Stories of Horses and Ponies for Little Children, 3 ani+, Usborne

Stories of Horses and Ponies for Little Children, 3 ani+, Usborne

Five delightful traditional tales from around the world, specially selected and retold for younger children - from a little pony who wants to be all grown up, to three wild horses who outwit a hungry wolf. Key Stage: EYFS ... Recomandat: 3 ani+

Set 30 povesti,   My Animal Stories Reading Library  , Usborne

Set 30 povesti, My Animal Stories Reading Library , Usborne

My Animal Stories Reading Library este o colectie de 30 de povesti pentru copii despre animale din programul de citit al editurii Usborne. Cartile incluse sunt: The Rabbit s Tale The Wish Fish How Zebras Got Their Stripes The Little Giraffe The Dragon and the Phoenix The Chilly Little Penguin Bears The Little Red Hen The Lion and the Mouse The Ant and the Grasshopper Chicken Licken The Scaredy Cat The King s Pudding The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs The Musicians of Bremen Th

Just So Stories for Little Children, 2 ani+, Usborne

Just So Stories for Little Children, 2 ani+, Usborne

Six of Rudyard Kipling s famous Just So Stories , carefully selected and retold for younger children. Includes: How the Elephant got his Trunk, How the Crab got her Claws, How the Rhinoceros got his Skin, How the Whale got his Throat, How the Camel got his Hump and Why the Kangaroo Jumps. Key Stage: EYFS ... Recomandat: 2 ani+

Set 40 povesti,   Usborne Reading Collection  , cutie galbena, Usborne

Set 40 povesti, Usborne Reading Collection , cutie galbena, Usborne

Un set de 40 de povesti ilustrate, pe doua nivele de dificultate: 25 x Usborne Young Reading Series 1 15 x Usborne Young Reading Series 2 Lista povestilor: The Minotaur Pirate Adventures The Sorcerer 39;s Apprentice The Story of Chocolate The Billy Goats Gruff The Emperor 39;s New Clothes Magical Animals Stories of Dragons Stories of Ghosts The Twelve Dancing Princesses Stories of Monsters Stories of Pirates Stories of Princes and Princesses Stories of Robots Stories of Witches Th

Biblia ilustrata   The Usborne Children,  s Bible  , format mic, 4 ani+, Usborne

Biblia ilustrata The Usborne Children, s Bible , format mic, 4 ani+, Usborne

The Usborne Children, s Bible de la Usborne prezinta o colectie de cele mai cunoscute si cele mai indragite intamplari din Vechiul si Noul Testament, repovestite pe intelesul copiilor mici. Ramand aproape de textul original din Biblie, fiecare poveste este prezentata intr-un mod pe care tinerii ascultatori si cititori il vor gasi usor de inteles. Recomandat: 4 ani+ ... A collection of best-known and best-loved stories from the Old and New Testaments beautifully retold for young children. Remaining

Biblia ilustrata   The Usborne Children,  s Bible  , format mare, 4 ani+, Usborne

Biblia ilustrata The Usborne Children, s Bible , format mare, 4 ani+, Usborne

The Usborne Children, s Bible de la Usborne prezinta o colectie de cele mai cunoscute si cele mai indragite intamplari din Vechiul si Noul Testament, repovestite pe intelesul copiilor mici. Ramand aproape de textul original din Biblie, fiecare poveste este prezentata intr-un mod pe care tinerii ascultatori si cititori il vor gasi usor de inteles. Recomandat: 4 ani+ ... A collection of best-known and best-loved stories from the Old and New Testaments beautifully retold for young children. Remaining

Illustrated Stories from the Greek Myths, 7 ani+, Usborne

Illustrated Stories from the Greek Myths, 7 ani+, Usborne

A wonderful collection of six classic Greek myths and legends, specially retold for younger readers. Includes the stories of , The Wooden Horse, , , The Minotaur, and , The Odyssey, , as well as a guide to the Greek Gods. Beautifully bound in padded hardback, and packed with information, colour and culture, this makes a thrilling read for any child. With a pronunciation guide to Greek names on the Usborne Quicklinks website. There are many versions of the myths for children out there, but I was p

Carte cu autocolante Horses  Ponies Little First Stickers

Carte cu autocolante Horses Ponies Little First Stickers

De la distractia primei lectii de calarie pana la suspanusul unei competitii, aceasta carte de activitati distractiva ii va tine pe tinerii iubitori de cai si ponei ocupati. Cu peste 250 de autocolante reutilizabile cu imagini de cai, calareti, echipamente, trofee si multe altele si o copertina pliabila pentru a stoca autocolante atunci cand nu sunt utilizate.

Carte de activitati   Little First Stickers Horses and Ponies  , format mic, 250 stickers, Usborne

Carte de activitati Little First Stickers Horses and Ponies , format mic, 250 stickers, Usborne

De la prima lectie de echitatie la o competitie de dresaj, aceasta carte distractiva de activitati ii va tine ocupati pe iubitorii de cai si ponei ore intregi. Cu peste 250 de abtibilde reutilizabile cu cai, ponei, calareti, echipament, trofee si multe altele, si o coperta (de la spate) care se extinde pentru a pastra abtibildele care nu se folosesc. Cartile cu stickers (autocolante sau abtibilde) ajuta la dezvoltarea concentrarii, a motricitatii fine, a coordonarii mana-ochi si a gandirii logice si crea

Carte de activitati   Little Sticker Dolly Dressing Ponies  , 300 stickers, format A5, Usborne

Carte de activitati Little Sticker Dolly Dressing Ponies , 300 stickers, format A5, Usborne

Little Sticker Dolly Dressing Ponies de la Usborne este o carte de activitati pentru copii cu stickers. Iubitorii de ponei vor adora aceasta carte cu stickers, cu ajutorul careia vor decora ponei si vor imbraca papusile cu diverse haine si accesorii. Fiecare pagina prezinta o scena diferita cum ar fi un bal magic cu ponei care trag o caleasca, in grajd, la circ sau la un rodeo. Cu peste 300 de stickers reutilizabile. Cartile cu stickers (autocolante) ajuta la dezvoltarea concentrarii, a motricitatii

Biblia ilustrata   Illustrated Bible Stories  , 5 ani+, Usborne

Biblia ilustrata Illustrated Bible Stories , 5 ani+, Usborne

Illustrated Bible Stories de la Usborne prezinta o colectie de intamplari din Vechiul si Noul Testament, repovestite pentru tinerii cititori: Arca lui Noe, Avraam si Lot, Samson, David si Goliat, Iona si pestele cel mare, Nasterea lui Isus, Nunta din Cana, Bunul Samaritean, Povestea Pastelui si multe altele. Recomandat: 5 ani+ Dimensiune: 205 x 157.6mm ... A beautifully illustrated collection of stories from the Bible, charmingly retold for young readers. Includes well-known tales such as , œNoah, s A

Carte de activitati   Sticker Dolly Dressing At the Stables  , format A4, Usborne

Carte de activitati Sticker Dolly Dressing At the Stables , format A4, Usborne

Sticker Dolly Dressing At the Stables de la Usborne este o carte de activitati cu stickers, pe care fetitele iubitoare de cai o vor indragi! Alege tinute pentru papusi, in timp ce acestea se delecteaza in pasiunea lor pentru cai si ponei. Alege hainele pentru ingrijirea si hranirea cailor sau pentru curatarea grajdului, pentru o excursie in mediul rural sau pentru a participa la jocuri cu ponei si la evenimente de sarituri. O carte fascinanta pentru iubitoarele de cai si echitatie. Cartile cu stickers (

Animal Stories for Little Children

Animal Stories for Little Children

Povesti amuzante cu animale din intreaga lume, selectate si povestite special pentru copiii mai mici. Contine povesti clasice: Vulpea si tigrul, Puiul de gaina, Cum si-a luat zebra dungile, Cainele lacom, Micul iepure curajos.

Illustrated Adventure Stories, 7 ani+, Usborne

Illustrated Adventure Stories, 7 ani+, Usborne

A collection of five rip-roaring classics retold for young readers. Includes , The Count of Monte Cristo, , , The Prisoner of Zenda , The Three Musketeers, , The 39 Steps and Don Quixote . Also includes fascinating biographies of Alexandre Dumas, Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins, Miguel de Certantes Saavedra and John Buchan , the original authors of these classic adventure stories. Key Stage: KS2 ... Recomandat: 7 ani+

Carte cu stickers 123   First Sticker Book 123  , 190 stickers, Usborne

Carte cu stickers 123 First Sticker Book 123 , 190 stickers, Usborne

First Sticker Book 123 de la Usborne este o carte de activitati cu stickers - un mod distractiv pentru copii de a invata numerele. Carte de activitati cu peste 190 de stickers. Cartile cu stickers (autocolante sau abtibilde) ajuta la dezvoltarea concentrarii, a motricitatii fine, a coordonarii mana-ochi si a gandirii logice si creative. O buna metoda de relaxare, dar si de dezvoltare pentru cei mici. ... A delightful book to help young children to learn about numbers. Children will love adding stickers

Carte de activitati   Little Children s Space Activity Book  , 4 ani+, Usborne

Carte de activitati Little Children s Space Activity Book , 4 ani+, Usborne

Little Children s Space Activity Book de la Usborne este o carte de activitati pentru copii plina cu puzzle-uri, lucruri de observat, activitati de colorat si desenat despre spatiu. Copiii mici pot adauga planete autocolante in Sistemul Solar, pot desena o racheta care zboara in spatiu, pot colora o petrecere aniversara extraterestra si multe altele. Cu o multime de stickers (autocolante) de adaugat, va mentine ocupat orice astronaut in devenire ore intregi. Recomandat: 4 ani+ ... An out-of-this-w
