You ve heard about Turkesterone. It s one of the most popular supplements on the market right now. It supports protein synthesis, increased strength, and enhanced recovery. That s a pretty important list of benefits and there s no doubt 5% Nutrition Turkesterone 1200 is the most advanced supplement of its kind! Turkesterone - it s one of the hottest supplements on the market. Of course, 5% had to step in and show everyone how it s done. After all, 5% is known for state-of-the-art supplements that stand head and shoulders above the crowd, just like Rich did. Our product is overdosed (as per usual), making it stand out amongst the rest. Turk 1200 has beta ecdysterone, making it an even more powerful anabolic combination. Wait till you check out our Hyper Transport Absorption Matrix, too. Everybody else does one modestly dosed ingredient to aid absorption...not 5% Nutrition! We knock it out of the park, so you get the most absorption possible from this amazing supplement. What Is Turkesterone And What Does It Do? If you haven t read our blog article about 5% Turkesterone 1200, you should. In that article, we explain exactly what turkesterone is and what it does. Briefly, it s an ecdysteroid, which is a group of substances that have a structure similar to androgens. Ecdysteroids occur naturally in animals and plants. The similarity to androgens makes it similar to the aggressive supplements many bodybuilders and athletes use. Turkesterone s fundamental mode of action is to stimulate protein synthesis. That alone means it fits right in with the 5% family of products. Turkesterone ( Ajuga turkestanica ) 1,200mg As noted, the primary effect of turkesterone is protein synthesis stimulation. There are in-vitro studies on human muscle fibers and animal models that support this. These studies show enhanced growth rates after consuming turkesterone. Along with increased muscle mass via protein synthesis, turkesterone supports increased strength. Finally, it has anti-catabolic benefits that help the body preserve muscle during times of calorie restriction. Those are just some of the several impressive benefits that can make a big difference in your workouts and your results. (1,2,3) Beta-Ecdysterone 200mg Ecdysterone goes by several names. These include beta-ecdysterone, hydroxy beta ecdysterone, 20-hydroxy ecdysterone, and 20 hydroxy beta ecdysterone. It has the same benefits as turkesterone but to a lesser extent. Still, the combination of these 2 creates a powerful effect. Hyper Transport Absorption Matrix No matter how impressive a product is, it s all about absorption. This is where 5% really came through and took it a step farther than everybody else. AstraGin This is a patented absorption enhancer consisting of astragalus and notoginseng. In fact, it s one of the most popular and effective absorption enhancers you can use and also promotes a healthy gut. (4) Cyclodextrin This is a dietary fiber prebiotic that lowers the glycemic index of food. Cool, right? It also aids in digestion and provides healthy intestinal flora. (5) Naringin This is a citrus flavonoid and has antioxidant properties. Natural sources include grapefruit juice. It s also well known as an absorption enhancer. In addition, it helps extend the half-life of nutrients. SERVING SIZE: 4 Capsules SERVINGS PER CONTAINER: 30 PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Ajuga Extract (Ajuga turkestanica) (whole herb) 1200 mg Beta Ecdysterone 200 mg Hyper Transport Absorption Matrix AstraGinTM (Astragalus membranaceus Panax notoginseng)(root) 50 mg Cyclodextrin 30 mg Naringin (Citrus grandis)(fruit) 20 mg Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Daily Value not established
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Rich Piana 5% Bigger By The Day 90 caps Rich Piana 5% Nutrition Bigger By The Day este un constructor de muschi natural, care este fara indoiala cea mai puternica formula de acest fel de pe piata. Aceasta este o formula atat de dura, incat doar 5% Nutrition ar fi putut sa o creeze! MOD ADMINISTRARE In prima si a doua zi luati o capsula dimineata si o capsula seara. Din ziua a treia luati o capsula de 3 ori pe zi. Tabelul valorilor nutritionale Valori nutritionale Servire: 3 Serviri: 30 Vitamina
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Do you want to achieve the goals you re working hard for? No doubt you re eating a carefully calculated balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats to optimize your macronutrients while training. In order to maximize the benefits of your diet, supplements, and training you 39;ll have to improve your digestion. Enter 5% Nutrition Digestive Defender. We ve created a dual digestive formula that outclasses anything else like it! This is a genuine must-have supplement that can make a tremendous difference in y
Rich Piana 5% Nutrition CLA 3600 este un supliment alimentar de inalta calitate, conceput pentru a sustine un stil de viata sanatos si performanta optima. Fiecare flacon contine 90 de softgel-uri, furnizand o doza puternica de 3600 mg de CLA (acid linoleic conjugat). CLA (acid linoleic conjugat) este un compus natural care se gaseste in carne si produse lactate. Acesta este recunoscut pentru capacitatile sale de a sprijini metabolismul si de a promova arderea grasimilor. CLA poate contribui la mentinerea
The biggest advantage of Turkesterone is that it stimulates your muscles to grow faster. It is safe to use, completely natural and legal. Therefore, it is a smart replacement for synthetic anabolics, which can have both nasty and harmful side effects. In short, the same advantages but without the disadvantages of dangerous non-natural anabolics! It has a positive effect on the production of proteins in the heart, liver and kidneys, allowing you to improve your sports results in a natural way. You want to
Rich Piana 5% Nutrition All Day You May 30 serv Din randul BCAA-urilor acesta este unul care ajuta pe deplin la sinteza musculara. Leucina activeza celulele musculare. La o scurta cercetare vei descoperi faptul ca numeroase studii arata ca Leucina este una dintre cele mai importante componente ale musculaturii. Cu doar 5 g per portie, Leucina va fi transportata de catre sange, activand musculatura. Ce aminoacid vei lua pentru a-ti reface mai rapid musculatura? Ma bucur ca ai intrebat. Raspunsul este L-
Rich Piana 5% L-Glutamine 5000 60 serving REPERE PRODUS: 5g de glutamină pură per porție Valoare remarcabilă - 100 de porții de glutamină per recipient! Absolut fără umpluturi sau ingrediente inutile Cel mai abundent aminoacid din corpul uman, glutamina este un elementcheie de maximizare a performanței. De la antrenament greu, nivelul de glutamina din corp
Rich Piana 5% L-Carnitine 3150 473 ml L-Carnitina lichida 3150 este o formula avansata de Carnitina care contine o doza masiva din cele mai eficiente patru forme de Carnitina disponibile. La fel cum v-ati astepta de la 5% Nutritie, L-Carnitina 3150 lichida contine o cantitate supradotata pe portie cu 3.150 mg din aceste puternice produse cu formula Carnitina de pe piata. MOD ADMINISTRARE Ia 1 lingura (14,79 ml) cu 30 de minute inainte de antrenament. Tabelul valorilor nutritionale Valori nutritiona
Rich Piana 5% Drink Sleep Grow 450 g - 6 grame BCAA Blend cu leucina eliberata in timp - 600 mg amestec de sprijin comun cu glucozamina si MSM - Profil complet al aminoacizilor esentiali MOD ADMINISTRARE Se administraza 1 cupa cu 450 ml de apa inainte de a merge la culcare. Tabelul valorilor nutritionale Valori nutritionale Servire: 15 Serviri: 30 Amestec BCAA: (Leucina (Active TR), Isoleucina, Valina) 6 g Amestec pentru recuperare a hormonului de crestere: L-Glutamina, GABA (acidul gamm
BIGGER BY THE DAY este cel mai puternic supliment pentru construirea masei musculare disponibil pe piata! Am luat cele mai puternice ingrediente naturale pentru construirea masei musculare disponibile si le-am combinat intr-un singur produs incredibil, facandu-l cel mai puternic din categoria sa. 1000 MG DE TURKESTERON PUR, un Ecdisteroid mai eficient care stimuleaza sinteza proteinelor si forta, imbunatatind castigurile de masa musculara slaba. Cu beneficii anti-catabolice, sustine, de asemenea, retent