Deschiere site producator: https: statement New Linear Power Architecture Partnering once again with Dr. Sean Jacobs, a new power supply architecture was designed exclusively for the Statement. The power supply is distributed between two enclosures, with one enclosure containing the AC DC conversion stage and the other containing the regulation stage together with the server components. The advantage is clear: regulated clean power traverses a very short path, soldered point to point, with the least impedance and exposure to EMI. This is superior in efficiency compared to a traditional architecture where a separate power supply is used - regulated clean power needs to go through more obstacles of internal cabling, output connectors, cable, input connectors and more internal cable before it reaches its destination. While the use of OCXO clocks is not new, the way they are powered and the layout of the board has proven to be extremely important for their performance. As an example, dozens of USB controllers were analysed in terms of how they were powered and clocked so that they allowed this control to be done externally. The USB Controller is regulated by no less than 3 ultra-low noise regulators, one per independent voltage. Keeping the clock very close to the controllers, via a dedicated track on the board itself, helps to avoid the losses in signal quality that come with the use of external clock units. 8 Independent Linear PSU Rails Each critical component of the server receives its own dedicated power supply from one of the 8 independent power rails, further preventing component cross-contamination. Of particular note is the use of a dedicated power supply for each of the Ethernet and USB high-precision OCXO clocks, ensuring these clocks work at their best. Custom-designed Motherboard The motherboard has been fully EMI-optimised to our own exclusive design by, removing any unnecessary, noise-generating components capable of compromising audio. A fully-customised BIOS ensures the hardware works at its lowest noise without impairing performance. Further EMI treatment is then applied to the motherboard so that EMI is absorbed rather than reflected to other components. Custom-designed Ethernet and USB Re-clocker Not fully satisfied with existing USB and Ethernet re-clocking designs, Innuos designed in-house their own boards for this purpose. At the heart of the design are 3 principles: The use of very high-precision OCXO clocks for timing the signals, extreme care in powering important components preventing cross-contamination, and extremely short paths between components. While the use of OCXO clocks is not new, the way they are powered and the layout of the board has proven to be extremely important for their performance. As an example, dozens of USB controllers were analysed in terms of how they were powered and clocked so that they allowed this control to be done externally. The USB Controller is regulated by no less than 3 ultra-low noise regulators, one per independent voltage. Keeping the clock very close to the controllers, via a dedicated track on the board itself, helps to avoid the losses in signal quality that come with the use of external clock units. 10mm CNC-machined Aluminium Chassis Housed in a casing of 10mm-thick CNC-machined aluminium, the Statement is not just a pretty face. The thick metal enclosure helps to isolate external EMI, and its weight helps dampen harmful vibration into the system. By using a double-enclosure design, it also helps to contain the vibration effects of the massive 540VA toroidal transformer at its heart.
Server innuOS cu conectivitate excelenta, flexibilitate extinsa si toate beneficiile innuOS. Ideal pentru o integrare facila in sistemele multi camera sau pentru aceia dintre dumneavoastra care vor sa faca primul pas catre un server audio dedicat. , Ripper CD, NAS si Streamer , Design compact, echipament silentios, fara ventilatoare , Include atat iesiri digitale cat si analog , Poate fi folosit si ca nucleu Roon , Componente audio personalizate , Upgrade optional - sursa liniara de pute
ZEN Mk3 este un salt in calitate audio de la ZENmini, avand integrata alimentare de putere liniara duala, porturi ethernet izolate duale si picioare asimetrice anti vibratii. ZEN Mk3 reprezinta un etalon pentru un raport perfect pret calitate in lumea audio digitala. , Placa de baza nou dezvoltata cu EMI redus , 2 x Porturi ethernet pentru LAN si Streamer cu transformatoare izolate dedicate , Etaj de alimentare dual liniar cu tranzistoare ultra low noise si condensatori Nichicon MUSE , 8GB RAM
Un nou progres al seriei ZEN, ZENith este un nou etalon incluzand un PSU triplu liniar cu condensatori Mundorf si SSD custom. Ideal pentru audiofili ce doresc un sunet mai fin, mai relaxat dar si cu un soundstage mai mare. , Placa de baza nou dezvoltata cu EMI redus , 2 x Porturi ethernet pentru LAN si Streamer cu transformatoare izolate dedicate , Etaj de alimentare tri-liniar cu tranzistoare ultra low noise si condensatori premium Mundorf , 8GB RAM cu 4GB In-Memory playback , Picioare asi
Sursa de alimentare liniara - upgrade pentru imbunatatirea calitatii sunetului, intr-o carcasa cu design compatibil. LPSU imbunatateste suplimentar player-ul ZENmini aducandu-l in teritoriul audiofiliei cu un soundstage mai mare si mai adanc. POWER Mains Supply 230V AC 115V AC - Internal Linear Power Supply DC Output DC 16V, 3A maximum Connector 2.5 x 5.5mm barrel plug PHYSICAL Dimensions 74 x 214 x 240 mm (H x W x D) Weight 4 Kg In the box Innuos ZENmini LPSU DC Connection cable with barrel
Noul Leema Sirius este un sistem de streaming de muzica de inalta calitate, care ofera o solutie de inalta performanta pentru stocarea si redarea muzicii digitale. Dezvoltat in parteneriat cu Innuos, inginerii ex BBC de la Leema au combinat performanta audiofila cu confortul unui server muzical compatibil UPNP DNLA. Sirius este cea mai recenta editie a gamei de produse Constellation a companiei Leema. Dispune de o multime de componente audio de inalta calitate, centrate pe o placa de baza principala de
Crystal-clear easy-read OLED display Half-width design is easy to locate anywhere in the home Available in 2 or 5 TB storage capacities Aluminium front and top panel with brushed finish Easy operation from the front panel buttons (+ app control) 2 mm-thick steel sheet chassis to minimise vibration Dedicated PLAYER and LAN ports for better sound quality 3x USB 2.0 compatible with USB DACs, USB CD drives and USB storage (HDD or Flash memory). Fan-less design
Uniti desing modern + sunet de exceptie ! Naim Uniti Core este conceput si fabricat in Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii. Seria Uniti are un design modern inspirat de amplificatorul Naim Statement. Seria propune aparate all-i-one cu un sunet rafinat si autoritar, demn de seriile high-end. Naim Uniti Core este un server muzical de exceptie. Este echipat cu unitate CD-Audio optimizata pentru ripping - poate stoca peste 100,000 de melodii la calitate maxima. Sistemul de operare este custom, optimizat p
Rode X Streamer X interfata audio video pentru streaming
KIT Complet Audio-Video: Rode Streamer X cu Podmic si accesorii
Kit Complet Audio-Video: Rode Streamer X cu microfon Boya si accesorii
Melco N1 a fost cercetat si dezvoltat de la zero, incorporand un nou sasiu din aluminiu, cu grosimea de pana la 5 mm, o noua placa de baza, sursa de alimentare liniara interna de inalta calitate si zgomot redus si conectivitate extinsa de calitate. Aceste aspecte contribuie la cresterea performantei, pastrand in acelasi timp cel mai important obiectiv: calitatea sunetului de neegalat. N1 imbunatateste fantasticele produse de N1ZS si N10 Melco, incorporand tehnologiile invatate si dezvoltate la nivelul ur
Streamer EverSolo DMP-A8 Dupa succesul fulminant al predecesorului DMP-A6, Eversolo prezinta un nou produs de top in aceasta gama, DMP-A8 . Impresionant de versatil, DMP-A8 este un dac, streamer, digital-audio-player si un preamplificator de inalta performanta. Acest model poate decoda toate formatele high-resolution disponibile pe piata, de la Flac , Wav , Ape pana la DSD512 stereo multichannel etc. Redati muzica direct prin streaming si bucurați-va de o calitate excelentă a sunetului, to
Crystal-clear easy-read OLED display Half-width design is easy to locate anywhere in the home Available in 2 or 5 TB storage capacities Aluminium front and top panel with brushed finish Easy operation from the front panel buttons (+ app control) 2 mm-thick steel sheet chassis to minimise vibration Dedicated PLAYER and LAN ports for better sound quality 3x USB 2.0 compatible with USB DACs, USB CD drives and USB storage (HDD or Flash memory). Fan-less design
Cu multi ani de cercetare in spate, VEGA G1 Streaming DAC transforma clasicul AURALiC VEGA intr-un dispozitiv de ultima generatie, cu puterea de a-ti revigora experienta audio digitala. Un favorit de multa vreme pentru sunetul sau muzical frumos, VEGA nu mai este doar un DAC - este, de asemenea, un streamer cu functii complete, capabil sa se conecteze la surse locale si online de muzica digitala de inalta rezolutie. Acest lucru face ca VEGA G1 sa ai tot ce ai nevoie pentru a accesa melodiile tale preferat
The MU1 is the ultimate digital music source. Combined with the LS1, it forms a peerlessly elegant High-End audio system. We wanted to develop the most accurate audio source we could imagine. In our experience, the human hearing system shows an incredible sensitivity to anomalies. Even unimaginably small aberrations appear to be audible. In principle, digital audio does offer perfect reproduction. Its sonic quality, however, is limited by the implementation accuracy of the physical and mathematical laws