Puritan s Pride Vitamin D3 1000 IU (25 mcg) 100 softgels

Puritan s Pride Vitamin D3 1000 IU (25 mcg) 100 softgels

Supports healthy bones and teeth An essential nutrient that aids in Calcium absorption Helps maintain a healthy immune system Vitamin D3 is a more potent and bioavailable form compared to D2 Contains a one- to three-month supply of easy-to-swallow softgels Vitamin D for Immune Health Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be obtained through the diet or synthesized in the skin upon exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D3, the form of vitamin D formed in the skin, is a potent and active form of the vitamin. Vitamin D2 is a vitamin D analog formed in plants, mushrooms and yeasts during photosynthesis. While vitamin D2 is sometimes used in food fortification, Puritan s Pride supplements provide the active form. Vitamin D plays a regulatory role in the growth, differentiation, and proliferation of different types of white blood cells. 8 It is important to regulate these processes to maintain immune balance. Think of a thermostat set to 70 degrees. When the temperature falls below 70 degrees the heat comes on but once the temperature is reached, the heat needs to turn off or else the temperature will continue to rise indefinitely. The same delicate balance is needed for our immune systems to maintain optimal health. The T and B cells of the adaptive immune system are both regulated by vitamin D. Many cells of the innate immune response also require vitamin D such as monocytes which need it to mature properly. Adequate concentrations of vitamin D are also necessary for the synthesis of important proteins with immune-fighting properties. 8 Why Supplement with Vitamin D? As many as 96% of Americans do not get enough vitamin D from food alone. 9 Did you know, Vitamin D is considered a nutrient of public health concern? This is because many Americas are not getting enough vitamin D in their diets and low intakes can affect overall health. This is partly because natural food sources of vitamin D are limited and not always appealing. They include cod liver oil, liver and some types of fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, and sardines. In the US, milk but not all dairy products, is fortified with vitamin D. It is important to check the label on products like cheese and yogurt to see if they were made with fortified milk. The RDA for vitamin D is currently 15-20 mcg day depending on age. However, this level was established based on the amount of vitamin D needed to maintain bone health. Many health experts argue that higher intakes of vitamin D are necessary for overall optimal health. A daily intake of 50 mcg (2,000 IU) is frequently recommended for most healthy adults. 12 Unlike most vitamins that can only be obtained from the diet, our bodies produce vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight. When evaluating if sun exposure is enough to meet your daily vitamin D needs, consider the following factors. AGE As we age, the skin produces vitamin D less efficiently. Vitamin D absorption may also decrease with age, making vitamin D supplementation especially beneficial for older individuals. SUNSCREEN When used as directed, a sunscreen graded SPF-10 will block 90% of UVB radiation reaching the skin.10 UVB radiation is needed to stimulate production of vitamin D. LOCATION Residents of northern climates may have inadequate exposure to sunlight in order to produce sufficient vitamin D, especially during the winter months. CLOTHING Wearing protective clothing such as hats and long sleeves inhibits the body s natural production of vitamin D. SUN INTENSITY The stimulation of vitamin D production in skin can depend on the intensity of the sun s UVB rays. When you are shorter than your shadow, UVB radiation is often not strong enough to produce vitamin D. 11 Air pollution and the presence of clouds can also have a major impact on the intensity of UVB radiation that reaches the ground. Supplement Facts Serving Size 1 Softgel Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Vitamin D 50 mcg (2,000 IU) 250% (as D3 Cholecalciferol) Directions: For adults, take one (1) softgel daily, preferably with

Puritan s Pride Vitamin E-180 mg (400 IU) 50 softgels

Puritan s Pride Vitamin E-180 mg (400 IU) 50 softgels

Vitamin E and Selenium work together to promote antioxidant health Contributes to a healthy immune system Easy to swallow rapid release softgels One a day is all you need! Supplement Facts Serving 1 Softgel Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Vitamin E 400 IU 1,333% (as dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate and d-Alpha Tocopherol) Selenium (as Selenium Yeast) 50 mcg 71% Directions: For adults, take one (1) softgel daily, preferably with a meal. Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Vegetable Glycerin, Yellow B

Puritan s Pride Vitamin E 184 mg (400 IU) 100 softgels

Puritan s Pride Vitamin E 184 mg (400 IU) 100 softgels

Vitamin E and Selenium work together to promote antioxidant health Contributes to a healthy immune system Easy to swallow rapid release softgels One a day is all you need! Supplement Facts Serving 1 Softgel Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Vitamin E 400 IU 1,333% (as dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate and d-Alpha Tocopherol) Selenium (as Selenium Yeast) 50 mcg 71% Directions: For adults, take one (1) softgel daily, preferably with a meal. Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Vegetable Glycerin, Yellow B

Puritan s Pride Acai 1000 mg 60 softgels

Puritan s Pride Acai 1000 mg 60 softgels

Rapid Release Gluten Free Berries from exotic locales have often been known for their healthful properties, and Acai, a little gem from the rainforests of Brazil, is one of the most sought-after berries of all. And now, you can experience Acai in a convenient ready-to-take softgel! Our rapid-release liquid softgels ensure that the Acai is released quickly into your digestive system, so you can experience optimal benefits. Contains 1000 mg Acai per serving (two softgels). Contains natural flavonoids and


Puritan s Pride B-12-5000 mcg Sublingual 60 caps

Vegetarian Gluten Free Vitamin B-12 5000 mcg Sublingual Description Puritan 39;s Pride 39;s unique B-12 lozenges and dots deliver essential B vitamins for energy metabolism in the body. Vitamin B-12 is also essential for the normal formation of blood cells, contributes to the health of the nervous system, and helps maintain circulatory health. Adults can take one lozenge or dot daily with a meal. Place lozenge or dot under tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing. About Puritan s Pride For more than

Puritan s Pride Hair Skin  Nails 30 softgels

Puritan s Pride Hair Skin Nails 30 softgels

Puritan s Pride Hair Skin Nails 30 softgel O gama larga de vitamine, minerale si extracte din plante, inclusiv niacin si biotina, care sustin sanatatea si frumusetea parului, pielea si unghiile. Puritan s Pride Hair Skin Nails este produsul care va va asigura frumusetea. Poate fi consumat de orice femeie isi doreste sa aiba un par si niste unghii sanatoase si foarte frumoase. Alte ingrediente: Ulei de soia, gelatina, glicerina vegetala. Contine 2% din: Culoarea caramelului natural, silicele, lecitina

Puritan s Pride Vitamin B-6 100 mg 100 tab

Puritan s Pride Vitamin B-6 100 mg 100 tab

Puritan s Pride Vitamin B-6 100 mg 100 tab O dieta buna contribuie la prevenirea bolilor. O modalitate de a va asigura ca obtineti valorile zilnice pentru vitaminele B este sa luati suplimente dietetice Vitamina B-6 joaca un rol in metabolismul proteinelor si energiei si ajuta la metabolismul homocisteinei, un aminoacid. Vitamina B-6 face parte si dintr-o triada de vitamine - impreuna cu acidul folic si vitamina B-12 - care sustin sanatatea inimii. Adultii pot lua un comprimat zilnic. MOD ADMINISTRARE

Puritan s Pride Vitamin B-2 100 mg 100 tab

Puritan s Pride Vitamin B-2 100 mg 100 tab

Puritan s Pride Vitamin B-2 100 mg 100 tab Vitamina B-2, cunoscuta si sub denumirea de Riboflavina, este un membru al familiei B-vitamine. Apare natural in legume verzi, ficat, rinichi, germeni de grau, lapte, oua, branza si peste. Riboflavina este un important cofactor enzimatic necesar pentru producerea de energie din carbohidrati, grasimi si proteine. Este de asemenea necesar pentru regenerarea glutationului, care sprijina mecanismele naturale de aparare ale organismului si sistemele de detoxifiere.

Puritan s Pride Calcium Magnesium D3 120 caplets

Puritan s Pride Calcium Magnesium D3 120 caplets

Calcium and Magnesium play essential roles in maintaining proper bone mineralization. Calcium and Magnesium are also involved in muscle contractions and nerve impulses. Supplement Facts Serving Size 2 Caplets Servings Per Container 60 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol) 6.6 mcg (266 I.U.) 33% Calcium (as Calcium Carbonate) 866 mg 67% Magnesium (as Magnesium Oxide) 332 mg 79% Directions: For adults, take two (2) caplets daily, preferably with meals. Othe

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Puritan s Pride CO Q-10 200 mg 30 softgels

Helps support a healthy heart and cardiovascular system. Supports cellular energy production within your heart and muscles. Supports good oral health, which has been linked to cardiovascular health. Contains a 15-day to one-month supply of easy-to-swallow, rapid-release softgels that offer superior absorption. Same great ingredients in a new blue bottle! Puritan s Pride Co Q-10 provides 200 mg of coenzyme Q-10 in each rapid-release softgel to promote cardiovascular function. Co Q-10 is natur

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Extract standardizat de Ashwagandha 500 mg Ashwagandha este o plantă tradițională care susține starea de bine. Cunoscută sub numele de Ginseng indian , șamanii indieni foloseau această plantă tradițională pentru calitățile sale adaptogene. Fiecare capsulă conține 500 mg de extract de Ashwagandha, standardizat pentru a conține 1,5% Withanolide. Include 60 de capsule cu eliberare rapidă. Acest supliment este conceput pentru a oferi beneficiile plantei ashwagandha într-o formă concentrată și ușor de

Puritan s Pride Saw Palmetto Extract 320 mg 60 softgels

Puritan s Pride Saw Palmetto Extract 320 mg 60 softgels

Puritan s Pride Saw Palmetto Extract 320 mg 60 softgels Barbatii din intreaga lume descopera proprietatile benefice ale fermei Palmetto. Saw Palmetto contine fitochimice, care sustin sanatatea prostatei si sanatatea urinara. Formula noastra de palmetto este complet testata si standardizata pentru a se asigura ca fiecare softgel contine 85-95% acizi grasi si steroli activi, ceea ce garanteaza bioactivitate. Aceasta inseamna ca primiti consistenta si calitatea pe care o cautati intr-un supliment alimentar.

Puritan s Pride Prosta-metto Saw Palmetto Complex for men 120 softgels

Puritan s Pride Prosta-metto Saw Palmetto Complex for men 120 softgels

Puritan s Pride Prosta-metto Saw Palmetto Complex for men 120 softgels Saw Palmetto este un extract derivat din boabele arborelui Saw Palmetto și este planta principală pentru sănătatea bărbaților. Această formulă include, de asemenea, Ulei de semințe de dovleac și Strugurele Ursului, ingrediente tradiționale pentru sănătatea bărbaților, plus zinc pentru sistemul imunitar. MOD ADMINISTRARE Pentru bărbații adulți, luați unul (1) gelatină de două ori pe zi, de preferință cu mese. Tabelul valoril

Puritan s Pride Grapeseed Extract 100 mg 50 caps

Puritan s Pride Grapeseed Extract 100 mg 50 caps

Puritan s Pride Grapeseed Extract 100 mg 50 cps Extractele din seminte de struguri ajuta sprijinirea sanatatii prin antioxidanti. Antioxidantii sunt nutrienti care ajuta in contracararea naturii radicalilor liberi si asista in procesele de mentinere a unui nivel optim de sanatate. Extractul din seminte de struguri contine proantocianidine oligomerice (OPCs), care sunt in mod natural bioflavonoide. Puritan s Pride Grapeseed Extract trebuie sa contina in mod standard 50% polifenoli. Puritan s Pride Grape

Puritan s Pride Milk Thistle Standardized 175 mg 100 caps

Puritan s Pride Milk Thistle Standardized 175 mg 100 caps

Puritan s Pride Milk Thistle Standardized 175 mg 100 caps Beneficiile exceptionale ale Puritan s Pride Milk Thistle Standardized 175 mg 100 caps se datoreaza proprietatilor sale antioxidante, care contribuie la optimizarea sanatatii si a bunastarii. Puritan s Pride Milk Thistle Standardized 175 mg 100 caps ajuta la mentinerea functiei hepatice sanatoase prin sustinerea structurii membranei celulare exterioare a celulelor hepatice Adultii pot lua una capsule de doua pana la trei ori pe zi. Capsulele po

Puritan s Pride Lycopene 10 mg 100 softgels

Puritan s Pride Lycopene 10 mg 100 softgels

Supports heart health. Promotes prostate health. Provides antioxidant properties that help fight free radicals in the body. Helps support prostate health. Contains a 25-to-50 day supply of easy-to-swallow softgels. Rapid Release Gluten Free Provides antioxidant properties that help fight free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause oxidative stress which may damage cells. Lycopene is a naturally occurring red and pink pigment found in plants. It also supports health and wellness t
