Preamplificator Naim NAC S1

Preamplificator Naim NAC S1

Origins The idea for an entirely new kind of amplifier was first conceived by our engineers over a decade ago and development began in earnest in 2011. The objective was to set a new reference standard in high-end audio and music reproduction. The result is Statement. Three years of relentless questioning, iterative design and a point blank refusal to accept no as an answer. Performance First Engineering Product engineers often begin with what exists already. They might ask how something can work better, or where improvements can be made. With Statement, we started with a blank sheet of paper and a vision: to create the ultimate amplifier. After the initial concept stage the engineering team set aside practical considerations and began to map out the product in free space. This creative freedom was then backed up by 3D computer models which confirmed the optimum position for each component. To accommodate this new layout Statement pioneers a new vertical structure. It was the best way to minimise electromagnetic and mechanical interference and maximise thermal performance. Duality In Design Statement 39;s radically different aesthetic may seem like a departure from Naim Audio tradition but it 39;s the ultimate expression of everything we represent. The imposing monolithic structure with its stark silhouette is offset by the organic sculptural flow of the heat sink and the beautifully lit volume control and central divide. This duality in the design reflects how our pursuit of technical brilliance is always grounded in the abstract human experience of music. If it 39;s the best amplifier in the world in lab tests we ve only done half a job - it 39;s in the listening room where it really counts. Technology Everything about Statement is a leap forward in technology and design. It 39;s been engineered from the ground up for pure performance. Isolation Statement perfectly represents our philosophy of providing the highest quality power supply, while isolating individual sections to avoid unwanted interference. The NAC S1 and NAP S1 share the same fundamental layout. The noisy power supply is housed in the base and sensitive electronics are nestled above. Each section is divided by an acrylic centre-piece that blocks interaction. Top section electronics are separated further still, with internal chambers isolating individual stages. Dual Power The Statement NAP S1 features a new bridged dual design with zero global feedback. The two stages are physically separated to optimise the amplifier circuit with the delicate voltage stage at the very top of the power amplifier, away from the current stage at the bottom. Each mono power amplifier uses a huge 4000VA transformer to power speakers with precisely 746W (into 8 ohms). Precision engineering also makes sure every single watt is delivered right to where it 39;s needed, when it 39;s needed. After all, power is nothing without purpose. Craft Every component, curve and connection in Statement demanded new levels of engineering and tolerance. Metallurgy The distinctive wave heat sinks begin life as a solid billet of untreated aluminium, which is cut to size and machined to achieve the curved profile. The fins are then cut using a five-axis, temperature-controlled, CNC machine. It takes three hours for the finished shape to emerge. Once each piece is individually machined, it is painstakingly hand-polished and quality inspected. Finishing After the inspection process, the metalwork is submerged in baths of cleansing acid and then into a bath of electrolyte fluid containing black ink. A current is passed through it, bonding the ink to the metalwork and creating Naim Audio 39;s signature black finish. It took several months of collaboration between our engineers and suppliers to achieve the finish Statement demanded. Hand-Crafting Statement has been designed and developed using cutting-edge manufacturing technology. But it takes a human touch to get things just right. For example, every sound-critical component is positioned and soldered by hand by our skilled te

Preamplificator Naim NAC 202

Preamplificator Naim NAC 202

Naim - Muzicalitate la superlativ Fiecare produs Naim este conceput, proiectat si realizat pentru a oferi cel mai bun sunet, dezvaluind o experienta muzicala pura extrem de aproapiata de sursa originala live. Credem ca explorarea sunetului este o aventura care va rasplateste cu o conexiune ce devine cu atat mai puternica cu cat va deplasati mai departe in substraturile muzicii. Din acest motiv, fiecare element din sistemele noastre este creat pentru a obtine o bariera de liniste absoluta in jurul sunetu

Preamplificator Phono Naim NVC TT

Preamplificator Phono Naim NVC TT

Naim know-how Under the leadership of our Technical Director, our engineers have developed specific electronic circuits to give the New Classic products superior performance. The best audiophile components have been chosen for NVC TT and highly precise measurements to achieve an uncompromising result. It is an innovative concept, which partly uses the association between the phono stage and the power supply like in Naim s Solstice Special Edition. Perfect integration in a complete system NVC TT conne

Phono Stage Naim SuperLine

Phono Stage Naim SuperLine

Redarea vinilului contribuie in mod semnificativ la placerea de a asculta muzica inregistrata. In cele mai bune conditii, vinilul are o calitate muzicala si captivanta unica, iar cu fono-statia SuperLine, tot ce este mai bun din vinil devine si mai bun. SuperLine este un etaj phono cu bobina mobila de inalta performanta construit in carcasa de referinta din aluminiu Naim Audio, cu un panou frontal anodizat. Acesta aduce toate cele mai recente tehnici de proiectare electronica analogica si de izolare a med

Preamplificator Streamer Naim NSC-222

Preamplificator Streamer Naim NSC-222

A unique streaming platform NSC 222 incorporates the very latest Naim streaming platform. Made by our experts in Salisbury, it sets new standards in terms of its prowess, functionality and ease of use. It is designed to offer true Hi-Fi performance, with the legendary Naim sound. Play all your favourite radio stations non-stop, as well as any music you choose from Spotify Connect, Apple Music, TIDAL, TIDAL Connect, Qobuz, AirPlay 2, Chromecast, UPnP servers, USB key, Roon Ready, and more. Easy App cont

Amplificator de putere Naim NAP-250

Amplificator de putere Naim NAP-250

Naim know-how Under the guidance of our Technical Director, Naim s specialist engineers have developed simple but elegant circuits, combined with our acclaimed and high-performing DR technology, guaranteeing the stable and fluid power supply so essential for superior performance. Our teams opt for the highest-quality components and perform ultra-precise measurements for an uncompromising result. A timeless design Naim products are designed to be both contemporary and timeless. Our creations forego any

Sursa de alimentare Naim NPX-300PS

Sursa de alimentare Naim NPX-300PS

NPX 300 The NPX 300 powers your system in a silent, fluid way, allowing the preamplifier to concentrate on its main task: controlling the signal. In addition to improving the performance of the NSC 222 preamplifier and streamer, the NPX 300 can be used to upgrade several Naim products, lending them immense flexibility over time. It is also possible to add two NPX 300 power supplies to a single preamplifier or a single source. The first can be dedicated to powering the digital sections, and the second to

Preamplificator Naim NAC 332

Preamplificator Naim NAC 332

Naim know-how Under the leadership of our Technical Director, our engineers have developed specific electronic circuits to give the New Classic products superior performance. The best components have been chosen for NAC 332 and are mounted on printed circuit boards with metallic holes for increased quality. The architecture of the Statement volume knob has been used. Added to this are a high-performance transistor and balanced outputs that preserve sound quality over long distances and allow rack instal

Preamplificator Naim NAC 252 fara sursa SuperCap DR

Preamplificator Naim NAC 252 fara sursa SuperCap DR

La fel ca multe dintre produsele noastre, NAC 252 provine din stocuri bune: descinde direct din NAC 52, inca unul dintre cele mai bune preamplificatoare realizate vreodata. Capabile de o claritate exceptionala, componentele sale de alimentare rezida intr-o carcasa separata: unitatea de alimentare SuperCap. Aceasta asigura o izolare optima fata de interferentele electromagnetice si ofera fiecaruia dintre cele zece circuite audio o tensiune de alimentare independenta, complet reglata. In plus, sursele de al

Preamplificator Naim NAC 282

Preamplificator Naim NAC 282

Naim - Muzicalitate la superlativ Fiecare produs Naim este conceput, proiectat si realizat pentru a oferi cel mai bun sunet, dezvaluind o experienta muzicala pura extrem de aproapiata de sursa originala live. Credem ca explorarea sunetului este o aventura care va rasplateste cu o conexiune ce devine cu atat mai puternica cu cat va deplasati mai departe in substraturile muzicii. Din acest motiv, fiecare element din sistemele noastre este creat pentru a obtine o bariera de liniste absoluta in jurul sunetu

Sursa de alimentare Naim NPX TT

Sursa de alimentare Naim NPX TT

Naim know-how Under the leadership of our Technical Director, our engineers have developed specific electronic circuits to give the New Classic products superior performance. The best audiophile components have been chosen and highly precise measurements to achieve an uncompromising result. Paired with the NVC TT, NPX TT provides even cleaner power to enhance the sound. A timeless design Naim products are designed to be both contemporary and timeless. Our creations forgo any unnecessary adornments th

Amplificator de putere Naim NAP 300 DR cu sursa 300 PS inclusa

Amplificator de putere Naim NAP 300 DR cu sursa 300 PS inclusa

Amplificatorul de putere NAP 300 incorporeaza toate progresele realizate de fratii sai si adopta configuratia radicala cu doua cutii a fratelui sau mai mare, NAP 500: o cutie gazduieste circuitele de amplificare, in timp ce o alta - 300 PS - gazduieste componentele sursei de alimentare. De asemenea, dispune de noii tranzistori Naim Audio NA009 de mare calibru, dezvoltati pentru seria 500. Intrari analogice: 2x XLR Impedanta de intrare: 18kΩ Castig: +29dB Raspunsul in frecventa: -3dB la 2Hz si 70kHz I

Phono Stage Naim StageLine MC

Phono Stage Naim StageLine MC

Poate ca nu construim o placa turnanta, dar avem zeci de ani de experienta in a profita la maximum de magia neagra oferita de LP-ul de vinil. Fonostagiul nostru StageLine, disponibil in versiunile cu bobina mobila sau cu magnet mobil, poate fi alimentat doar de la amplificatorul nostru NAIT XS 2 sau prin intermediul propriei surse de alimentare dedicate, cum ar fi un FlatCap XS. Indiferent de modul in care il conectati si configurati, puteti fi siguri de muzicalitatea desavarsita atat de fundamentala pent

Phono Stage Naim StageLine MM

Phono Stage Naim StageLine MM

Poate ca nu construim o placa turnanta, dar avem zeci de ani de experienta in a profita la maximum de magia neagra oferita de LP-ul de vinil. Fonostagiul nostru StageLine, disponibil in versiunile cu bobina mobila sau cu magnet mobil, poate fi alimentat doar de la amplificatorul nostru NAIT XS 2 sau prin intermediul propriei surse de alimentare dedicate, cum ar fi un FlatCap XS. Indiferent de modul in care il conectati si configurati, puteti fi siguri de muzicalitatea desavarsita atat de fundamentala pent

Phono Stage Naim StageLine-K MC

Phono Stage Naim StageLine-K MC

Poate ca nu construim o placa turnanta, dar avem zeci de ani de experienta in a profita la maximum de magia neagra oferita de LP-ul de vinil. Fonostagiul nostru StageLine, disponibil in versiunile cu bobina mobila sau cu magnet mobil, poate fi alimentat doar de la amplificatorul nostru NAIT XS 2 sau prin intermediul propriei surse de alimentare dedicate, cum ar fi un FlatCap XS. Indiferent de modul in care il conectati si configurati, puteti fi siguri de muzicalitatea desavarsita atat de fundamentala pent

Naim DAC

Naim DAC

Capabil sa se asocieze si sa imbunatateasca o gama larga de produse Naim Audio, DAC-ul are mai multe in comun cu CD playerele noastre decat cu orice DAC conventional. Cipurile sale de convertor Burr-Brown, de exemplu, se regasesc, de asemenea, in CD playerul nostru CD555, nava amiral. DAC-ul depaseste fluctuatia inerenta conexiunilor digitale standard prin citirea datelor independent de semnalul sau de sincronizare. Filtrarea sa digitala, bazata pe un cip DSP SHARC cu virgula flotanta pe 40 de biti care r
