Scut Acepac Minima Shield, 13.5 cm inaltime

Scut Acepac Minima Shield, 13.5 cm inaltime

Scut din aluminiu Anodizat impotriva vantului pentru arzatoare. Usor, dimensiuni reduse. Protejeaza flacara impotriva vantului, mentine eficienta arzatorului in conditii meteo nefavorabile. Se ataseaza rapid si usor la aragazurile Surpass Steel si Surpass Titan cu ajutorul sistemului click-fix. Dimensiune: O13,5x8 cm Diametrul necesar al gatului aragazului: 9,9 mm Inaltimea necesara a gatului aragazului: 8,5 mm

Scut Pinguin Windscreen, 24cm inaltime

Scut Pinguin Windscreen, 24cm inaltime

Scut pliabil impotriva vantului pentru arzatoare. Usor, dimensiuni reduse. Protejeaza flacara impotriva vantului, mentine eficienta arzatorului in conditii meteo nefavorabile. se livreaza in cutie de plastic cu dimensiuni 24.5 x9.5 x2.5 cm cu ajutorul tijelor din fata se inchide complet, alcatuind un scut de 360 º



Este o perna scut de antrenament deosebit de utila in executarea diferitelor combinatii de tehnicii de lovire. Manerele de pe fata de prindere sunt dispuse similar pe cele doua parti astfel incat perna sa fie controlata cu ambele brate. Manerele au o grosime potrivita pentru a asigura o priza sigura pentru perna scut de antrenament. In plus, alte doua manere, sub cele principale ajuta perna scut de antrenament as fie prinsa prin diferite prize sau sa sustina antebratele. Perna scut de antrenament se prind



Casca Airform Warthog Carcasa din policarbonat turnat prin injectie pentru rezistenta Geometria fluxului de aer intern Sistem de aerisire continua Rola de gat sculptata Scut ICON Optics fara ceata cu sistem Rapid-Release Sistem de blocare a ecranului pozitiv Prolock Dropshield intern cu comutator exterior Viziera Dropshield trebuie utilizata numai in timp ce scutul principal este in pozitia complet inchisa Deflector de respiratie turnat detasabil Captuseala detasabila de 3 piese Hydradry detas

Spyder Jacheta Ski Snowboard Anthem Blue

Spyder Jacheta Ski Snowboard Anthem Blue

Jacheta schi snowboard pentru barbati, e chipata cu toate elementele esentiale . Construita cu 100 g de izolatie PrimaLoft Black Eco , jacheta este facuta pentru a va mentine confortul in conditii de frig. Tehnologia EXO SHIELD extensibila la 360 realizata din poliester reciclat si o membrana exterioara laminata de 20k ,actioneaza ca un scut impotriva fenomenelor meteorologice. I mpermeabilitate : 20000 mm Respirabilitate : 20000 g m² 24 h EXO SHIELD extensibil la 60º Tesatura simpla din

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield SEABY blue

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield SEABY blue

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield SEABY blue Cooling Insect Protection A top-tech design tubular conceived to provide full protection during summer. It combines ultimate sun protection and quick drying with the revolutionary Insect Shield technology which keeps insects away. Breathable, light and comfortable, it is perfect to enjoy outdoor activities in open-air environments without worrying about the sun or the annoying insects. Insect Shield Technology applied for a long-lasting, effective perso

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield KIVU Rose

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield KIVU Rose

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield KIVU Rose Cooling Insect Protection A top-tech design tubular conceived to provide full protection during summer. It combines ultimate sun protection and quick drying with the revolutionary Insect Shield technology which keeps insects away. Breathable, light and comfortable, it is perfect to enjoy outdoor activities in open-air environments without worrying about the sun or the annoying insects. Insect Shield Technology applied for a long-lasting, effective person

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield LAZS khaki

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield LAZS khaki

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield LAZS khaki Cooling Insect Protection A top-tech design tubular conceived to provide full protection during summer. It combines ultimate sun protection and quick drying with the revolutionary Insect Shield technology which keeps insects away. Breathable, light and comfortable, it is perfect to enjoy outdoor activities in open-air environments without worrying about the sun or the annoying insects. Insect Shield Technology applied for a long-lasting, effective perso

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield Solid military

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield Solid military

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield Solid military Cooling Insect Protection A top-tech design tubular conceived to provide full protection during summer. It combines ultimate sun protection and quick drying with the revolutionary Insect Shield technology which keeps insects away. Breathable, light and comfortable, it is perfect to enjoy outdoor activities in open-air environments without worrying about the sun or the annoying insects. Insect Shield Technology applied for a long-lasting, effective p

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield DILM multi

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield DILM multi

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield DILM multi Cooling Insect Protection A top-tech design tubular conceived to provide full protection during summer. It combines ultimate sun protection and quick drying with the revolutionary Insect Shield technology which keeps insects away. Breathable, light and comfortable, it is perfect to enjoy outdoor activities in open-air environments without worrying about the sun or the annoying insects. Insect Shield Technology applied for a long-lasting, effective perso

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield TEMARA ivory

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield TEMARA ivory

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield TEMARA ivory Cooling Insect Protection A top-tech design tubular conceived to provide full protection during summer. It combines ultimate sun protection and quick drying with the revolutionary Insect Shield technology which keeps insects away. Breathable, light and comfortable, it is perfect to enjoy outdoor activities in open-air environments without worrying about the sun or the annoying insects. Insect Shield Technology applied for a long-lasting, effective per

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield Acai Orchid

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield Acai Orchid

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield Acai Orchid Cooling Insect Protection A top-tech design tubular conceived to provide full protection during summer. It combines ultimate sun protection and quick drying with the revolutionary Insect Shield technology which keeps insects away. Breathable, light and comfortable, it is perfect to enjoy outdoor activities in open-air environments without worrying about the sun or the annoying insects. Insect Shield Technology applied for a long-lasting, effective pers

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield UNREL Blue

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield UNREL Blue

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield Solid stone blue Cooling Insect Protection A top-tech design tubular conceived to provide full protection during summer. It combines ultimate sun protection and quick drying with the revolutionary Insect Shield technology which keeps insects away. Breathable, light and comfortable, it is perfect to enjoy outdoor activities in open-air environments without worrying about the sun or the annoying insects. Insect Shield Technology applied for a long-lasting, effective pers

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield Solid stone blue

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield Solid stone blue

CoolNet UV with Insect Shield Solid stone blue Cooling Insect Protection A top-tech design tubular conceived to provide full protection during summer. It combines ultimate sun protection and quick drying with the revolutionary Insect Shield technology which keeps insects away. Breathable, light and comfortable, it is perfect to enjoy outdoor activities in open-air environments without worrying about the sun or the annoying insects. Insect Shield Technology applied for a long-lasting, effective

Anvelopa Bicicleta Rubena 20 x 1,75 x 2 47-406 V81 SHIELD

Anvelopa Bicicleta Rubena 20 x 1,75 x 2 47-406 V81 SHIELD

Anvelopa Rubena 20 x 1.75,(47-406), V81 SHIELD,clasic,600g,neagra Nota: Poza produsului are caracter informativ. In functie de descrierea lui, produsul poate fi diferit fata de poza lui.

Anvelopa Bicicleta Rubena 24 x 1,75 x 2 47-507 V81 SHIELD

Anvelopa Bicicleta Rubena 24 x 1,75 x 2 47-507 V81 SHIELD

Anvelopa Rubena 24 x 1.75,(47-507), V81 SHIELD,clasic,730g,neagra Nota: Poza produsului are caracter informativ. In functie de descrierea lui, produsul poate fi diferit fata de poza lui.
