Colectia Arte este realizata din combinatii studiate de nuante care sa ofere o nota personala, fiind usor de integrat in vibe-ul spatiului tau.Prin efecte dinamice de culoare, jocuri de linii, tablourile canvas din aceasta colectie sustin decorarea incaperii intr-un stil modern, memorabil. Livrare 1-3 zile Rezistenta UV pentru culori pana la 20 ani Imprimare pe canvas 280gr Sasiuri de lemn foarte bine uscat profil 2x4cm Kit montaj pentru agatare portrait sau landscape
Herbie Hancock - Takin' Off este un album clasic de jazz care te va cuceri cu sunetul sau inconfundabil. Este un must-have pentru iubitorii de muzica de calitate! Tracklist-ul este impresionant, cu piese precum "Watermelon Man", "Three Bags Full", "Empty Pockets", "The Maze", "Driftin" si "Alone And I". Fiecare melodie te va purta intr-o calatorie muzicala fascinanta si te va cuceri cu ritmurile sale captivante. Cu Herbie Hancock - Takin' Off vei descoperi geniul muzicii jazz si vei fi vrajit de talentu
Side A A1 Desafinado - 5:47 A2 Samba Dees Days - 3:30 A3 O Pato - 2:35 A4 Samba Triste - 4:45 Side B B1 Samba De Uma Nota So - 6:07 B2 E Luxo So - 3:40 B3 Baia - 6:35
Primul volum relevant de poezie in cheie LGBT din Romania. - Mihai Iovanel Volumul Jazz pentru iguane , cu titlul sau capoteian, este una dintre cele mai originale carti de poezie ale anului si, in mod evident, o borna in paradigma literara romaneasca. - Marius Chivu Razvan Andrei ofera o poezie maximalista, in care senzorialitatea electrica, eclectica si multipla, pusa sub semnul lui Walt Whitman, explodeaza controlat intr-un desen conceptual auster de tip ikebana. - Mihai Iovanel Desp
Putere nominala: 2x 15W Raspuns in frecventa: 100Hz-18KHz (-6dB) Difuzoare: 4x 2 full range Preseturi DSP: Rock, Pop, Jazz, Live, Club, Dance, Hall, Soft, Flat, Clasic Conexiune wireless: Bluetooth V 5.0 Iesire semnal audio(subwoofer): 1 x RCA Conexiuni intrari: mini Jack 3,5mm, intrare optica, USB A, micro SD Amplificator: clasa D cu DSP integrat Greutate: 1.6Kg
Colectia Arte este realizata din combinatii studiate de nuante care sa ofere o nota personala, fiind usor de integrat in vibe-ul spatiului tau.Prin efecte dinamice de culoare, jocuri de linii, tablourile canvas din aceasta colectie sustin decorarea incaperii intr-un stil modern, memorabil. Livrare 1-3 zile Rezistenta UV pentru culori pana la 20 ani Imprimare pe canvas 280gr Sasiuri de lemn foarte bine uscat profil 2x4cm Kit montaj pentru agatare portrait sau landscape
Colectia Arte este realizata din combinatii studiate de nuante care sa ofere o nota personala, fiind usor de integrat in vibe-ul spatiului tau.Prin efecte dinamice de culoare, jocuri de linii, tablourile canvas din aceasta colectie sustin decorarea incaperii intr-un stil modern, memorabil. Livrare 1-3 zile Rezistenta UV pentru culori pana la 20 ani Imprimare pe canvas 280gr Sasiuri de lemn foarte bine uscat profil 2x4cm Kit montaj pentru agatare portrait sau landscape
GLA Version: A custom handbuilt moving coil cartridge featuring: G matched crystal Gold coils L Low output (0.6 mV channel) A Alnico magnet Special customer demands specifications: Thanks to the many variations in materials available, it is always possible to build a unit to match the personal demands of the customer. With these personalized cartridges the wooden container can mention the name of the customer it has been specially built for. This option is exclusively availab
SLA Version: A custom handbuilt moving coil cartridge featuring: S matched crystal Silver coils L Low output (0.6 mV channel) A Alnico magnet Special customer demands specifications: Thanks to the many variations in materials available, it is always possible to build a unit to match the personal demands of the customer. With these personalized cartridges the wooden container can mention the name of the customer it has been specially built for. This option is exclusively avail
Special customer demands specifications: Thanks to the many variations in materials available, it is always possible to build a unit to match the personal demands of the customer. With these personalized cartridges the wooden container can mention the name of the customer it has been specially built for. This option is exclusively available for The CANARY, The GRASSHOPPER III series, The GRASSHOPPER IV, The GRASSHOPPER BEAUTY , The CONDOR and The COLIBRI versions. The customer demands specificati
This magnificent little bird sings with heart and soul ! With The CANARY we have added new sublime plumage to our famed phono cartridge program. The CANARY is a top quality moving coil phono cartridge, custom handbuilt by A.J. van den Hul. It features a very healthy 0.55 mV output, matched crystal gold-wire coils and an open resonance-free construction. With exceptionally good price to performance and placed one step above our renowned The FROG , this cartridge sets new standards in repla
Our top model custom handbuilt phono cartridge, featuring matched crystal copper coils and 2.25 mV channel output. The WHITE BEAUTY Special-X HO is a resolution improved High Output version of the GRASSHOPPER IV GLA, which refinements were only possible to be created after having switched to the entirely metal free and extremely revealing The THIRD loudspeaker cable in Mr. van den Hul s audio system. The WHITE BEAUTY Special-X HO s refined body is made of white PolyCarbonate with about the same
Our top model custom handbuilt phono cartridge, featuring matched crystal silver coils and 0.50 mV channel output. The WHITE BEAUTY Special-X is a resolution improved version of the GRASSHOPPER IV GLA, which refinements were only possible to be created after having switched to the entirely metal free and extremely revealing The THIRD loudspeaker cable in Mr. van den Hul s audio system. The WHITE BEAUTY Special-X s refined body is made of white PolyCarbonate with about the same construction as th
Prezentare generala Doza Van den Hul The BLACK BEAUTY Special-X Our top model custom handbuilt phono cartridge, featuring matched crystal gold coils and 0.50 mV channel output. On special request medium and high output versions are available; (Their variations in other parameters are minor to those described here for the 0.50 mV channel standard version). The BLACK BEAUTY Special-X is a resolution improved version of the GRASSHOPPER IV GLA, which refinements were only possible to be created after havin
Basul este fundamentul muzicii. Este elementul care te face sa simti ritmul, groove-ul si emotia unei melodii. Basul poate face inima sa bata mai repede, corpul sa se miste si starea de spirit sa se schimbe. Indiferent daca ascultati muzica rock, pop, hip hop, jazz sau clasica, basul curat si extins adauga o noua dimensiune placerii muzicale si de aceea Ruark Audio a dezvoltat noul subwoofer RS1. Calitatea muzicii este in centrul design-urilor Ruark. RS1 nu este despre un bas tunator, exagerat, ci despre
Tehnologia Digital Sound Projector cu 16 difuzoare matrice reproduce sunetul surround de 7,1 ch MusicCast pentru bucurie audio in fiecare camera Subwoofer cubic wireless pentru bas bogat si clar IntelliBeam seteaza automat campul de sunet optim pentru fiecare camera Ofera o gama de 10 programe CINEMA DSP Decodare format audio HD (Dolby TrueHD , DTS-HD ) Suporta 192 kHz 24-bit High Resolution Music (Flac WAV AIFF) INTRARE HDMI (3 in 1 out) cu 4K60p Pass through si HDCP2.3 Bluetooth pentru