Rich Piana 5% DIM Core Series 60 caps

Rich Piana 5% DIM Core Series 60 caps

5% Nutrition Core Series DIM is a comprehensive formula that contains 325 mg of 3,3 -Diindolylmethane (DIM). However, we 39;ve enhanced this formula further to include ingredients that will assist DIM in being more effective or better absorbed once taken! What is DIM? Before we dig into the benefits of DIM, let s understand that DIM comes from Indole-3-Carbinol. That s a phytochemical in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, Brussel sprouts, and cabbage which are broken down by the body into various molecules; one of those molecules is 3,3 -Diindolylmethane (DIM). What are the benefits of DIM? First, it has a positive effect on estrogen regulation, helping to block the conversion of excess testosterone into estrogen. Supporting hormone balance, DIM can lower the negative side effects of having too much estrogen in the body. When estrogen levels are imbalanced, the body can store additional fat and undermine your goals around a toned and low-fat physique. With proper diet and training, DIM may help shed that extra fat and prevent new fat cells from forming. A natural energy enhancer, DIM can also support your body 39;s estrogen metabolism, helping you to fight off fatigue, reduce the symptoms of stress, and give you the focus you need to get through your day. DIM for Men If you re on or ending an aggressive supplement program, no doubt you re concerned about hormonal balance. Getting your testosterone levels back to normal is a priority. Another priority is controlling estrogen. That s because excess levels of estrogen in men can lead to several unpleasant problems such as gaining fat around your stomach and man-boobs . It also tends to leave you with a lack of energy and slower muscle growth. The body naturally converts excess testosterone to estrogen by a process called aromatization. Normally, this is a good thing because it helps keep your hormones in balance. However, when you have higher than normal testosterone levels, your estrogen levels also increase. What happens when you end your cycle? Your natural testosterone levels are low and take time to return to normal. Yet estrogen is reacting to the higher levels of test you had during your cycle. That means estrogen is way too high. DIM for Women DIM helps a woman s body create the right balance of good estrogens to bad estrogens . Briefly, estrogens are a group of hormones that occur naturally in both men and women. Both men and women need a certain level for normal health. As estrogen breaks down in the body, its metabolites can either help or harm a woman s health. That s why they are called bad and good estrogen metabolites. The good estrogen metabolites have high antioxidant activity. The bad estrogen metabolites lead to unwanted body composition changes. That means we want to increase the proportion of good metabolites to bad metabolites. DIM supports this process. (1) Benefits Of Good Estrogen It should be noted that for both men and women, DIM has been shown to help improve overall metabolism. That s because it s a natural regulator of energy metabolism. In other words, it helps convert stored fat into energy. Good estrogens also help reduce inflammation. This can help ease post-workout soreness. These are the positive effects of normal levels of estrogen. (2) PRODUCT INGREDIENT BREAKDOWN DIM - 325 mg As noted, DIM is derived from Indole-3-Carbinol. That s a phytochemical found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, among others. DIM has beneficial effects on estrogen metabolism and helps inhibit testosterone to estrogen conversion. It also helps lower the effects of estrogen on the body. This, in turn, supports hormonal balance and helps prevent muscle loss. These benefits will support your physique goals. (3) Calcium D-Glucarate - 250 mg This is a calcium salt made of calcium and glucaric acid. That s a chemical compound found naturally in the body. It s also found in foods such as broccoli, oranges, apples, and grapefruit. It works with DIM to amplify its estrogen regulating effects. It does this by

Rich Piana 5% Funnel

Rich Piana 5% Funnel

Rich Piana 5% Funnel - Palnia Rich Piana 5% va ajuta sa transferati suplimentele pudra in recipiente mici. - Designul usor il va face accesoriul tau preferat.

Rich Piana 5% Diges-Ten 60 caps

Rich Piana 5% Diges-Ten 60 caps

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Rich Piana 5% Keto Asalt 252 g

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Rich Piana 5% KSM-66 Core Series 90 caps

Rich Piana 5% KSM-66 Core Series 90 caps

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Rich Piana 5% Bigger By The Day 90 caps

Rich Piana 5% Bigger By The Day 90 caps

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Rich Piana 5% Immune Defender 120 caps

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Rich Piana 5% Egg White Crystals 379 g

Rich Piana 5% Egg White Crystals 379 g

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Rich Piana 5% Freak Show 180 caps

Rich Piana 5% Freak Show 180 caps

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Rich Piana 5% Beet Root Core Serie 213 g

Rich Piana 5% Beet Root Core Serie 213 g

One of the most popular new supplement ingredients is Beet Root. You might not think of this as a hardcore supplement worthy of 5%. Yet, you should. Why? Pumps! More than anything else, Beet Root will promote nitric oxide production for huge pumps and roadmap vascularity. That s why we made 5% Core Beet Root Powder! There s more, of course - did you think we d stop with just one ingredient? This is 5%, and we think big, especially when it comes to the pump. The more in this case is S7 , the innovative

Rich Piana 5% Nutrition 5150

Rich Piana 5% Nutrition 5150

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Rich Piana 5% Nutrition Createn 30 serv

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Rich Piana 5% Digestive Defender Box Set 30 serv

Rich Piana 5% Digestive Defender Box Set 30 serv

Do you want to achieve the goals you re working hard for? No doubt you re eating a carefully calculated balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats to optimize your macronutrients while training. In order to maximize the benefits of your diet, supplements, and training you 39;ll have to improve your digestion. Enter 5% Nutrition Digestive Defender. We ve created a dual digestive formula that outclasses anything else like it! This is a genuine must-have supplement that can make a tremendous difference in y

Rich Piana 5% Probio 75 60 caps

Rich Piana 5% Probio 75 60 caps

Descriere: Rich Piana 5% PROBIO-75 este un supliment alimentar avansat, creat pentru a sustine sanatatea sistemului digestiv si pentru a promova echilibrul florei intestinale. Acest produs unic contine o formula exclusiva, cu un amestec de 75 de miliarde de probiotice benefice, care contribuie la mentinerea sanatatii intestinului si a sistemului imunitar. Beneficii: Promoveaza echilibrul florei intestinale: PROBIO-75 contine o gama larga de tulpini de probiotice, care sustin sanatatea si echilibrul flor
