Custom handbuilt moving coil cartridges with the coil of a GRASSHOPPER III and the frontpole and suspension of the GRASSHOPPER IV: the best cartridge available for its price. The FROG is available in three versions: Standard Version: Output 0.65 mV channel, matched crystal copper-wire coils and extra magnet modification Gold Version: Output 0.65 mV channel, matched crystal gold-wire coils and extra magnet modification High Ouput Version: Output 2.25 mV channel, matched crysta
Special customer demands specifications: Thanks to the many variations in materials available, it is always possible to build a unit to match the personal demands of the customer. With these personalized cartridges the wooden container can mention the name of the customer it has been specially built for. This option is exclusively available for The CANARY, The GRASSHOPPER III series, The GRASSHOPPER IV, The GRASSHOPPER BEAUTY , The CONDOR and The COLIBRI versions. The customer demands specificati
GLA Version: A custom handbuilt moving coil cartridge featuring: G matched crystal Gold coils L Low output (0.6 mV channel) A Alnico magnet Special customer demands specifications: Thanks to the many variations in materials available, it is always possible to build a unit to match the personal demands of the customer. With these personalized cartridges the wooden container can mention the name of the customer it has been specially built for. This option is exclusively availab
SLA Version: A custom handbuilt moving coil cartridge featuring: S matched crystal Silver coils L Low output (0.6 mV channel) A Alnico magnet Special customer demands specifications: Thanks to the many variations in materials available, it is always possible to build a unit to match the personal demands of the customer. With these personalized cartridges the wooden container can mention the name of the customer it has been specially built for. This option is exclusively avail
A custom handbuilt moving coil cartridge with VDH-type 1 tip, boron cantilever, matched crystal silver-wire coils and 0.65 mV channel. The designation Special in this cartridge s name indicates important improvements over its previous version: The cartridge is equipped with a thicker frontpole and an extra small magnet, both further enhancing its resolution capabilities and output voltage.
A custom handbuilt moving coil cartridge; Special selected version of the MC - 10 Special with 0.65 mV channel. The designation Special in this cartridge s name indicates important improvements over its previous version: The cartridge is equipped with a thicker frontpole and an extra small magnet, both further enhancing its resolution capabilities and output voltage.
A custom handbuilt moving coil cartridge; High output version of the MC - ONE Special with 2.25 mV channel and matched crystal copper-wire coils. The designation Special in this cartridge s name indicates important improvements over its previous version: The cartridge is equipped with a thicker frontpole and an extra small magnet, both further enhancing its resolution capabilities and output voltage.
Our top model custom handbuilt phono cartridge, featuring matched crystal silver coils and 0.50 mV channel output. The WHITE BEAUTY Special-X is a resolution improved version of the GRASSHOPPER IV GLA, which refinements were only possible to be created after having switched to the entirely metal free and extremely revealing The THIRD loudspeaker cable in Mr. van den Hul s audio system. The WHITE BEAUTY Special-X s refined body is made of white PolyCarbonate with about the same construction as th
Our top model custom handbuilt phono cartridge, featuring matched crystal copper coils and 2.25 mV channel output. The WHITE BEAUTY Special-X HO is a resolution improved High Output version of the GRASSHOPPER IV GLA, which refinements were only possible to be created after having switched to the entirely metal free and extremely revealing The THIRD loudspeaker cable in Mr. van den Hul s audio system. The WHITE BEAUTY Special-X HO s refined body is made of white PolyCarbonate with about the same
Filtru audio Van den Hul The White Dwarf The WHITE DWARF is a small but sophisticated single outlet noise filter specially intended for (low power) A V equipment with a current consumption of up to 2 Amperes (approximately 460 Watts). Containing not less than 6 functional filtering stages between input and output, The WHITE DWARF effectively acts as a firewall between the raw noise ridden mains power from your AC outlets and your equipment. It cuts mains noise and provides high frequency isolation from
Niagara 1200 aduce avantajele managementului energiei extrem de optimizat pentru mult mai multi iubitori de muzica si inlocuieste modelul Niagara 1000 care a fost primit uimitor de bine. Cea mai evidenta diferenta intre Niagara 1000 si 1200, in afara de superba finisare stralucitoare texturata a lui 1200, este forma universal mai utila si greutatea surprinzator de substantiala. 1200 poate acum sta pe un raft ca o componenta, cu toate cablurile de intrare si iesire in spate. Poate fi folosita cu fata in
PowerQuest 3 8 prize 2 x 4K 8K priza de filtrare liniara optimizata video 2 x priza de curent mare 4 x prize filtrare liniara Dimensiuni: 39.29cm Lungime x 8.00cm latime x 18.79cm Inaltime Imbunatateste-ti experienta de divertisment audio si video cu PowerQuest . Filtrarea noastra de putere elimina mai mult zgomot si denaturarea decat majoritatea aparatelor din gama, imbunatatind dramatic performantele sistemului. Spre deosebire de protectiile de supratensiune traditionale, supresia de
PowerQuest 2 6 prize 1 x 4K 8K priza de filtrare liniara optimizata video 1 x priza de curent mare 4 x prize filtrare liniara Dimensiuni: 39.29cm Lungime x 8.00cm latime x 15.29cm Inaltime Imbunatateste-ti experienta de divertisment audio si video cu PowerQuest . Filtrarea noastra de putere elimina mai mult zgomot si denaturarea decat majoritatea aparatelor din gama, imbunatatind dramatic performantele sistemului. Spre deosebire de protectiile de supratensiune traditionale, supresia de
Problema: Toate dispozitivele de calcul - laptopuri, smartphone-uri, dispozitive de stocare in retea atasata (unitati NAS), servere media, etc. - genereaza in mod inerent o cantitate semnificativa de zgomot si rezonante parazitare. In plus, calculatoarele contribuie cu o cantitate considerabila de poluare RFI si EMI pe caile de semnal - toate acestea pot gasi cu usurinta drumul pe cablurile USB si in sistemul dvs. audio. Acest zgomot si interferenta au multe efecte negative. Circuitul digital compromis d
Suportii din otel inoxidabil SM7 Silent sunt proiectati pentru a fi utilizati attt cu boxele de podea, cat si pentru rack-uri. Usor mai mare decat SM5-urile (70 mm diametru) si mai grea, montura silentioasa se va ocupa de energia considerabila pe care difuzoarele puternice sunt capabile sa o genereze. Folosim SM7-urile cu toate boxele din sala noastra de demonstratii - si, in orice caz, Silent Mount SM7-urile imbunatatesc definirea si punerea in scena a sunetului, instrumentele de bas obtin, in special,