Streamer Naim NSS 333

Streamer Naim NSS 333

Perfect control The intuitive Focal Naim app allows you to control your NSS 333 easily. You can access all your music, including your favourite radio stations, playlists and streaming services or explore artist biographies and discographies. Moreover, you can update your system wirelessly. It also allows you to control both servers and Naim streaming products, eliminating the need to manage two separate apps. Naim know-how Under the leadership of our Technical Director, our engineers have developed specific electronic circuits to give the New Classic products superior performance. The best components have been chosen, such as the NP800 streaming card, an exclusive DSP with integrated crossover for a high precision result and a high-end DAC distinguished by its audiophile management of the audio signal. A timeless design Naim products are designed to be both contemporary and timeless. Our creations forgo any unnecessary adornments that would detract from performance and sound quality. The design of the NSS 333 is razor sharp, combining a sleek design, premium materials, a colour screen and adjustable logo brightness. Integration into a complete system NSS 333 can be linked with New Classic products, but also with previous Classic Series lines via a new range of specific cables. Easy to use Simplicity is the key. Buttons on the front panel allow quick access to standby mode, play pause, inputs and favourites. Enjoy the features of the bi-directional ZigBee remote, even without direct visibility of the product. The inputs are configurable and a Standby option, consuming 0.5 Watts, reduces the electrical energy of the product. The story of Naim and aluminium Our founder, Julian Vereker, immediately understood the many benefits of aluminium for wrapping Naim electronic components. He knew that delicate audio components are very sensitive to the effects of magnetic fields, thermal instability, unwanted vibrations, etc. The New Classic range maximises this highly technical and durable approach, with aluminium housings rivalled only by Statement, our flagship product. Naim chose a superior-quality aluminium, which optimally combines thermal and microphonic properties. The front panels are treated with solid 20mm-thick aluminium billets; heat sinks frame the side panels and 5mm plates cover the top and bottom surfaces of the products. The aluminium is brushed, sandblasted and anodised to guarantee unalterable beauty throughout the product 39;s life. The New Classic range can be immediately distinguished with one look and one touch, before the first note of music even plays.

Amplificator de putere Naim NAP-250

Amplificator de putere Naim NAP-250

Naim know-how Under the guidance of our Technical Director, Naim s specialist engineers have developed simple but elegant circuits, combined with our acclaimed and high-performing DR technology, guaranteeing the stable and fluid power supply so essential for superior performance. Our teams opt for the highest-quality components and perform ultra-precise measurements for an uncompromising result. A timeless design Naim products are designed to be both contemporary and timeless. Our creations forego any

Preamplificator Streamer Naim NSC-222

Preamplificator Streamer Naim NSC-222

A unique streaming platform NSC 222 incorporates the very latest Naim streaming platform. Made by our experts in Salisbury, it sets new standards in terms of its prowess, functionality and ease of use. It is designed to offer true Hi-Fi performance, with the legendary Naim sound. Play all your favourite radio stations non-stop, as well as any music you choose from Spotify Connect, Apple Music, TIDAL, TIDAL Connect, Qobuz, AirPlay 2, Chromecast, UPnP servers, USB key, Roon Ready, and more. Easy App cont

Sursa de alimentare Naim NPX-300PS

Sursa de alimentare Naim NPX-300PS

NPX 300 The NPX 300 powers your system in a silent, fluid way, allowing the preamplifier to concentrate on its main task: controlling the signal. In addition to improving the performance of the NSC 222 preamplifier and streamer, the NPX 300 can be used to upgrade several Naim products, lending them immense flexibility over time. It is also possible to add two NPX 300 power supplies to a single preamplifier or a single source. The first can be dedicated to powering the digital sections, and the second to

Amplificator de putere Naim NAP 350

Amplificator de putere Naim NAP 350

Naim know-how Under the guidance of our Technical Director, our engineers have developed specific circuits, combined with our acclaimed and high-performing DR technology, guaranteeing the stable and fluid power supply so essential for superior performance. The best audiophile components, such as the NA009 transistors from the Statement system, a new current source as well as polystyrene capacitors for low dielectric absorption have been chosen to heighten the quality of the NAP 350. Perfect integration

HDD Server Naim Uniti Core

HDD Server Naim Uniti Core

Uniti desing modern + sunet de exceptie ! Naim Uniti Core este conceput si fabricat in Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii. Seria Uniti are un design modern inspirat de amplificatorul Naim Statement. Seria propune aparate all-i-one cu un sunet rafinat si autoritar, demn de seriile high-end. Naim Uniti Core este un server muzical de exceptie. Este echipat cu unitate CD-Audio optimizata pentru ripping - poate stoca peste 100,000 de melodii la calitate maxima. Sistemul de operare este custom, optimizat p

Network Player Naim ND 555

Network Player Naim ND 555

Playerul nostru de retea de referinta este pur si simplu cea mai buna componenta sursa pe care am dezvoltat-o vreodata. Bazandu-se pe zeci de ani de experienta in inginerie digitala si analogica, ND 555 imbina noua noastra platforma inovatoare de streaming cu tehnologia analogica clasica Naim. Dispune de un procesor SHARC pe 40 de biti cu procesare avansata a semnalelor, un subsasiu suspendat din alama pentru a izola circuitele critice pentru sunet de vibratii si cea mai buna sursa de alimentare externa p

Sursa Naim XPS DR

Sursa Naim XPS DR

Naim - Muzicalitate la superlativ Fiecare produs Naim este conceput, proiectat si realizat pentru a oferi cel mai bun sunet, dezvaluind o experienta muzicala pura extrem de aproapiata de sursa originala live. Credem ca explorarea sunetului este o aventura care va rasplateste cu o conexiune ce devine cu atat mai puternica cu cat va deplasati mai departe in substraturile muzicii. Din acest motiv, fiecare element din sistemele noastre este creat pentru a obtine o bariera de liniste absoluta in jurul sunetu

Network Player Naim ND 555 cu sursa inclusa 555 PS

Network Player Naim ND 555 cu sursa inclusa 555 PS

Playerul nostru de retea de referinta este pur si simplu cea mai buna componenta sursa pe care am dezvoltat-o vreodata. Bazandu-se pe zeci de ani de experienta in inginerie digitala si analogica, ND 555 imbina noua noastra platforma inovatoare de streaming cu tehnologia analogica clasica Naim. Dispune de un procesor SHARC pe 40 de biti cu procesare avansata a semnalelor, un subsasiu suspendat din alama pentru a izola circuitele critice pentru sunet de vibratii si cea mai buna sursa de alimentare externa p

Preamplificator Naim NAC 332

Preamplificator Naim NAC 332

Naim know-how Under the leadership of our Technical Director, our engineers have developed specific electronic circuits to give the New Classic products superior performance. The best components have been chosen for NAC 332 and are mounted on printed circuit boards with metallic holes for increased quality. The architecture of the Statement volume knob has been used. Added to this are a high-performance transistor and balanced outputs that preserve sound quality over long distances and allow rack instal

Streamer si DAC Naim ND5 XS 2

Streamer si DAC Naim ND5 XS 2

Naim - Muzicalitate la superlativ Fiecare produs Naim este conceput, proiectat si realizat pentru a oferi cel mai bun sunet, dezvaluind o experienta muzicala pura extrem de aproapiata de sursa originala live. Credem ca explorarea sunetului este o aventura care va rasplateste cu o conexiune ce devine cu atat mai puternica cu cat va deplasati mai departe in substraturile muzicii. Din acest motiv, fiecare element din sistemele noastre este creat pentru a obtine o bariera de liniste absoluta in jurul sunetu

Sursa de alimentare Naim NPX TT

Sursa de alimentare Naim NPX TT

Naim know-how Under the leadership of our Technical Director, our engineers have developed specific electronic circuits to give the New Classic products superior performance. The best audiophile components have been chosen and highly precise measurements to achieve an uncompromising result. Paired with the NVC TT, NPX TT provides even cleaner power to enhance the sound. A timeless design Naim products are designed to be both contemporary and timeless. Our creations forgo any unnecessary adornments th

Amplificator de putere Naim NAP 300 DR cu sursa 300 PS inclusa

Amplificator de putere Naim NAP 300 DR cu sursa 300 PS inclusa

Amplificatorul de putere NAP 300 incorporeaza toate progresele realizate de fratii sai si adopta configuratia radicala cu doua cutii a fratelui sau mai mare, NAP 500: o cutie gazduieste circuitele de amplificare, in timp ce o alta - 300 PS - gazduieste componentele sursei de alimentare. De asemenea, dispune de noii tranzistori Naim Audio NA009 de mare calibru, dezvoltati pentru seria 500. Intrari analogice: 2x XLR Impedanta de intrare: 18kΩ Castig: +29dB Raspunsul in frecventa: -3dB la 2Hz si 70kHz I

Phono Stage Naim StageLine MC

Phono Stage Naim StageLine MC

Poate ca nu construim o placa turnanta, dar avem zeci de ani de experienta in a profita la maximum de magia neagra oferita de LP-ul de vinil. Fonostagiul nostru StageLine, disponibil in versiunile cu bobina mobila sau cu magnet mobil, poate fi alimentat doar de la amplificatorul nostru NAIT XS 2 sau prin intermediul propriei surse de alimentare dedicate, cum ar fi un FlatCap XS. Indiferent de modul in care il conectati si configurati, puteti fi siguri de muzicalitatea desavarsita atat de fundamentala pent

Phono Stage Naim StageLine-K MC

Phono Stage Naim StageLine-K MC

Poate ca nu construim o placa turnanta, dar avem zeci de ani de experienta in a profita la maximum de magia neagra oferita de LP-ul de vinil. Fonostagiul nostru StageLine, disponibil in versiunile cu bobina mobila sau cu magnet mobil, poate fi alimentat doar de la amplificatorul nostru NAIT XS 2 sau prin intermediul propriei surse de alimentare dedicate, cum ar fi un FlatCap XS. Indiferent de modul in care il conectati si configurati, puteti fi siguri de muzicalitatea desavarsita atat de fundamentala pent

Phono Stage Naim StageLine MM

Phono Stage Naim StageLine MM

Poate ca nu construim o placa turnanta, dar avem zeci de ani de experienta in a profita la maximum de magia neagra oferita de LP-ul de vinil. Fonostagiul nostru StageLine, disponibil in versiunile cu bobina mobila sau cu magnet mobil, poate fi alimentat doar de la amplificatorul nostru NAIT XS 2 sau prin intermediul propriei surse de alimentare dedicate, cum ar fi un FlatCap XS. Indiferent de modul in care il conectati si configurati, puteti fi siguri de muzicalitatea desavarsita atat de fundamentala pent
