Puritan s Pride Echinacea Complex 100 caps

Puritan s Pride Echinacea Complex 100 caps

Herbs for Immune Health People have been practicing traditional medicine for thousands of years. There are many different systems of traditional practices that have been shaped by the environment where each first evolved such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. Throughout all of these systems the unifying philosophy is a holistic approach to wellness. 8 Today, herbal supplements are the most popular and frequently used complementary health approach used by adults in the US. 9 In places outside the US, traditional wellness practices are still used routinely in primary care, making up around 70% of global health care. 9 The power of plants comes from phytonutrients. These compounds occur naturally in plants to help protect the plants but they can also have health-promoting properties for humans. There are thousands of different phytonutrients with different effects on systems in the human body. Many botanicals contain phytonutrients that have immunomodulatory properties and can be used to support the immune system. Echinacea Echinacea is a flowering herb that grows wild in the Midwestern and Eastern States. This perennial produces purple, daisy-like flowers that are also referred to as purple coneflowers. Echinacea has been used by Native Americans of the Great Plains for centuries to support immune health. Its use also dates back to the American Eclectics in the early part of the twentieth century. Phytonutrients found within Echinacea are believe to activate the immune system. This traditional herb has become one of the world s leading herbs for immune support for good reason. It can be taken any time of the year to support the body s natural defenses. Elderberry Elder is a flowering shrub native to most of Europe. It produces dark purple berries roughly the size of blueberries. Both the flowers and berries of the Elder plant have a long history of traditional use. Early settlers of the Americas brought their traditional practices to the New World and quickly discovered a subspecies now called American Elder. 10 Native Americans had also already established a long tradition of using Elderberry for its health-promoting properties. 10 Today we know elderberries contain beneficial phytonutrients called flavonoids. This traditional herb can be used to support immune health any time of year. Andrographis Andrographis is a leafy plant native to South Asia that has an extremely bitter taste. It has long been used as an herb in Ayurvedic health practices for supporting the immune system. Trusted for centuries, Andrographis can now be found in one of our convenient tablets. You ll get the benefits for immune health without the bitterness. Our formula is standardized for the active components, including andrographolide, that deliver these benefits. Andrographis also helps support healthy nasal passages, and is sometimes referred to as Indian Echinacea due to it being native to India and its similar benefits as Echinacea for immune health. Our high-quality products are manufactured in the USA from the purest sources around the world, so you can rest easy that you re getting the best that the globe has to offer. Supplement Facts Serving Size 1 Capsule Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Echinacea Complex 450 mg Contains: Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea (aerial) and Echinacea angustifolia (root)) (Burdock (Arctium lappa) (root)) (Elderberry Concentrate (Sambucus nigra) (fruit)) (Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum annuum) (fruit)) Daily Value not established. Directions: For adults, take one (1) capsule six times daily, preferably with meals. Capsule may be opened and prepared as a tea. Other Ingredients: Gelatin. Contains 2% of: Silica, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate. WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use. Avoid this product if you are allergic to sunflowers or daisy-like flowers. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Not intended for use by pers

Puritan s Pride Milk Thistle Standardized 175 mg 100 caps

Puritan s Pride Milk Thistle Standardized 175 mg 100 caps

Puritan s Pride Milk Thistle Standardized 175 mg 100 caps Beneficiile exceptionale ale Puritan s Pride Milk Thistle Standardized 175 mg 100 caps se datoreaza proprietatilor sale antioxidante, care contribuie la optimizarea sanatatii si a bunastarii. Puritan s Pride Milk Thistle Standardized 175 mg 100 caps ajuta la mentinerea functiei hepatice sanatoase prin sustinerea structurii membranei celulare exterioare a celulelor hepatice Adultii pot lua una capsule de doua pana la trei ori pe zi. Capsulele po

Puritan s Pride Grapeseed Extract 100 mg 50 caps

Puritan s Pride Grapeseed Extract 100 mg 50 caps

Puritan s Pride Grapeseed Extract 100 mg 50 cps Extractele din seminte de struguri ajuta sprijinirea sanatatii prin antioxidanti. Antioxidantii sunt nutrienti care ajuta in contracararea naturii radicalilor liberi si asista in procesele de mentinere a unui nivel optim de sanatate. Extractul din seminte de struguri contine proantocianidine oligomerice (OPCs), care sunt in mod natural bioflavonoide. Puritan s Pride Grapeseed Extract trebuie sa contina in mod standard 50% polifenoli. Puritan s Pride Grape

Puritan s Pride Ashwagandha Extract 500 mg 60 caps

Puritan s Pride Ashwagandha Extract 500 mg 60 caps

Extract standardizat de Ashwagandha 500 mg Ashwagandha este o plantă tradițională care susține starea de bine. Cunoscută sub numele de Ginseng indian , șamanii indieni foloseau această plantă tradițională pentru calitățile sale adaptogene. Fiecare capsulă conține 500 mg de extract de Ashwagandha, standardizat pentru a conține 1,5% Withanolide. Include 60 de capsule cu eliberare rapidă. Acest supliment este conceput pentru a oferi beneficiile plantei ashwagandha într-o formă concentrată și ușor de

Puritan s Pride Ginseng Complex Royal Jelly 1000mg 50 caps

Puritan s Pride Ginseng Complex Royal Jelly 1000mg 50 caps

Descriere Puritan s Pride Ginseng Complex: Complexul nostru de ginseng ofera trei tulpini diferite de Ginseng - extract de ginseng american, extract de chineza rosie si extracte de ginseng din Panax, astfel veti obtine o multime de compusi importanti, cum ar fi ginsenosidele, panaxanele si polizaharidele. Acesti factori bioactivi joaca un rol vital in bunastarea corpului dumneavoastra. Complexul Ginseng este imbunatatit de Eleuthero (alias radacina de Siberian) si Royal Jelly Concentrate pentru sanatate


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Vegetarian Gluten Free Vitamin B-12 5000 mcg Sublingual Description Puritan 39;s Pride 39;s unique B-12 lozenges and dots deliver essential B vitamins for energy metabolism in the body. Vitamin B-12 is also essential for the normal formation of blood cells, contributes to the health of the nervous system, and helps maintain circulatory health. Adults can take one lozenge or dot daily with a meal. Place lozenge or dot under tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing. About Puritan s Pride For more than

Puritan s Pride Magnesium 250 mg 100 caplets

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Puritan s Pride Magnesium 250 mg 100 caplets Magneziul joaca un rol esential in mentinerea mineralizarii osoase si este, de asemenea, implicat in contractiile musculare si impulsurile nervoase. Puritan s Pride Magnesium 250 mg este un produs ideal care poate fi consumat atat de femei cat si de barbati. Acesta este ideal pentru a va oferii cele mai bune rezultate. Este recomandat sa il utilizati in timp ce tineti o dieta pe baza de legume si fructe si exercitii fizice intense. Puritan s Pride Magnesium

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Puritan s Pride Garcinia Cambogia 1000 mg 120 veg caps Garcinia Cambogia este legată de superfructul Mangosteen și este uneori numită tamarind, brindleberry sau camboge. Garcinia Cambogia a fost utilizată în practicile ayurvedice de sute de ani. Coaja acestui fruct conține ingredientul revoluționar Acid hidroxicitric (HCA), care este considerat compusul activ . Aceste capsule conțin un supliment standardizat pentru a furniza 750 mg de HCA pe porție. MOD ADMINISTRARE Pentru adulți, luați două (2)

Puritan s Pride Mega Vita Min for Seniors 100 caplets

Puritan s Pride Mega Vita Min for Seniors 100 caplets

Mega Vita Min pentru Seniori combină o bogăție de vitamine și minerale cu o varietate de plante pentru a crea o formulă specializată, concepută în mod specific pentru adulții care îmbătrânesc. Cu peste 30 de ingrediente de înaltă calitate, Mega Vita Min pentru Seniori combină vitamine și ingrediente de înaltă calitate și oferă suportul nutrițional de care aveți nevoie pentru a trăi viața la maxim. Începeți să beneficiați de avantajele unui supliment de vitamine cu eliberare prelungită adaptat nevoilor

Puritan s Pride Stress Formula 60 caps

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Puritan s Pride Stress Formula 60 caps Stresul Formula stimuleaza metabolismul energetic si sanatatea sistemului nervos. Combinatia noastra exclusiva contine toate cele 8 vitamine complexe B plus vitaminele C si E. Complexul B este alcatuit din mai multe vitamine care functioneaza bine impreuna pentru a sustine sanatatea sistemului nervos si metabolismul energetic. Vitaminele C si E promoveaza protectia antioxidanta si sanatatea sistemului imunitar. MOD ADMINISTRARE Adultii pot lua un comprimat zilnic

Puritan s Pride Maca 500 mg 60 caps

Puritan s Pride Maca 500 mg 60 caps

Gluten Free Rapid Release Maca, a Peruvian herb that grows high in the Andes, has been used for centuries. Supplement Facts Serving Size 1 Capsule Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Maca (Lepidium meyenii) (root) 500 mg (from 125 mg of a 4:1 extract) Daily Value not established. Directions: For adult men, take one (1) capsule three times daily, preferably with meals. Other Ingredients: Rice Flour, Gelatin,Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, Silica. WARNING: This product is intended for use by men an

Puritan s Pride Viper 120 caps

Puritan s Pride Viper 120 caps

Suplimentul Puritan 39;s Pride Viper - Exotic Herbs for Men este o formula special conceputa pentru a sustine sanatatea si vitalitatea masculina. Aceasta combinatie unica de plante exotice isi propune sa ofere o gama larga de beneficii pentru barbati, inclusiv sustinerea nivelului de energie, a performantei sexuale si a bunastarii generale. Mod de administrare: Ca supliment alimentar, se recomanda administrarea a 1-2 capsule pe zi, preferabil cu mesele principale. Ingrediente Cantitate Kola nut 10

Puritan s Pride Triple Strength Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM 60 caplets

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39; 39;Rămânerea activ 39; 39; este o parte importantă a unui stil de viață sănătos. Pentru unii, acest lucru ar putea însemna plimbări zilnice, pentru alții o practică riguroasă de yoga. Sau ar putea fi la fel de simplu ca să fiți în mișcare pentru a face diverse treburi. Dar indiferent ce vă ține în mișcare, un lucru este adevărat: Veți dori să aveți grijă de articulațiile dumneavoastră pentru a rămâne activi. Un mod de a face acest lucru este cu ajutorul suplimentului Joint Soother de la Puritan 39

Puritan s Pride L-Tyrosine 500 mg 100 caps

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Rapid Release Gluten Free Amino Acids are important components of protein. L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that helps form the bioactive factors vital to cellular growth and maintenance. Supplement Facts Serving Size 1 Capsule Amount Per Serving % Daily Value L-Tyrosine Free Form 500 mg Daily Value not established. Directions: For adults, take one (1) capsule two to three times daily, preferably on an empty stomach. Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Silica, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate. WARNING: If

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Coated for Easy Swallowing Vegetarian Gluten Free GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor) Chromium is derived from specially grown yeast cells. Puritan 39;s Pride GTF Chromium is highly absorbable and provides 100% pure GTF Chromium factors. Supplement Facts Serving Size 1 Tablet Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Chromium 200 mcg 571% (as GTF Chromium Yeast) Directions: For adults, take one (1) tablet up to four times daily, preferably with meals. Other Ingredients: Dicalcium Phosphate, Vegetable Cellulo

Puritan s Pride Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg 60 caps

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Puritan s Pride Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg 60 caps Știm cu toții că mâncarea verde este benefică pentru sănătatea corpului nostru, dar ați știut că de multe ori este mai multă bunătate dincolo de fibre și vitamine? De exemplu, legumele precum broccoli și spanacul conțîn un nutrient numit Acid alfa-lipoic (ALA), un antioxidant asemănător vitaminei care este implicat în multe funcții importante în corpul dumneavoastră și susține o stare bună de sănătate. Puritan s Pride Alpha Lipoic Acid susține metabolismu
