Streamer Auralic Aries G1.1

Streamer Auralic Aries G1.1

New G1.1 Upgrade of a Groundbreaking Streamer The AURALiC ARIES G1.1 Wireless Streaming Transporter brings high-performance music streaming to your home audio system. Connect it to your DAC and stream your favorite music wirelessly. The ARIES G1.1 update features the high-mass base from AURALiC 39;s award-winning G2.1 series products. This satin silver base plate improves the overall aesthetic and provides extra vibration damping for better sonic performance. The ARIES G1.1 also supports AirPlay 2, further expanding your streaming options. Infused with AURALiC technologies and designs developed for the premier G2 line, the ARIES G1.1 connects over Wi-Fi to digital sources like network attached storage, Internet streaming services like TIDAL and Qobuz, Internet Radio, and USB drives for high performance streaming. On-Device Playlists, Memory Caching, Gapless Playback and Bit-Perfect Multi-Room functionality are among the features found in all AURALiC streaming devices, and with support for Spotify Connect, AirPlay2, and Roon Ready, ARIES G1 connectivity is more expansive than ever. State-of-the-art hardware makes the ARIES G1.1 a perfect choice for streaming audiophile-grade resolutions up to DSD512 and PCM 32-bit 384 kHz. Managing the Connections Between Digital Music Sources and Your Hi-fi The ARIES G1.1 Wireless Streaming Transporter from AURALiC carries on the ARIES tradition of skillfully managing the connections between various sources of high resolution digital music and the rest of your hi-fi system. The ARIES G1 streams high-resolution digital music from local network locations, attached USB storage, Internet streaming sources like TIDAL, Qobuz, and Spotify, and Internet Radio, delivering all of it to your current setup over Wi-Fi. Whether you enjoy the ARIES G1.1 on its own or working in concert with other G Series devices from AURALiC, the G1.1 is designed for music lovers who require the most discerning, powerful, and responsive approach to music streaming. Why settle for less than the best, when AURALiC makes premium performance this affordable? The Lightning Streaming Platform Being based on the DNA of AURALiC 39;s original ARIES means that the new ARIES G1.1 benefits from all the features and functionality of Lightning Streaming. That 39;s the infrastructure that AURALiC developed for its streaming products. On-Device Playlists, Memory Caching, Gapless Playback and Bit-Perfect Multi-Room functionality are all standard Lightning features that give you a huge amount of power and control when enjoying your favorite music. Designed and consistently updated in-house, the Lightning streaming platform has led the industry since its release in 2014. Focused on providing the best possible sound and an outstanding user experience, Lightning streaming includes several unique features such as memory cache, CD playback and ripping, and wireless streaming up to 384 PCM and DSD512. The Lightning DS iOS app provides native integration with high-resolution streaming services like Amazon Music, Qobuz, and HighResAudio, as well as other lossless services such as TIDAL, KKBox, and NetEase, providing a world of musical exploration. AURALiC s Lightning streaming platform also supports TIDAL Connect, Spotify Connect, AirPlay 2, Bluetooth and acts as a Roon Ready endpoint allowing you the freedom to access and control your music however you like. Fast and Powerful Tesla G2 Platform The ARIES G1.1 uses the fast and powerful Tesla G2 platform. In 2014 AURALiC developed the original Tesla hardware platform with the goal of creating a high-performance, upgradable platform optimized for audio sound quality. Working hand-in-hand with the company 39;s control interface and innovative software features, the resulting Tesla platform was the most powerful processing platform available for digital music playback and streaming. But now there 39;s Tesla G2. It 39;s 50% faster, with twice the processing resources. Tesla G2 is the hardware powerhouse behind the sonic excellence of the G2 line, and the ARIES G1.1 benefits from

Network Player Auralic Aries G1

Network Player Auralic Aries G1

La patru ani de la lansarea originalului ARIES, acest streamer inovator beneficiaza de o actualizare de inalta tehnologie in noul transportator wireless de streaming wireless ARIES G1. Dotat cu tehnologiile si designurile AURALiC dezvoltate pentru linia noastra G2, ARIES G1 se conecteaza prin Wi-Fi la surse digitale, cum ar fi stocarea atasata la retea, serviciile de streaming pe internet precum TIDAL si Qobuz, Internet Radio si USB flash pentru a aduce streaming de inalta performanta in sistemul dvs aud

Streamer DAC Auralic Altair G1

Streamer DAC Auralic Altair G1

Noul ALTAIR G1 inglobeazaza tehnologiile si caracteristicile AURALiC la un DAC de inalta performanta si un streamer construit la standarde stricte intr-o carcasa robusta din aluminiu. Ca punct de intrare in ecosistemul AURALiC, ALTAIR G1 ofera un numar cuprinzator de functii. Muzica poate fi furnizata de aproape orice sursa - fisiere stocate local in reteaua dvs., radio Internet, Airplay , Bluetooth, USB flash, un hard disk integrat optional sau o lista de redare de la un serviciu de streaming bazat pe

Streamer DAC Auralic Vega G1

Streamer DAC Auralic Vega G1

Cu multi ani de cercetare in spate, VEGA G1 Streaming DAC transforma clasicul AURALiC VEGA intr-un dispozitiv de ultima generatie, cu puterea de a-ti revigora experienta audio digitala. Un favorit de multa vreme pentru sunetul sau muzical frumos, VEGA nu mai este doar un DAC - este, de asemenea, un streamer cu functii complete, capabil sa se conecteze la surse locale si online de muzica digitala de inalta rezolutie. Acest lucru face ca VEGA G1 sa ai tot ce ai nevoie pentru a accesa melodiile tale preferat

Network Player Auralic Aries G2.1

Network Player Auralic Aries G2.1

Flexibilitatea de a va conecta la orice, inteligenta pentru a va controla lumea muzicii cu o atingere si puterea de a transmite un semnal de fidelitate incomparabila. Transporterul wireless de streaming ARIES G2.1 se remarca ca cea mai avansata metoda de inalta performanta pentru a aduce streaming cu adevarat de ultima ora la sistemul audio pe care l-am dezvoltat. Indiferent daca muzica se afla in reteaua dumneavoastra, pe o unitate USB, pe servicii de streaming precum TIDAL si Qobuz sau pe Internet Radio

Streamer  DAC  Preamplificator Auralic Altair G2.1

Streamer DAC Preamplificator Auralic Altair G2.1

Numele modelului ALTAIR a fost intotdeauna un sinonim pentru caracteristici si functionalitati extinse. Cu ALTAIR G2.1, totusi, se deschide un nou capitol, deoarece conceptul ALTAIR a fost inclus pentru prima data in seria premium G2.1 de la AURALiC si dezvoltat in continuare pentru a combina caracteristici extinse cu sunet de inalta calitate. La fel ca omologul sau G1, ALTAIR G2.1 ofera toate functiile si caracteristicile AURALiC, dar din nou optimizate intr-o carcasa compacta, perfect ecranata, in conf

Streamer cu DAC Auralic Altair G1.1

Streamer cu DAC Auralic Altair G1.1

Noul ALTAIR G1 distileaza tehnologiile si caracteristicile proprietare ale AURALiC intr-un DAC si streamer de inalta performanta, construite la standarde stricte intr-o carcasa substantiala din aluminiu. Ca punct de intrare in ecosistemul AURALiC, ALTAIR G1 ofera un numar cuprinzator de caracteristici si functii. Muzica poate fi obtinuta din aproape orice sursa - fisiere stocate local in reteaua dvs., radio prin internet, Airplay , Bluetooth, unitate USB, un hard disk optional integrat sau o lista de reda

Streamer EverSolo DMP-A8

Streamer EverSolo DMP-A8

Streamer EverSolo DMP-A8 Dupa succesul fulminant al predecesorului DMP-A6, Eversolo prezinta un nou produs de top in aceasta gama, DMP-A8 . Impresionant de versatil, DMP-A8 este un dac, streamer, digital-audio-player si un preamplificator de inalta performanta. Acest model poate decoda toate formatele high-resolution disponibile pe piata, de la Flac , Wav , Ape pana la DSD512 stereo multichannel etc. Redati muzica direct prin streaming si bucurați-va de o calitate excelentă a sunetului, to

Streamer cu DAC Leema Elements Streamer

Streamer cu DAC Leema Elements Streamer

Leema Elements Streamer se bazeaza pe modulul de streaming de inalta calitate utilizat in amplificatorul DAC-ul Leema Quasar, cu adaugarea unui DAC ESS 9018 Sabre avansat, care vine cu arhitectura Hyperstream pe 32 de biti si eliminarea de jitter. Acest lucru permite unitatii sa gestioneze muzica de pana la 192kHz 24 biti si DSD128, ceea ce poate parea modest atunci cand exista produse care pot gestiona 768kHz si DSD512, dar este de fapt mai mult decat adecvat pentru nevoile majoritatii ascultatoril

Streamer si server muzica Melco N100-H20, Roon ready, 5 TB HDD

Streamer si server muzica Melco N100-H20, Roon ready, 5 TB HDD

Crystal-clear easy-read OLED display Half-width design is easy to locate anywhere in the home Available in 2 or 5 TB storage capacities Aluminium front and top panel with brushed finish Easy operation from the front panel buttons (+ app control) 2 mm-thick steel sheet chassis to minimise vibration Dedicated PLAYER and LAN ports for better sound quality 3x USB 2.0 compatible with USB DACs, USB CD drives and USB storage (HDD or Flash memory). Fan-less design

Rode Streamer X interfata audio video pentru streaming

Rode Streamer X interfata audio video pentru streaming

Rode X Streamer X interfata audio video pentru streaming

Convertor Digital Analog (DAC) Auralic Vega G2.1

Convertor Digital Analog (DAC) Auralic Vega G2.1

VEGA G2.1 este in primul rand un DAC axat pe performanta. Fiecare aspect al ingineriei VEGA G2.1 a fost conceput pentru a depasi limitele performantei sonore, remodeland datele intr-o performanta muzicala vibranta, plina de emotii - dar ingineria sa este doar jumatate din poveste. The always-evolving architecture of the VEGA G2.1 combines high-end DAC performance and feature-rich online streaming, emerging as the heart of your digital source. While it may not house the ARIES G2.1 server capabilities, VEG

Streamer DAC si Preamplificator NAD C 658

Streamer DAC si Preamplificator NAD C 658

NAD C 658 este o noua specie de componenta audio stereo, ce deschide noi variante de a asculta muzica, dar cuprinde si functionalitatea clasica a unui preamplificator. Astfel C 658 cuprinde un Network Streamer, un super-DAC, dar si conexiune wireless Bluetooth AptX HD precum si clasicile intrari analogice si digitale, inclusiv intrare Phono MM pentru iubitorii discurilor vinil. Este inclusa si platforma de streaming High Res de la BluOS, cea mai sofisticata aplicatie de streaming, inclusiv decodare MQA,

Streamer server audio Innuos ZEN Mk3

Streamer server audio Innuos ZEN Mk3

ZEN Mk3 este un salt in calitate audio de la ZENmini, avand integrata alimentare de putere liniara duala, porturi ethernet izolate duale si picioare asimetrice anti vibratii. ZEN Mk3 reprezinta un etalon pentru un raport perfect pret calitate in lumea audio digitala. , Placa de baza nou dezvoltata cu EMI redus , 2 x Porturi ethernet pentru LAN si Streamer cu transformatoare izolate dedicate , Etaj de alimentare dual liniar cu tranzistoare ultra low noise si condensatori Nichicon MUSE , 8GB RAM

Streamer si server muzica Melco N1-S38, Roon ready

Streamer si server muzica Melco N1-S38, Roon ready

Melco N1 a fost cercetat si dezvoltat de la zero, incorporand un nou sasiu din aluminiu, cu grosimea de pana la 5 mm, o noua placa de baza, sursa de alimentare liniara interna de inalta calitate si zgomot redus si conectivitate extinsa de calitate. Aceste aspecte contribuie la cresterea performantei, pastrand in acelasi timp cel mai important obiectiv: calitatea sunetului de neegalat. N1 imbunatateste fantasticele produse de N1ZS si N10 Melco, incorporand tehnologiile invatate si dezvoltate la nivelul ur

Streamer Elipson Connect WiFi Receiver

Streamer Elipson Connect WiFi Receiver

The Connect Wifi Receiver will allow you to stream in multiroom (CD quality) or in high resolution (Hi-Res) in solo mode, any music through your analog integrated amplifier. You will be able to enjoy all the music available from streaming platforms (Qobuz, Spotify, Tidal, Deezer, Internet Radio,...), or from your stored music files.It is compatible with all integrated amplifiers on the market by connecting directly to the amplifier 39;s RCA connectors, or thanks to the RCA extension cable supplied.The Co
