Drum Lexmark 50F0ZA0, black, 60 k, MS310d , MS310dn , MS312dn , MS410d , MS410dn , MS415dn , MS510dn , MS510dtn with 3 year Exchange Service , MS610de , MS610dn , MS610dte , MX310dn , MX410de , MX510de , MX511de , MX511dhe , MX511dte , MX611de , MX611dhe
Unitate de imagine Lexmark 74C0ZK0, negru (black), original, 150.000 pagini este un component esential pentru sistemul de imprimare Lexmark, care va ofera o calitate superioara a imaginii, o fiabilitate pe termen lung si o sustenabilitate superioara. Aceasta unitate de imagine este conceputa pentru a functiona perfect cu modelele de imprimante Lexmark compatibile, asigurand o performanta optima, o stabilitate si o durabilitate. Cu o capacitate de 150.000 pagini, aceasta unitate de imagine va reduce costur
Unitate imagine Lexmark 24B6025 100 K pentru M XM51xx, XM71xx
Unitate de imagine Lexmark 58D0Z00, negru, original, 150.000 pagini este un produs de inalta calitate, conceput pentru a asigura o performanta optima a imprimantelor Lexmark din seriile MS, MX, B, MB, M si XM. Aceasta unitate de imagine contine componentele esentiale pentru transferul imaginii pe hartie, cum ar fi cilindrul fotoconductor si rolele de transfer. Se recomanda sa inlocuiti unitatea de imagine la fiecare 150.000 de pagini imprimate, pentru a preveni deteriorarea imprimantei si a mentine calita
Imaging unit Lexmark 74C0Z10, black, 150 K, CS720de CS720dte CS725de CS725dte CX725de CX725dhe CX725dthe
Drum Lexmark 56F0Z0E, black, 60 k, MX521de, MS421dw, MS521dn, MX521ade ,MX622ade, MS621dn, MX522adhe, MS622de, MX622adhe, MS321dn, MX321adw,MX321adn, MS421dn, MX421ade.
Drum Lexmark 56F0Z00 , black , 60k, Return programme BMX521de,MB2442adwe,X521ade,MX321adw,MX522adhe,MX321adn,MS331dn,MB2338ad w,B2442dw,B2650dn,B2546dw,MB2546adwe
Drum Lexmark 55B0ZA0, black, 40 k, Compatibl cu MS431dn , MX431adn
Drum Lexmark B220Z00, negru, 12 k, B2236dw, MB2236adw.
Drum Lexmark C540X71G, black, 30 k, C540n , C543dn , C544dn , C544dtn , C544dw , C544n , C546dtn , X543dn , X544dn , X544dtn , X544dw , X544n , X546dtn , X548de , X548de Statoil , X548dte , XS544dn , XS548de
Drum Lexmark 78C0ZK0, black , 125k, Return programme C2240 C2325dw C2425dw C2535dw CS421dn CS521dn CS622de CX421adn CX522ade CX622ade CX625ade CX625adhe MC2325adw MC2425adw MC2535adwe MC2640adwe
Drum Lexmark 52D0ZA0, black, 100 k, MS710dn , MS711dn , MS810de , MS810dn , MS810dtn , MS810n , MS811dn , MS811dtn , MS811n , MS812de , MS812dn , MS812dtn , MX710de , MX710dhe , MX711de , MX711dhe , MX810dfe , MX810dme , MX810dpe , MX810dxfe , MX810dxme , MX810dxpe , MX811dfe , MX811dme , M
Drum Lexmark 52D0Z00, black, 100 k, MS710dn , MS711dn , MS810de , MS810dn , MS810dtn , MS810n , MS811dn , MS811dtn , MS811n , MS812de , MS812dn , MS812dtn , MX710de , MX710dhe , MX711de , MX711dhe , MX810dfe , MX810dme , MX810dpe , MX810dxfe , MX810dxme , MX810dxpe , MX811dfe , MX811dme , M
Drum Lexmark 58D0Z0E, black,150 k, compatibil cu MS725dvn MS821dn MS821n MS822de MS823dn MS823n MS825dn MS826de MX721ade MX721adhe MX722ade MX722adhe MX725adve MX822adxe MX824ade MX826ade MX826adxe
Drum Lexmark Lexmark 78C0ZV0, black and color , 125k, Return programme C2240 C2325dw C2425dw C2535dw CS421dn CS521dn CS622de CX421adn CX522ade CX622ade CX625ade CX625adhe MC2325adw MC2425adw MC2535adwe MC2640adwe
Drum Lexmark 70C0Z10, black, 40 k, C2132 , CS310dn , CS310n , CS410dn , CS410dtn , CS410n , CS510de , CS510dte , CX310dn , CX310n , CX410de , CX410de with 3 year Onsite Service , CX410dte , CX410e , CX510de , CX510de Statoil , CX510dhe , CX510dthe , XC2130 , XC2132