Respect for your sources The new X-P1200 preamplifier is the showcase of our know-how. Reference stereo preamplifier, it is in fact composed of two mono preamplifiers assembled in a single compartmentalized box to ensure complete isolation of the various circuits and preamplification stages. This design ensures better channel separation (crosstalk) and therefore a better stereo effect. Not only does your X-P1200 have independent preamplification circuits for the right channel and the left channel, but it is also at the level of their power supplies that we have chosen to make them completely independent thanks to the use of two transformers. The X-P1200 is equipped with 9 analog inputs including 2 balanced XLR inputs., A USB B input (XMOS), 2 coaxial digital inputs and 2 digital inputs. On the output side, you will have the choice between a balanced XLR or unbalanced RCA type output. Everything has been thought out to make this preamp the benchmark for the best audio systems: mains input with filtering by chokes and capacitors, two toroidal transformers with high current capacity, filtering made up of 4 12000uF 150V capacitors. The regulation is done by integrated circuits mounted on heat sinks. Concerning the switching of the inputs outputs, it is done by relay without loss of contact. The symmetrization of the cinch inputs and the desymmetrization is done using quality operational amplifiers of the Burr Brown type. The processing of digital sources is entrusted to an Analog Device AD-1955 converter. This converter is particularly suitable for high end and SACD applications. The quality of the digital analog decoding is of very high level with a signal to noise ratio of 123 dB and an audio quality at the top. It is comprised of a multibit sigmadelta modulator, high-performance digital interpolation filters, and continuous-time differential current output DAC. The playback of audio files from a PC or MAC computer is entrusted to XMOS, a reference solution in the field of quality audio reproduction. Without a doubt, the X-P1200 will be associated with the X-A1200 mono unit for an exceptional hifi system.
Subwooferul Advance Acoustic Kubik K-SUB 200 ofera linii moderne, sobre si armonioase, se potriveste oriunde. Combinat cu doua woofere de 25 cm, amplificatorul RMS de 200 wati restabileste frecventele joase cu o putere uimitoare. Controlul bass este complet si puternic. Ar putea fi integrat cu usurinta intr-un sistem performant Home Theater .
X-i 75 Noile amplificatoarele integrate Advance Acoustic X-i75 au o prezentare sobra dar eleganta. Acestea au numeroase posibilitati de utilizare analogica si digitala, beneficiind de cele mai noi inovatii tehnice. Combinate cu cele mai bune componente disponibile in acest moment, au permis ascultarii, o redare exceptionala a dinamicii fara agresivitate, dar reproducand detaliile muzicii. Functia Hi Bias ii permite sa furnizeze cu usurinta majoritatea difuzoarelor vandute pe piata. Dispozitivul sau
Noul amplificator Advance Acoustic X-i105 are o prezenta sobra dar eleganta. Avand numeroase conexiuni, atat analogice cat si digitale, amplificatorul beneficiaza de cele mai noi inovatii tehnologice. Folosind cele mai noi componente ale momentului, permite utilizatorului sa aiba parte de o auditie exceptionala, ofera un sunet dinamic dar fara a fi agresiv, si reda cele mai fine detalii muzicale. Functia Hi Bias permite amplificatorului sa poata fi conectat la marea majoritatea a boxelor din piata.
WTX-500 Evoluam intr-un mediu in care muzica digitala ocupa tot mai mult loc. Stocat pe dispozitive diverse si variate (mobile, computere, tablete, smartphone-uri si alti playere), cere doar sa se exprime pe sisteme hifi mai mult sau mai putin elaborate, dar mai important, cu o redare cat mai reala si mai naturala. Noul receptor audio wireless WTX500 de la Advance Acoustic face acest lucru cu talent real. WTX500 poate fi conectat cu usurinta la orice intrare analogica a amplificatorului. WTX500 va o
Mai mult decat difuzoarele wireless, AIR 150 este un adevarat sistem High Fidelity, care cere doar sa se exprime si aduce o reproducere de muzica mai reala. Functionam intr-un mediu in care muzica digitala, stocata pe dispozitive diverse si variate (produse de mana ca laptopuri, tablete, smartphone-uri si alti jucatori), va juca un rol din ce in ce mai important in viata noastra de zi cu zi. Din aceste motive, am dezvoltat boxele wireless Advance Acoustic AIR 150. Pe langa functionarea wireless, boxele
The X-CD7 is a CD player with analog and digital outputs. The components of this CD player have been designed to extract digital information with all the musicality present in Advance products. Great care has therefore been taken in powering this CD player. It provides stable and clean power for all analog and digital circuits such as CD mechanism, laser control and digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The separation of the power supply and the digital analog conversion card also contributes to the perfo
Neutru si echilibrat, difuzorul central Kubik S ofera designul perfect pentru a fi asortat cu celelalte boxe Kubik S. Controlul directivitatii sale si realismul detaliat al vocilor, combinat cu raspunsul sau cu frecventa larga, ii ofera acestuia posibilitatea de a fi perfect pentru o utilizare Home Cinema .
We are evolving in an environment where dematerialized music is becoming more and more important. It is now possible to communicate wirelessly all the music from your nomads, computers, tablets, smartphones and other music players to your HIFI system. The new Bluetooth-enabled digital receiver performs this task with real skill. It is compatible with all products in the Classic, MyConnect, PlayStream and Smart range equipped with a BT port. High musical performances and comfort of use are at the rendezv
215 Watts of finesse The BX2 is a power block delivering 215 Watts into 8 Ohms. Advance Paris engineers were inspired by our benchmark amp, the X-A1200 to create the BX2 so that it could be used for both HiFi and home cinema. The BX2 amplifier incorporates sorted and oversized components, as evidenced by the imposing toroidal transformer capable of instantly supplying a high current. Our BX2 has a cinch connector (unbalanced) or XLR (balanced) switchable by means of a small switch. The BX2 integrates t
After the success of the A10 Classic , Advance Paris offers a more powerful version, equipped with more connectors and a double mono construction for the amplification part. In Advance Paris 39;s great tradition of designing products with numerous connectors, the A12 Classic is no exception to the rule... From HDMI to Phono (MM MC), analog RCA to AES-EBU, from USB for computer to multiple optical and coaxial inputs, 2 speaker zones, Bluetooth (optional with X-FTB01 X-FTB02 ). The selected source is pr
X-i50BT, cu un veritabil design audiofil, permite conectarea a numeroase surse analogice, inclusiv utilizarea cu un pick-up. Pentru pasionatii de muzica ce isi tin piesele favorite in computer, tableta sau smartphone, amplificatorul este dotat cu un receiver bluetooth care permite conexiunea wireless. Cu o putere de 2 x 50W in 8 Ohmi si cu functia Hi Bias , amplificatorul poate fi conectat la marea majoritate a boxelor de pe piata. Telecomanda inclusa va ajuta sa contolati toate functiile amplificat
X-Cd 1000 ADVANCE PARIS Sunet pur, linie pura, este CD playerul Advance Paris X-Cd1000. X-cd1000 este compus dintr-un sasiu rigid, asigurand o izolare eficienta. Astfel, elimina orice risc de interferenta intre diferitele circuite din dispozitiv. Toate componentele sunt Componentele audiofile. Transformatorul de putere toroidal este mai mare decat nevoile reale ale X-cd1000. Convertorul Burr Brown PCM 1792 este foarte bun pentru detalii, muzica si reproducere dinamica, cu un raport de zgomot excelent.
The X-CD9 is a CD player with analog and digital outputs. But the analog output has something special: as you can see on the front panel, two miniature audio tubes deliver a musical, unharmed signal to your amplifier. Great care has been taken in powering this CD player using a toroidal transformer. It provides stable and clean power for all analog and digital circuits such as CD mechanism, laser control and digital-to-analog converter (DAC). Equipped with coaxial (RCA) and optical (TOSLINK) digital out
High definition via Bluetooth thanks to the new WTX-700 EVO, streaming your music in high definition becomes accessible. The WTX-700 EVO is compatible with all Bluetooth audio devices on the market: smartphones, tablets, PC or Mac. Integrating both aptX HD and an independent TI PCM 5102 converter, the WTX-700 pushes the limits of high definition hifi transmission. The technology employed not only handles 24-bit audio end-to-end, but also offers higher performance digital signal processing as well as lo
Cu noul amplificator A10 CLASSIC, scopul a fost sa fie creat un amplificator integrat audiofil inspirat de celebrul X-i1100, laudat pentru muzicalitatea sa seducatoare! A10 este complet integrat in viitor si usor de utilizat. Desi designul sau clasic ramane atemporal, acesta combina un preamplificator ECC81 12AT7 cu un amplificator push-pull de clasa AB de 2x130W. Pe scurt, cel mai bun din ambele lumi. Modernitatea este afisata si datorita unui microprocesor care gestioneaza toate functiile activate d