aluminu. Prevazut cu maner cauciuc densitate dubla si cordon pentru incheietura Slider Leash. Ideal pentru ture alpine. Cap lopata cu gaura pentru carabiniera. Echipat cu inel glisant pentru fixarea largimii cordonului pe incheietura. Varf zimtat Certificat CEN-B

Tricou Power Ink, Top Ten, Roz, XXL

Tricou Power Ink, Top Ten, Roz, XXL

Tricou Power Ink - vedeta sportului textil din TOP TEN. Astepti urmatorul impuls de motivatie pentru a incepe din nou in sport? Tesatura usoara si functionala asigura o termoreglare excelenta . Dotat cu proprietatile favorabile ale unui tricou, iti poti modela in mod activ ziua cu tricoul Power Ink . Un design inteligent face ca Power Ink sa fie o solutie universala. Doar a fi un tricou sport nu este suficient pentru Ink din TOP TEN. Trixcoul, in numeroasele sale variante de culoare, ar prefer

Tricou Power Ink, Top Ten, Albastru, XL

Tricou Power Ink, Top Ten, Albastru, XL

Tricou Power Ink - vedeta sportului textil din TOP TEN. Astepti urmatorul impuls de motivatie pentru a incepe din nou in sport? Tesatura usoara si functionala asigura o termoreglare excelenta . Dotat cu proprietatile favorabile ale unui tricou, iti poti modela in mod activ ziua cu tricoul Power Ink . Un design inteligent face ca Power Ink sa fie o solutie universala. Doar a fi un tricou sport nu este suficient pentru Ink din TOP TEN. Trixcoul, in numeroasele sale variante de culoare, ar prefera

Power Wall , œMini Target,

Power Wall , œMini Target,

The small, round power wall , œMini Target, will make you sweat very quickly. Attach it to your TOP TEN Power Wall with the help of the stable hook and loop connection and start a dynamic speed training. So that the movement sequences do not become monotonous, the synthetic leather pad with its stable foam core can be changed as often as required in its position on the training wall. In a mix with other add-ons of the TOP TEN Power Wall series, a multifunctional training center with addictive potential
